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英语教学新概念 版权信息

  • ISBN:7312017827
  • 条形码:9787312017827 ; 978-7-312-01782-7
  • 装帧:简裝本
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

英语教学新概念 内容简介


英语教学新概念 目录

Part Ⅰ Principles of Language Teaching
 Chapter 1 New Trends in Foreign Language Teaching and Learning
  1.1 Change in research from teaching-centered research to learning-centered research
   1.1.1 From seeking best teaching method to SLA research
   1.1.2 Focus on the language learner
   1.1.3 Learning process and description of learner language
  1.2 Change in learning content and test
   1.2.1 Language use and communicative competence
   1.2.2 Communicative language teaching(CLT)
   1.2.3 Content-based language learning
   1.2.4 Communicative testing
  1.3 Change in learning mode and resource
   1.3.1 E-learning: an important form of English language learning in the future
   1.3.2 Educational resources and English languge teaching (ELT)
  1.4 Emphasis on cultural factors
   1.4.1 What is culture?
   1.4.2 Language and culture
   1.4.3 Integrating cultural factors in language teaching
  1.5 A new model in language teaching: the constructivist model
  Questions and tasks
 Chapter 2 Views on Language and Language Learning
  2.1 Schools of linguistics and their views on language learning
   2.1.1 Traditional grammar
   2.1.2 Structural linguistics
   2.1.3 Universal grammar
   2.1.4 Functional linguistics,pragmatics and discourse analysis
   2.1.5 Cognitive linguistics
   2.1.6 Summary
  2.2 Views on language and syllabus design
   2.2.1 Learning is taken as a first principle
   2.2.2 Acquisition is taken as a first principle
   2.2.3 Language use is taken as a first principle
  2.3 What is there to learn: proficiency in a foreign language
   2.3.1 Grammatical competence
   2.3.2 Sociolinguistic competence
   2.3.3 Strategic competence
  2.4 Conclusion
  Questions and tasks
 Chapter 3 Learning Theories, Acquisition Theories and Language Teaching
  3.1 Learning theories and language teaching
   3.1.1 Behaviorism
   3.1.2 Humanism
   3.1.3 Cognitivism
   3.1.4 Constructivism
   3.1.5 Summary
  3.2 Transfer, memory and language learning
   3.2.1 Language transfer
   3.2.2 Memory
  3.3 SLA Theories and their implication for language teaching
   3.3.1 Krashen’s input hypothesis theory
   3.3.2 Schumann’s acculturation theory
   3.3.3 Multidimentional model
   3.3.4 Summary
  3.4 Conclusion: reorienting language teaching
   3.4.1 Combining learning and acquisition
   3.4.2 Combining lower-order learning and higher-order learning
 Questions and tasks
 Chapter 4 The Conversion of Foreign Language Teaching and Learning Style
 Chapter 5 Language Teacher and Learner
Part Ⅱ Practices of Language Teaching
 Chapter 6 Teaching Pronunciation, Vocabulary and Grammar
 Chapter 7 Teaching Receptive Skills—Listening and Reading
 Chapter 8 Teaching Productive Skills—Speaking and Writing
 Chapter 9 Integrating the Four Skills
 Chapter 10 Educational Technology and ELT
 Chapter 11 Learning Strategy Training
Part Ⅲ Classroom Management and Evaluation
 Chapter 12 Class Management
 Chapter 13 Lesson Planning
 Chapter 14 Language Testing