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新实用汉语课本(第3版)(俄文注释)综合练习册1 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787561961674
  • 条形码:9787561961674 ; 978-7-5619-6167-4
  • 装帧:平装-胶订
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

新实用汉语课本(第3版)(俄文注释)综合练习册1 本书特色

《新实用汉语课本》是为海外成人汉语学习者编写的一套零起点综合汉语教材,是《实用汉语课本》系列的第二代产品。两代产品在国际汉语教学界的影响已有30余年。本次修订后的第3版,主要围绕几个外国人在中国的生活及他们与中国朋友和教师的友情与交往,展开一系列贴近生活、有趣的故事。教材坚持以学习者“更容易学”、教师“更方便用”为宗旨,贯彻“结构—功能—文化相结合”的理念,力图通过语言结构、语言功能和相关文化知识的学习及听说读写技能训练,培养学习者汉语的综合运用能力,特别是跨文化交际的能力。 本书为第3版**册《课本》的配套《综合练习册》(俄文注释)产品,包含了丰富的语音、词汇、句型和汉字练习及听说读写全面的技能训练。 As the second generation of the Practical Chinese Reader series, New Practical Chinese Reader (NPCR) is a series of comprehensive Chinese teaching materials for adult students in countries other than China. The two generations together have exerted an influence in the international Chinese teaching circles for over 30 years. Its third edition centers on a few international students, telling interesting stories about their life and friendship with their Chinese friends and teachers in China. The revision regarding the third edition adheres to the aim of making it “easier to learn” for students and “more convenient to use” for teachers and maintains the pedagogy of “the integration of structure, function and culture”, striving to develop students’ comprehensive use of the Chinese language, especially the ability of cross-cultural communication, through the learning of language structures, functions and relevant cultural knowledge as well as the training in listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. This is the Russian edition of Workbook 1 matching Textbook 1, including plenty of exercises on phonetics, vocabulary, sentence patterns and Chinese characters as well as training in listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.

新实用汉语课本(第3版)(俄文注释)综合练习册1 内容简介

(1)体现平衡性 结合《课本》重点生词、词组、语法点和功能文化项目,坚持听说读写译等多方面技能与交际训练均衡发展。 (2)体现实效性 练习形式多样,内容丰富实用,能切实有效地促进语言习得,提高学习者的语言能力和语言交际能力。 (3)体现交际性 多种交际性、任务型的练习设计,让学习者在做中学,用中学,使其在掌握汉语语言结构的基础上,进一步完成语言任务和交际活动。 (4)体现真实性 每课设计结合课文内容进行真实材料练习,如《人民日报》、超市海报、名片、车票等,体现真实性。 (5)体现坡度性 练习设计体现出由易到难、有机械到活用、由基本练习到引申扩展练习的坡度性,容易的安排在前面,较难的安排的后面,方便教师和学习者自由选择。

新实用汉语课本(第3版)(俄文注释)综合练习册1 作者简介

刘珣,北京语言大学教授,北京语言大学出版社汉语教材总编审。历任国家汉语水平考试委员会顾问委员会委员,国家汉办对外汉语教学学术专家咨询小组成员,世界汉语教学学会理事,美国纽约州教育厅中文教学顾问,中国人民大学、北京外国语大学聘任教授,北语校学术委员会委员和学科带头人。曾在美国俄亥俄州立大学、马里兰大学和明德学院及香港中文大学任教,并在澳大利亚、英国、加拿大、挪威、俄国、埃及、泰国、新加坡及澳门、台湾等地讲学或做学术报告。2014年获加拿大汉语教学枫叶奖。主要论著有《对外汉语教育学科初探》《对外汉语教育学引论》《对外汉语教学概论》等,主编《新实用汉语课本》《实用汉语课本》《儿童汉语》等国内外广泛使用的对外汉语教材。获国务院颁发的政府特殊津贴。刘珣,北京语言大学教授,北京语言大学出版社汉语教材总编审。历任国家汉语水平考试委员会顾问委员会委员,国家汉办对外汉语教学学术专家咨询小组成员,世界汉语教学学会理事,美国纽约州教育厅中文教学顾问,中国人民大学、北京外国语大学聘任教授,北语校学术委员会委员和学科带头人。曾在美国俄亥俄州立大学、马里兰大学和明德学院及香港中文大学任教,并在澳大利亚、英国、加拿大、挪威、俄国、埃及、泰国、新加坡及澳门、台湾等地讲学或做学术报告。2014年获加拿大汉语教学枫叶奖。主要论著有《对外汉语教育学科初探》《对外汉语教育学引论》《对外汉语教学概论》等,主编《新实用汉语课本》《实用汉语课本》《儿童汉语》等国内外广泛使用的对外汉语教材。获国务院颁发的政府特殊津贴。Liu Xun is a professor at Beijing Language and Culture University (BLCU) and a chief editor and reviewer of Chinese textbooks in Beijing Language and Cultural University Press. Mr. Liu has successively served as a member of the National HSK Advisory Committee, a member of the TCSL Expert Advisory Committee of Hanban, a board member of World Chinese Teaching Association, a consultant of Chinese teaching for the New York State Department of Education, a visiting professor in Renmin University of China and Beijing Foreign Studies University, and a member and leader of the academic committee of BLCU. He once worked as a teacher in Ohio State University, University of Maryland, Middlebury College, and The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and gave lectures or academic reports in Australia, UK, Canada, Norway, Russia, Egypt, Thailand, Singapore, Macao and Taiwan among other countries and districts. Mr. Liu has won the Canadian TCSL Maple Award in 2014. His publications include monographs such as Introduction to Chinese as a Foreign Language Pedagogy, Introduction to Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language, Brief Introduction to Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, An Overall View of Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language, and widely popular CSL textbooks such as New Practical Chinese Reader, Practical Chinese Reader, and Chinese Textbook for Children. Mr. Liu has been awarded a special government allowance by the State Council of China.
