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品特戏剧中的权力与政治(英文) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787564237325
  • 条形码:9787564237325 ; 978-7-5642-3732-5
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

品特戏剧中的权力与政治(英文) 内容简介

本书将哈罗德﹒品特放在一个大的文学和社会背景中,从文本细读入手,结合社会背景和作家本人的生平资料与作家思想进行研究,运用福柯的权力和政治理论,从多角度分析他的早期和后期作品的权力和政治主题,探讨他的思想性和与众不同的艺术性。文章结论认为品特是一名高度负责和关注人生的艺术家,他毕生探索权力与政治以及人类生存状况,对当代政治世界和文学世界做出了伟大贡献。他的政治戏剧是他一生对如何用艺术形式表达他的政治关注的探索的结果。 本书为施赞的专著,正文使用语种为英文。

品特戏剧中的权力与政治(英文) 目录


0.1 Biographical notes on Harold Pinter
0.2 Understanding Pinter's works
0.3 Literature review of researches on Pinter's plays
0.3.1 Pinter's status in the literary world
0.3.2 Pinter as an Absurdist
0.3.3 Pinter's language
0.3.4 Freudian interpretation
0.3.5 Gender interpretation
0.3.6 Pinter's politics
0.4 The argument of the dissertation

Chapter One Pinter's political concerns in his Comedy of Menace
1.1 The general conditions after WWII
1.2 The Theatre of the Absurd
1.3 Pinter's Comedy of Menace
1.4 The significance of the Comedy of Menace

Chapter Two Pinter's small "p" politics: Struggle for Power
2.1 Micro-power in Pinter's early plays
2.1.1 Power as relationship
2.1.2 Power as a network
2.1.3 Power as subjectless and decentered and omnipresent
2.1.4 Power related to knowledge and truth
2.2 Influences on Pinter's conception of Struggle for Power
2.3 Language and Power

Chapter Three Pinter's capital "P" Politics
3.1 Pinter's political complex since his early age
3.2 Pinter and the British theatre in the 1980s and 1990s
3.3 Politics in Pinter's late plays
3.3.1 Politics in One for the Road
3.3.2 Politics in Mountain, Language
3.3.3 Politics in Party Time
3,3.4 Politics in The New World Order(1991)
3.3.5 Politics in Ashes to Ashes (1996)
3.4 Pinter's exploration of politics
3.5 Language and politics


品特戏剧中的权力与政治(英文) 节选

  《品特戏剧中的权力与政治(英文)》:  0.3.7 Studies on Pinter in China  Pinter was introduced to China in the 1980s. In spite of the intemational reputation since the 1960s and the introduction of The Birthday Party in the Chinese journal World Literature and the performance of his plays The Lover and Betrayal on the stage since the 1990s, Pinter was a stranger to many Chinese readers before he won the Nobel Prize for Literature in October 2005. In the same month, Professor Fei Chunfang introduced Harold Pinter's theme of menace in the cozy life and analyzed the challenge of Pinter‘s plays to the audience and the reason why most of Pinter‘s plays are not staged in China. Pinter‘s plays require a high standard of comprehension from the audience. However, under the high pressure in the contemporary society, most of the Chinese are unwilling to spend money on some enigmatic plays. They need something more cheerful and less difficult than Pinter‘s plays. Commercialism has also prevented the audiences from going into the theatre. The prices of the tickets are usually above the acceptability of the public.  Before 2005, Harold Pinter was usually treated as an absurdist by scholars in China. In December 1980, Shanghai Translations Press published Collected works of the Theatre of the Absurd and introduced some representative works by the masters of the Theatre of the Absurd, including Harold Pinter. Professor Zhang Dingquan and Dr. Wu Gang's book A New Concise History of English Literature (2002) classifies Harold Pinter into the Absurd tradition. They think that " The Birthday Party, his first full-length play, manifests the maturity of the writer and firmly establishes Pinter‘s name in the Theatre of the Absurd, " and that "Pinter‘s theatrical world is filled with fragmentary episodes and it lacks the unity which usually exists in many other plays. " Similar opinions about Pinter as an absurdist can also be found in articles like Li Dingqing and Wang Yong's " The Dumb Waiter and Pinter's Absurdist Art" , Yang Ge‘s " Drama in 'The Room‘" , Li Gang‘s " Exploration of Realism in Pinter‘s Absurdist Art".  After 2005, Pinter has become famous in China and drawn public attention. Shortly after the announcement of Pinter's Nobel Prize award, Mr. Deng Zhongliang published his book on Pinter, introducing Pinter‘s personal background, important thinking and major works to the Chinese readers. Not only the number of scholars and researchers has increased but also the scope of studies has become wider. Some experts on British drama, such as Professor Wang Lan, Professor Chen Hongwei, and Professor He Qixin, have done a lot of research on Pinter‘s drama and thinking.  The collaborate project conducted in Chinese by Professor Wang Lan and Professor Chen Hongwei, Contemporary English Drama, dedicates an important chapter to Harold Pinter. The two researchers consider Pinter as the most outstanding playwright in the contemporary English dramatic world. They have done a comprehensive research on Pinter's dramatic achievement and analyzed the major works, with a chapter focusing on the role of women in his plays. The project also studies Pinter theme of politics, stating that Pinter‘s political theme can be traced in his early plays and the obviously expressed political ideas in the late plays are released after the puzzling and confusing 1970s during which Pinter wrote some memory plays.  ……

品特戏剧中的权力与政治(英文) 作者简介

