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工程经济学-(英文注释版.第15版) 版权信息

工程经济学-(英文注释版.第15版) 本书特色

  1.本书在业界是非常有影响力的一本教材;   2.本次是采用英文加中文注释的方式,有利于阅读原文;

工程经济学-(英文注释版.第15版) 内容简介

  该书是工程经济学领域的畅销教材,麻省理工学院等数十所美国大学以及英国、韩国、新加坡等很多国家的一些知名院校都将本书作为“工程经济学”课程的*主要教材。   本书系统地介绍了工程经济学的基本原则、基础概念和方法。第15版新增了大量有关绿色工程的案例和思考题,增添了新的电子数据表模型,并提供了大量习题,以让学生能熟练应用理性决策的方法去解决将来职业生涯中可能遇到的实际问题。

工程经济学-(英文注释版.第15版) 目录

chapter 1 introduction to engineering economy(工程经济学概述) 1
1.1 introduction 1
1.2 the principles of engineering economy 2
1.3 engineering economy and the design process 5
1.4 using spreadsheets in engineering economic analysis 11
1.5 summary 11
chapter 2 cost concepts and design economics(成本概念和设计经济学) 15
2.1 cost terminology 15
2.2 the general economic environment 21
2.3 cost-driven design(成本驱动设计)optimization 28
2.4 present economy studies 32
2.5 case study—the economics of daytime running lights 36
2.6 summary 37
appendix 2-a accounting fundamentals 46
chapter 3 cost-estimation techniques(成本预测技术) 52
3.1 introduction 52
3.2 an integrated approach 54
3.3 selected estimating techniques (models) 59
3.4 parametric cost estimating 63
3.5 case study—demanufacturing of computers 70
3.6 summary 72
chapter 4 the time value of money(货币的时间价值) 79
4.1 introduction 79
4.2 simple interest(单利) 80
4.3 compound interest(复利) 81
4.4 the concept of equivalence(资金有时间价值) 81
4.5 notation and cash-flow diagrams and tables 83
4.6 relating present and future equivalent values of single cashflows 86
4.7 relating a uniform series (annuity) to its present and futureequivalent values 90
4.8 summary of interest formulas and relationships for discretecompounding 97
4.9 deferred annuities (uniform series) 98
4.10 equivalence calculations involving multiple interest formulas99
4.11 uniform (arithmetic) gradient of cash flows 103
4.12 geometric sequences of cash flows 107
4.13 interest rates that vary with time 110
4.14 nominal and effective interest rates 111
4.15 compounding more often than once per year 113
4.16 interest formulas for continuous compounding and discrete cashflows 115
4.17 case study—understanding economic “equivalence” 117
4.18 summary 119
chapter 5 evaluating a single project(单一项目评估) 136
5.1 introduction 136
5.2 determining the minimum attractive rate of return (marr)137
5.3 the present worth method 138
5.4 the future worth method 143
5.5 the annual worth method 144
5.6 the internal rate of return method 147
5.7 the external rate of return method 154
5.8 the payback (payout) period method(投资回收期法) 156
5.9 case study—a proposed capital investment to improve processyield 157
5.10 summary 159
appendix 5-a the multiple rate of return problem with the irrmethod 171
chapter 6 comparison and selection among alternatives(备选方案的比较与选择)174
6.1 introduction 174
6.2 basic concepts for comparing alternatives 175
6.3 the study (analysis) period 178
6.4 useful lives are equal to the study period 178
6.5 useful lives are unequal among the alternatives 191
6.6 personal finances 199
6.7 case study—ned and larry’s ice cream company 202
6.8 postevaluation of results 204
6.9 summary 204
chapter 7 depreciation and income taxes(折旧与所得税) 223
7.1 introduction 223
7.2 depreciation concepts and terminology 224
7.3 the classical (historical) depreciation methods 226
7.4 the modified accelerated cost recovery system 229
7.5 a comprehensive depreciation example 235
7.6 introduction to income taxes 237
7.7 the effective (marginal) corporate income tax rate 239
7.8 gain (loss) on the disposal of an asset 242
7.9 general procedure for making after-tax economic analyses242
7.10 illustration of computations of atcfs 245
7.11 economic value added 252
7.12 summary 254
chapter 8 price changes and exchange rates(价格变动与汇率) 266
8.1 introduction 266
8.2 terminology and basic concepts 267
8.3 fixed and responsive annuities 271
8.4 differential price changes 274
8.5 spreadsheet application 276
8.6 foreign exchange rates and purchasing power concepts 277
8.7 case study—selecting electric motors to power an assembly line280
8.8 summary 282
chapter 9 replacement analysis

工程经济学-(英文注释版.第15版) 作者简介

  鲍海君,曾入选浙江财经学院中青年骨干教师、浙江财经学院中青年学科带头人、浙江财经学院教坛新秀、浙江省新世纪151人才工程第三层次人才等,2009年获得浙江省首届师德先进个人等,2011年获国家留学基金资助赴英国剑桥大学访问进修。 主要社会兼职有:中国人工智能学会集对分析与联系数学筹委会常务委员、国家自然基金委管理学部通讯评议专家、杭州市生态文化协会常务理事、杭州市第10届青年联合会委员、杭州易道机构副总、宁波汇信房地产评估有限公司顾问等。 主要研究领域是房地产投资与评价、项目管理、土地经济与政策等。主持或完成国家自然科学基金课题、全国教育科学十一五规划课题、教育部人文社科课题、浙江省社科重点课题、浙江省自然科学基金课题等国家级、省部级研究项目5项。已由经济管理出版社等出版2部学术著作;在《管理世界》等杂志上发表学术论文20多篇。获浙江省高校科研成果奖等多种奖项。
