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计算机英语实用教程(第2版) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787302584773
  • 条形码:9787302584773 ; 978-7-302-58477-3
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

计算机英语实用教程(第2版) 本书特色

本教材是按照《大学英语教学大纲》,为各类高校和职业学校开设的计算机英语课程而编写的,适用于计算机相关专业学生和广大从事计算机相关工作的在职人员。 本教材在对话场景的编排上以三位计算机专业大学本科生Mark、Henry和Sophie的学习生活为主要背景,他们交流的话题围绕各章主题展开,并在对话中丰富各章主题,将全书内容巧妙地联系在一起。 本教材信息量大,知识性强,注重英语的听、说、读、写、译能力的全面培养和实际应用。各章内容均分为阅读与翻译、写作、听说三大部分。 本教材采用场景式教学和体验式学习相结合的方式,教材中设计的听力、口语、阅读与翻译和写作练习融合了角色扮演、多人会话和小组讨论等行之有效的训练方法,能较好地满足课堂教学的需要。

计算机英语实用教程(第2版) 内容简介

本书是面向计算机及相关专业英语课程的教材,它全面介绍和讲解了深刻影响着我们生活的信息技术,既包括**的科研成果、业界前沿课题和发展趋势,又有计算机文化典故和名人轶事。本书信息量大,知识性强,注重英语的听、说、读、写、译能力的全面培养和实际应用。各章内容均分为读与译、模拟写作、听与说三大部分; 采用场景式教学和体验式学习相结合的方式,融合了角色扮演、多人会话和小组讨论等行之有效的训练方法。 本书适合国内各类院校计算机科学、软件工程等相关专业教学之用,也可作为其他相关专业或IT领域人员的自学参考用书。

计算机英语实用教程(第2版) 目录

Unit 1Introduction to Computers00

Part 1Reading and Translating00

Section A: Cloud Computing 00

Section B: The Internet of Things00

Part 2Simulated Writing: Uncovering the Secrets of Clear Writing (I)0

Part 3Listening and Speaking0

Dialogue: Buying a New Notebook Computer0

Listening Comprehension: Quantum Computer0

Dictation: John von Neumann0

Unit 2Hardware for Systems0

Part 1Reading and Translating0

Section A: Random Access Memory (RAM): The Genius of Memory0

Section B: Touch Screen Technology: How the Screen Is So Smart0

Part 2Simulated Writing: Uncovering the Secrets of Clear Writing (II)0

Part 3Listening and Speaking0

Dialogue: How Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Readers Work 0

Listening Comprehension: Moores Law 0

Dictation: Sensors Get Data We Never Had Before 0

Unit 3Software for Systems0

Part 1Reading and Translating0

Section A: Web Apps and Mobile Apps0

Section B: Cloud Software0

Part 2Simulated Writing: Communicating with Email and Memos (Ⅰ)0

Part 3Listening and Speaking0

Dialogue: Making an Electronic Album Using Multimedia Editing

Software 0

Listening Comprehension: IDE0

Dictation: Open Source Software 0

Unit 4Operating Systems0

Part 1Reading and Translating0

Section A: Roles of an Operating System0

Section B: Mobile versus Desktop Operating Systems0

Part 2Simulated Writing: Communicating with Email and Memos (Ⅱ)0

Part 3Listening and Speaking0

Dialogue: Talking about Operating Systems 0

Listening Comprehension: Android0

Dictation: Linus Torvalds and the Software Nobody Knows 0

Unit 5Computer Programing0

Part 1Reading and Translating0

Section A: Web Application Development0

Section B: Mobile App Development0

Part 2Simulated Writing: Communicating with Social Media0

Part 3Listening and Speaking0

Dialogue: Getting to Know Java Runtime Environment (JRE) and

Java Virtual Machine (JVM)0

Listening Comprehension: Writing the Code

Dictation: Agile Software Development

Unit 6Database

Part 1Reading and Translating

Section A: Normalization: Ensuring Data Consistency

Section B: NoSQL Databases

Part 2Simulated Writing: Using Presentation Software to Write

Part 3Listening and Speaking

Dialogue: Why is Big Data a Challenge

Listening Comprehension: Data Mining

Dictation: Data Warehouse

Unit 7Computer Network

Part 1Reading and Translating

Section A: OSI Reference Model: The Driving Force behind

Network Communications

Section B: Ethernet (802.3)

Part 2Simulated Writing: Writing Professional Letters (Ⅰ)

Part 3Listening and Speaking

Dialogue: Setting up Wireless Network

Listening Comprehension: IPv6

Dictation: Router

Unit 8The Internet and World Wide Web

Part 1Reading and Translating

Section A: Social Networking

Section B: 5G Internet: Transforming the Global Business Landscape

Part 2Simulated Writing: Writing Professional Letters (Ⅱ)

Part 3Listening and Speaking

Dialogue: Knowing the Myths about the Internet

Listening Comprehension: How a WorldShaking Technology Came About:

Tim BernersLee Invents the World Wide Web

Dictation: How Web Search Engines Work

Unit 9Ecommerce

Part 1Reading and Translating

Section A: How to Use Online AI—Artificial Intelligence for


Section B: Ecommerce Lessons for Why Amazon is so Successful

Part 2Simulated Writing: Writing for Employment (Ⅰ)

Part 3Listening and Speaking

Dialogue: Protecting Buyers Privacy with Online Payment Services

Listening Comprehension: Social Commerce

Dictation: Mobile Payments

Unit 10Computer Security and Privacy

Part 1Reading and Translating

Section A: Ways to Protect Your Personal Information Online

Section B: Using Computer Forensics against Cybercrime

Part 2Simulated Writing: Writing for Employment (Ⅱ)

Part 3Listening and Speaking

Dialogue: Using Antivirus Software

Listening Comprehension: Hacker and Cracker

Dictation: Trojan Horses

Unit 11Software Engineering

Part 1Reading and Translating

Section A: How Software Engineering Works

Section B: Testers and Programmers Working Together

Part 2Simulated Writing: Progress Report

Part 3Listening & Speaking

Dialogue: Using ObjectOriented Analysis and Design Method

Listening Comprehension: Extreme Programming

Dictation: Unified Modeling Language (UML)

Unit 12Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Part 1Reading and Translating

Section A: Benefits and Risks of Artificial Intelligence

Section B: Deep Learning, Machine Learning, and AI

Part 2Simulated Writing: Meeting Minutes

Part 3Listening and Speaking

Dialogue: Artificial Intelligence

Listening Comprehension: Supervised Learning

Dictation: Unsupervised Learning






计算机英语实用教程(第2版) 作者简介

