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中华茶艺(英文) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787557028442
  • 条形码:9787557028442 ; 978-7-5570-2844-2
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

中华茶艺(英文) 内容简介


中华茶艺(英文) 目录

Project 1 Learning Chinese Tea Art Task 1 Introduction to the Development History of Chinese Tea Art Vocational Ability Capable of Telling the Development History of Chinese Tea Art Task 2 Learning Tea Trees Vocational Ability Capable of Explaining the Characteristics of Tea Trees Task 3 Learning Tea Types Vocational Ability 1 Capable of Explaining the Four Major Tea Production Areas Vocational Ability 2 Capable of Explaining Six Major Tea Types Project 2 Preparation of Tea Ceremony Task 1 Hygienic Control Vocational Ability 1 Capable of Performing Environmental Hygiene by Meeting Relevant Requirements Vocational Ability 2 Capable of Completing Tea Ceremony Setting by Meeting Relevant Requirements Vocational Ability 3 Capable of Cleaning Tea Sets by Meeting Relevant Requirements Task 2 The Professional Image of Tea Ceremony Masters Vocational Ability 1 Capable of Putting on Tea Ceremony CostumesVocational Ability 2 Capable of Keeping Personal Demeanor and Personal Grooming Vocational Ability 3 Capable of Greeting Guests by Meeting Relevant Requirements Vocational Ability 4 Capable of Using Courtesy Language by Meeting Relevant Requirements Project 3 Brewing and Serving Green Tea in Glasses Task 1 Get to Know Green Tea Vocational Ability 1 Capable of Introducing Various Types of Green Tea Vocational Ability 2 Capable of Introducing the Appearances of Green Tea Vocational Ability 3 Capable of Introducing the Benefits of Green Tea Task 2 Appreciation of Green Tea Vocational Ability 1 Capable of Introducing Essential Elements of Brewing Green Tea Vocational Ability 2 Capable of Introducing the Intrinsic Properties of Green Tea Task 3 Introduction to Tea Sets Vocational Ability Capable of Introducing Tea Sets Used in Brewing and Serving Green Tea in Glasses Task 4 Demonstration of Brewing and Serving Tea Vocational Ability 1 Capable of Introducing the Steps of Brewing and Serving Green Tea in Glasses Vocational Ability 2 Capable of Demonstrating How to Brew and Serve Green Tea in Glasses Project 4 Brewing and Serving Black Tea in Covered Bowl Task 1 Get to Know Black Tea Vocational Ability 1 Capable of Introducing Various Types of Black Tea Vocational Ability 2 Capable of Introducing the Appearances of Black Tea Vocational Ability 3 Capable of Introducing the Health Benefits of Black Tea Task 2 Appreciation of Black Tea Capable of Introducing Essential Elements of Brewing Black Tea Vocational Ability 1 Vocational Ability 2 Capable of Introducing the Intrinsic Properties of Black Tea Task 3 Introduction to Tea Sets Capable of Introducing Tea Sets Used in Brewing and Serving Black Tea with Covered Bowls Vocational Ability Task 4 Demonstration of Brewing and Serving Tea Capable of Introducing the Steps of Brewing and Serving Black Tea with Covered Bow Vocational Ability 1 Capable of Demonstrating How to Brew and Serve Black Tea with Covered Bowl Vocational Ability 2 Project 5 Chinese Traditional Tea Art Task 1 Learning about Tea Ceremony of Tea Boiling in Qin and Han Dynasties Style Vocational Ability 1 Capable of Describing the Procedure of Boiling Tea in Qin and Han Dynasties Style Vocational Ability 2 Capable of Describing Utensils Used to Boil Tea in the Qin and Han Dynasties Style Vocational Ability 3 Capable of Demonstrating Tea Ceremony for Boiling Tea in the Qin and Han Dynasties Style Task 2 Learning about Tea Ceremony of Tea Brewing in Tang Dynasty Style Vocational Ability 1 Capable of Describing the Procedure of Brewing Tea in Tang Dynasty Style Vocational Ability 2 Capable of Describing Utensils Used to Brew Tea in Tang Dynasty Style Vocational Ability 3 Capable of Demonstrating Tea Ceremony for Brewing Tea in Tang Dynasty Style