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Marine geosciences

出版社:Science press出版时间:2021-01-01
开本: 26cm 页数: 383页
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Marine geosciences 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787030703682
  • 条形码:9787030703682 ; 978-7-03-070368-2
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

Marine geosciences 本书特色

适读人群 :海洋相关学校海洋地质学或海洋地理学专业本科生或研究生,从事海洋地质学、海洋地理学、海岸地貌学、海洋工程环境、矿产开发、海洋管理、海洋管理等领域同行,其他相关专业人员海洋学科的基本读物

Marine geosciences 内容简介

《海洋地球科学(Marine Geosciences)》系统介绍了海洋地球科学的基本知识和理论,介绍了海洋地球科学研究的*新成果和前沿进展。从基础地质学入手,重点介绍洋底形态和构造、河口海岸带沉积地貌、大陆边缘和远洋沉积,并介绍与人类生活和生产有关的海洋地质资源及海洋地质灾害。《海洋地球科学(Marine Geosciences)》图文并茂,内容丰富,材料新颖,知识结构合理,逻辑清晰,内容由点到面,由表及里,使学生在掌握海洋地球科学的基本知识和理论的前提下,对本学科有一个系统、科学的认识。

Marine geosciences 目录

Section 1 Basic Geology 1
1.1 The Earth 1
1.1.1 Interior of the Earth 1
1.1.2 Chemical Composition of the Earth 3
1.1.3 Outer Sphere of the Earth 4
1.2 Mineral 8
1.2.1 Physical Properties of Minerals 9
1.2.2 Common Minerals 11
1.3 Rock 15
1.3.1 Three Great Classes of Rocks 15
1.3.2 Igneous Rocks 15
1.3.3 Sedimentary Rocks 18
1.3.4 Metamorphic Rocks 21
1.4 Erosion and Deposition 23
1.4.1 Erosion 23
1.4.2 Geological Action of River 23
1.4.3 Weathering and Soils 25
1.4.4 Deposition 26
1.4.5 Elevations and Subsidence 26
1.5 Folds and Faults 27
1.5.1 Folds and Faults 27
1.5.2 Earthquakes 29
1.6 The Geologic Time Scale 30
1.6.1 Fossils 30
1.6.2 The Geologic Time Scale 33
1.6.3 Formulation of Geologic Time Scale 35
1.6.4 Naming of Geologic Periods, Eras and Epochs 36
Section 2 Ocean Floor Morphology 38
2.1 Introduction 38
2.2 Continental Shelf 41
2.2.1 General Features 42
2.2.2 Continental Shelf Landforms 43
2.3 Submarine Canyons 46
2.3.1 Definitions and Nomenclature 47
2.3.2 Origin of Submarine Canyons 49
2.3.3 Significance of Submarine Canyons 52
2.4 Hadel Trenches 52
2.4.1 Discovery of Oceanic Trenches 53
2.4.2 Deep Sea Trenches as Sediment Traps 54
2.4.3 Accretionary Wedge and Outer Ridge 57
2.4.4 Subduction Erosion Instead of Accretion 58
2.5 Bathymetry of Global Ocean Basins 61
2.5.1 Mapping of Ocean floor Bathymetry 61
2.5.2 Origin and Geomorphic Characteristics of Ocean Basins 64
2.5.3 Origin and Geomorphic Characteristics of Bathymetric Ocean Basins 66
2.6 Submarine Seamounts 67
2.6.1 Concepts 67
2.6.2 Submarine Geomorphology of Volcanic Islands and Seamounts 69
2.7 Mid-Ocean Ridges 72
2.7.1 General Features 72
2.7.2 Topography of the Ridges 73
2.7.3 Topography of the Transform Faults 78
2.7.4 Formation Processes 80
Section 3 Tectonics of Ocean Floor 82
3.1 Introduction 82
3.2 Mantle Plumes and Heat-pipe Tectonics 83
3.2.1 Heat-pipe Tectonics 84
3.2.2 Mantle Plume Tectonics 85
