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小型水利水电工程碾压式土石坝设计规范SL189-2013 Replace SL 189-96

小型水利水电工程碾压式土石坝设计规范SL189-2013 Replace SL 189-96

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小型水利水电工程碾压式土石坝设计规范SL189-2013 Replace SL 189-96 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787517061281
  • 条形码:9787517061281 ; 978-7-5170-6128-1
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

小型水利水电工程碾压式土石坝设计规范SL189-2013 Replace SL 189-96 内容简介

《小型水利水电工程碾压式土石坝设计规范》共10章 条、1个附录,主要包括以下内容: ——规定了规程编制目的和适用范围; ——对坝址、枢纽布置、坝型选择以及应遵循的原则作了规定; ——对填筑材料的选择原则及填筑标准作了规定; ——规定了坝体结构设计、基础处理的工作内容、原则及要求; ——规定了坝体设计中的计算内容、方法及要求; ——规定了坝体加高、加固的原则、方法与要求; ——附录部分对波浪和护坡的计算等做了规定。

小型水利水电工程碾压式土石坝设计规范SL189-2013 Replace SL 189-96 目录

Introduction to English Version
1 General Provisions
2 Terms and Symbols
2.1 Terms
2.2 Symbols
3 Dam Site Selection and Complex Layout
3.1 Dam Site Selection
3.2 Complex Layout
4 Dam Type Selection
5 Filling Materials and Compaction Requirements
5.1 Filling Materials
5.2 Compaction Requirements
6 Dam Structure
6.1 Zoning of Dam
6.2 FreeboardofDamCrest
6.3 Details of Dam Crest
6.4 Dam Slope
6.5 Impervious Zone
6.6 Fdter Zone and Transition Zone
6.7 DrainageofEmbankment
6.8 Slope Protection
6.9 Dam Surface Drainage
6.10 Connection of Embankment with Foundation, Bank Slope and Other Structures
6.11 Overflow Earth - rockfill Dam
7 Dam Foundation Treatment
7.1 General Requirements
7.2 Treatment of Sand and Gravel Foundation
7.3 Treatment of Easily Liquefiable Soil Foundation
7.4 Treatment of Soft Soil Foundation
7.5 Treatment of Collapsible Loess Dam Foundation
7.6 Treatment of Rock Foundation
8 Calculations for Earth-Rockfill Dams
8.1 Seepage Flow Calculation
8.2 Stability Calculation
8.3 Settlement Calculation
9 Dam Heightening and Reinforcing
9.1 Dam Heightening
9.2 Dam Reinforcing
10 Safety Monitoring Design
Annex A Wave and Slope Protection Computation
Explanation of Wording

小型水利水电工程碾压式土石坝设计规范SL189-2013 Replace SL 189-96 节选

  《小型水利水电工程碾压式土石坝设计规范(英文版 SL 189-2013)》:  3.2.2 The dam axis and dam type shall be determined according to the topographic and geological conditions with the complex layout and other factors taken into consideration.  A straight line should be selected for the dam axis, and a curved line should be arranged at the turning point if a turn is needed.Bank slopes on both ends of the dam axis shall have sufficient height and thickness, and gentle slopes should be chosen for dam abutments.  3.2.3 Water release structures shall be able to satisfy the application conditions and requirements specified in the design.The flood discharge capability shall satisfy the requirements of discharging the design flood and check flood as well as the requirements of sediment flushing, floatage passing and drift ice passing.  3.2.4 Layout of water release structures shall be selected subject to comprehensive comparison of topographic and geological conditions, flood discharge scale, water head and sediment prevention requirements.When topographic condition is favorable, open spillway should be preferred.  3.2.5 The spillway should be arranged on the natural col.If there is no natural cold the spillway may be arranged at the location near the abutment.Reliable protective measures shall be taken for the dam slope near the spillway inlet, reliable energy dissipation measures shall be taken for the outlet, and the dissipated flow shall not scour dam toe and bank slope.Dam surface overflow may be adopted if there is indeed no condition for layout as mentioned above.  3.2.6 The spillway should be arranged in a straight line.If any bending spillway is required, the bend should be arranged at the aterinlet canal section and/or outlet canal section, and the turning radius should not be less than 5 times of canal bottom width.  3.2.7 If no gate is arranged in the spillway, the weir crest elevation should be taken as normal pool level; if the flood control is required at downstream or the water level is required to rise after flood, the gate may be arranged in the spillway, but reliable safety precautions shall be taken.  3.2.8 The spillway should be located on the rock foundation.The soft - foundation spillway shall be constructed on the dense soil stratum.The inlet, discharge chute and outlet of spillway shall be equipped with protective facilities, and the protection scope shall be determined according to the terrain, geological conditions and anti - scour requirements.  3.2.9 Flood discharge tunnel or water conveyance tunnel should be preferentially adopted; the under - dam culvert may also be adopted, They shall be determined based on comprehensive comparison of the topography, geology, construction, cost and operation conditions.  3.2.10 The under - dam culvert should be constructed on rock foundation.If it is constructed on soft foundation, which shall be well treated.The under - dam culvert shall not be used on soft foundation where the seismic intensity is VII degree or above.  3.2.11 The axis of under - dam culvert should be consistent with the mainstream direction of the river.The culvert body  should be arranged in a straight line.  ……

小型水利水电工程碾压式土石坝设计规范SL189-2013 Replace SL 189-96 作者简介

中华人民共和国水利部, 负责保障水资源的合理开发利用,拟订水利战略规划和政策,起草有关法律法规草案,制定部门规章,组织编制国家确定的重要江河湖泊的流域综合规划、防洪规划等重大水利规划。按规定制定水利工程建设有关制度并组织实施,负责提出水利固定资产投资规模和方向、国家财政性资金安排的意见,按国务院规定权限,审批、核准国家规划内和年度计划规模内固定资产投资项目;提出中央水利建设投资安排建议并组织实施。 负责生活、生产经营和生态环境用水的统筹兼顾和保障。实施水资源的统一监督管理,拟订全国和跨省、自治区、直辖市水中长期供求规划、水量分配方案并监督实施,组织开展水资源调查评价工作,按规定开展水能资源调查工作,负责重要流域、区域以及重大调水工程的水资源调度,组织实施取水许可、水资源有偿使用制度和水资源论证、防洪论证制度。指导水利行业供水和乡镇供水工作。