3.2.3 Pre-plate Tectonic Evolution of Early Earth 87
3.3 Terrane Tectonics and Micro-block 88
3.3.1 Terrane Tectonics 88
3.3.2 Microplate Tectonics 97
3.4 Continental Drift and Plate Tectonics 109
3.4.1 Continental Drift Hypothesis 109
3.4.2 Plate Tectonics Theory 111
3.4.3 Plate Tectonic Reconstruction 112
3.5 Subduction Factory 116
3.5.1 Subduction Zones and Island Arcs 116
3.5.2 Active Continental Margins 122
3.5.3 Subduction and Deep Carbon Cycle 123
3.6 Wilson Cycle and Supercontinent Cycle 126
3.6.1 Wilson Cycle 126
3.6.2 Supercontinent Cycle 128
Section 4 Marine Sediments 134
4.1 Major Types of Marine Sediments 134
4.2 Sediments from Source to Sink 139
4.2.1 Sources of Sediment 139
4.2.2 Sediment Transfer and Sinks 148
4.2.3 Source-to-Sink System in Marginal Sea 152
4.3 Sediment Transport and Redistribution 158
4.3.1 Sediment Routing and Forcing 160
4.3.2 The Hjulstr*m Diagram and Role of Water Velocity 163
4.4 Pelagic Sediments 166
4.4.1 Pelagic Sediment Types and Distributional Patterns 166
4.4.2 Sediment Thicknesses and Sedimentation Rates 172
4.5 Marine Sediments and Climate Change 174
4.5.1 What Makes the Climate Change? 174
4.5.2 Paleoclimate Records of Marine Sediments 176
4.5.3 The Linkage between Marine Sediments and the Earth’s Future Climate 182
4.6 Sampling of Marine Sediments 184
Section 5 Coastal Zone 187
5.1 Coastal Geomorphology 187
5.1.1 Coastal Classification 189
5.1.2 Factors Influencing Coastal Morphology and Processes 190
5.2 Sea-level Changes 191
5.2.1 Definition 191
5.2.2 Methods of Measuring Sea-level Change 193
5.2.3 Factors Affecting Sea-level Change 194
5.3 Beach and Nearshore Systems 198
5.3.1 Beach Sediments 202
5.3.2 Sediment Lateral Movement and Equilibrium Profile 204
5.3.3 The Longitudinal Movement and Budget of Sediment 206
5.3.4 Shoreline Change and the Theory 210
5.4 Rock Coasts 214
5.4.1 Features and Geomorphology 214
5.4.2 Rock Coasts Geomorphology Formation and Evolution 216
5.4.3 Factors Influencing Marine Erosion 218
5.5 Muddy Coast 221
5.5.1 Tidal Flat 222
5.5.2 Salt Marshes 223
5.5.3 Mangroves 225
5.6 Coral Reefs 228
5.6.1 Coral Organisms—Coral Polyps 228
5.6.2 Coral Divisions and Coral Reef Distribution 230
5.6.3 Environment and Control Factors 232
5.6.4 Formation and Evolution of Coral Reefs 233
5.6.5 Coral Reef Records Climate and Sea-level 234
5.6.6 Existential Status Quo, Threats and Management 236
5.7 Integrated Coastal Zone Management and Strategy 238
5.7.1 Current Situation of Comprehensive Coastal Zone Management Abroad 239
5.7.2 The Strategy of Integrated Coastal Zone Management 239
5.7.3 How to Realize Comprehensive Coastal Zone Management in China? 240
Section 6 Estuaries and Deltas 242
6.1 Basic C

Marine geosciences 节选

Section 1 Basic Geology 1.1 The Earth The Earth is the third planet from the Sun and the densest fifth-largest of the eight planets in the Solar System. The Earth started approximately 4.567 billion years ago by accretion from the solar nebula and the Earth life appeared on its surface within one billion years of its beginning. The Earth shape is similar to an oblate spheroid, a sphere flattened along the axis from pole to pole. It has a circumference of approximately 25 000 miles1 mile=1.609 344 km. (40 000 km), a polar diameter of about 7900 miles (12 714 km), and an equatorial diameter of 7927 miles (12 756 km). Nowadays, the whole Earth was studied as a system of many interacting parts and the research focuses on the changes within and between its subsystems. In this framework, the Earth is a super-organism, consisting of both some living organisms and a non-living environment that gave rise to it. The Earth has an ability to self-regulate the climate and chemistry of interconnected systems across vast distances inconceivable to humankind. Life is maintained at an optimum homeostasis (planetary equilibrium) and the biosphere itself performs this maintenance. The interactions between the Earth’s “spheres”—atmosphere,hydrosphere, cryosphere, geosphere, pedosphere, biosphere, and even magnetosphere from solar wind and high-energy particles make the Earth become a system science. Thus, this system science seeks a deeper understanding of physical, chemical, biological and human interactions that determine the past, present and future states of the Earth. 1.1.1 Interior of the Earth The three main units of the Earth’s interior are core, mantle and crust (Fig.1-1). The core diameter is about 4300 miles (6900 km), and iron and nickel are probably its chief ingredient. The core consists of an inner part that seems solid and an outer part that appears fluid. The mantle is nearly 1800 miles (2900 km) thick and makes up about 84% of the volume of the Earth. Since the volume of the core is about 16%, the crust makes up a very small part of the Earth as a whole. The mantle and crust are solid except for relatively small masses of magma that develop occasionally within a few tens of miles of the surface. Fig.1-1 The structure of the Earth On the average, the continental crust is about six times more than the oceanic crust in thickness—approximately 20 to 25 miles (32 to 40 km) vs. 3 to 4 miles (5 to 6.5 km). However, the continental crust is much thinner than the average beneath the great mountain belts. As the term has been used recently, the lithosphere is the solid outer shell of the Earth, about 35 to 60 miles (50 to 100 km) or more in thickness. The rock most abundant in the upper continental crust appears to be similar to granite in chemical composition and specific gravity (2.7 g/cm3). A heavier rock, probably similar to basalt in chemical composition and specific gravity (3.0 g/cm3), is thought to underlie the ocean floors. Thus, the continental crust differs fundamentally from the oceanic crust. In fact, the difference accounts for the existence of continents and ocean basins. By direction observation, people have access to only a very thin outer crust: the deepest mines penetrate less than 2 miles(3 km)beneath the Earth surface, and the deepest wells about 7.5 miles (12 km). However, certain rocks now exposed at the Earth surface may once have been buried several miles below it. 1.1.2 Chemical Composition of the Earth The mass of the Earth is approximately 5.965×1024 kg. It is mainly composed of iron (35%), oxygen (30%), silicon (15%), magnesium (13%), sulfur (2%), nickel (2.4%), calcium (1.1%) and aluminium (1%) with the remaining less than 1% consisting of other trace elements (Fig.12). Chemical analyses have been made for rocks of various types, and the proportions of the elements in the outer 10 mile (16 km) zone of the lithosphere have been estimated. Eight elements apparently constitute more than 98% by weight of this zone: oxygen (most abundant), silicon, aluminum, iron, calcium, sodium, potassium, and magnesium (least abundant). The mnemonic expression “Only Silly Artists in College Study Past Midnight” arranges these eight elements in the order of their relative abundances. If the materials in the atmosphere and hydrosphere are added to those of the 10 mile zone, percentages are changed only slightly. Of these eight elements, oxygen and silicon combined as silica (SiO2) make up about three-fourths of the total. Thus, the silicate minerals are the most abundant in the crust, especially the feldspars, pyroxenes, amphiboles, micas and quartz (Fig.1-2). Fig.1-2 Chemical composition of the Earth 1.1.3Outer Sphere of the Earth (1)Bedrock and Regolith The upper crust may be covered by water, unconsolidated sediments, soil and vegetation, or it may be exposed at the Earth surface. Bedrock is the solid rock that is exposed
