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英语词语辨析百问百练 版权信息

  • ISBN:7506807459
  • 条形码:9787506807456 ; 978-7-5068-0745-6
  • 装帧:简裝本
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:385
  • 所属分类:>

英语词语辨析百问百练 内容简介

本书从中国人学英语的习惯出发,以提问和练习的方式,对英语中常用、形似、意近且容易混用的词语进行辨析,既讲解意义上的细微差别,又探求语体上的不同,并界定正确的使用场合。做到辨析清楚、见解独到、释义简明扼要、举例通俗实用,而丰富的配套练习也多以日常生活和经常接触到的事物为主,从而深化了学习内容。另外,在书后附有练习参考答案,以便于自学自查。 本书适用于大中学在校学生及广大英语学习者、爱好者,对英语教师来说也是一本良好的参考书。

英语词语辨析百问百练 目录

问1 怎样分辨ability,capability,capacity,talent
问2 怎样分辨able,capable,competent,efficient,qualified
问3 怎样分辨动above,over,on,up
问4 怎样分辨accurate,correct,exact,precise,right,true
问5 怎样分辨acquaintance,familiarity,intimacy
问6 怎样分辨act,behave,do,perform
问7 怎样分辨active,energetic,vigorous
问8 怎样分辨 affair, business, matter
问9 怎样分辨affect,effect,impress,influence,sway
问10 怎样分辨advance,proeed,progress
问11 怎样分辨 afer, in, within
问12 怎样分辨 ago, before, since
问13 怎样分辨agree on,agree to,agree to do sth,agree with
问14 怎样分辨all,each,every,whole
问15 怎样分辨allow,let,permit,promise
问16 怎样分辨 also, elther, too, as well
问17 怎样分辨 amount, number, sum, total, quantity
问18 怎样分辨announce,declare,proclaim,publish
问19 怎样分辨answer,reply,response,retort
问20 怎样分辨anxious,eager,earnest
问21 怎样分辨area,district.region,zone
问22 怎样分辨army,forces,troops
问23 怎样分辨ask,beg,demand,implore,order,request,require
问24 怎样分辨assure,ensure,guarantee,promise
问25 怎样分辨award,prize,reward
问26 怎样分辨band,belt,strap,strip,stripe,ribbon
问27 怎样分辨basic,elementary,fundamental,preliminary
问28 怎样分辨 because of, due to, on account of,owing to, thanks to
问29 怎样分辨 begin, Commence, inaugurate,initiate, Start
问30 怎样分辨belief,confidence,credence,credit,faith,trust
问31 怎样分辨believe,believein,trust
问32 怎样分辨benefit,advantage,favour,gain,profit
问33 怎样分辨besides,beyond,but,except
问34 怎样分辨blame,criticize,condemn
问35 怎样分辨bodily,corporal,physical
问36 怎样分辨 both, either, neither
问37 怎样分辨 bother, dislurb, trouble
问38 怎样分辨bring,fetch,get,take
问39 怎样分辨by,through, with
问40 怎样分辨 by,till,until,up to
问41 怎样分辨 call on, drop in, see, visit
问42 怎样分辨 can,be able to,may
问43 怎样分辨 catch,arrest,capture,seize
问44 怎样分辨 certainly, be sure, indeed, naturally, of course surely
问45 怎样分辨 character,individuality,nature, personality
问46 怎样分辨 choose,elect, pick, select, single
问47 怎样分辨clear,apparent,evident,obvious
问48 怎样分辨collect,accumulate,gather
问49 怎样分辨combine,connect,join,link,unite
问50 怎样分辨 condemn, convict, sentence
问51 怎样分辨 contrary,contradictory,opposite
问52 怎样分辨 cost, pay for, spend, take
问53 怎样分辨crop,harvest,yield
问54 怎样分辨 custom,habit,hobby
问55 怎样分辨damp,dank,humid,moist,wet
问56 怎样分辨 deal with,cope with,manage,resolve,solve,unravel
问57 怎样分辨defend,guard,protect,safeguard,shield
问58 怎样分辨defer,delay,postpone,put off
问59 怎样分辨 denote,indicate,show
问60 怎样分辨devote,consecrate,dedicate
问61 怎样分辨 dialect, accent, language, speech, tongue
问62 怎样分辨 die away, die down, die out
问63 怎样分辨 difficulty, hardship
问64 怎样分辨 discuss, argue, debate, dispute
问65 怎样分辨 dishonest, deceitful, untruthful
问66 怎样分辨distrust,mistrust,suspect
问67 怎样分辨do,execute,make,perform
问68 怎样分辨dreadful,horrible,terrible
问69 怎样分辨duty,obligation,responsibility,task
问70 怎样分辨eager,anxious,avid,keen
问71 怎样分辨elaborate,studied,labored
问72 怎样分辨emergency,crisis,exigency
问73 怎样分辨energy,force,power,strength,vigour
问74 怎样分辨equipment,apparatus
问75 怎样分辨examination,test,quiz
问76 怎样分辨excite,encourage,inspire
问77 怎样分辨experience,undergo,suffer
问78 怎样分辨 external, exterior,outer
问79 怎样分辨extract,excerpt
问80 怎样分辨 face, confront, brave, dare
问81 怎样分辨fairly,quite,rather,very
问82 怎样分辨false,wrong
问83 怎样分辨 farther, further
问84 怎样分辨 finally,at last,in the end
问85 怎样分辨finish,accomplish,complete,end,terminate
问86 怎样分辨 floor, stage, storey
问87 怎样分辨fog,haze,mist,smog
问88 怎样分辨foolish,faturous,silly,stupid
问89 怎样分辨form,figure,shape
问90 怎样分辨fragrance,odour,perfume,scent,smell
问91 怎样分辨genius, gift, talent
问92 怎样分辨 good, excellent, fine, well
问93 怎样分辨grade, class, rank
问94 怎样分辨 grasp,grab,seize,sntch
问95 怎样分辨greet,hail,salute
问96 怎样分辨 groan,moan, sigh
问97 怎样分辨 happen,befall,occur,take place
问98 怎样分辨harbour,dock,haven,port
问99 怎样分辨 harm, hurt, injur, wound
问100 怎样分辨 have to,must,ought, should
问101 怎样分辨 help,aid,assistance
问102 怎样分辨 hire,employ,let,rent
问103 怎样分辨home,family,house
问104 怎样分辨hope,desire,want,wish
问105 怎样分辨hostile,inimical,unfriendly
问106 怎样分辨humble,abase,debase,demean,disgrace humiliate,shame
问107 怎样分辨ignorant,illiterate,uneducated,unlearned
问108 怎样分辨 indeed,really,truly
问109 怎样分辨inevitable,inescapable,unavvoidable
问110 怎样分辨information,knowlege,learning
问111 怎样分辨information,message,news
问112 怎样分辨 instead, in place of,instead of
问113 怎样分辨interest,advantage,benefit,profit
问114 怎样分辨 introduce,present,recommend
问115 怎样分辨 job, labour, work
问116 怎样分辨 join, participate, take part in
问117 怎样分辨 just,fair,impartial
问118 怎样分辨know,learn,understand
问119 怎样分辨lack,absence,shortage
问120 怎样分辨 last, find,ultimate
问121 怎样分辨 late,lately,recently
问122 怎样分辨 let, allow, permit
问123 怎样分辨 like,enjoy,love,prefer
问124 怎样分辨 likely, possible, probable
问125 怎样分辨little,few,several
问126 怎样分辨 look,appear,seem
问127 怎样分辨 make, cause, get, have, render
问128 怎样分辨manner,method,mode,way
问129 怎样分辨 mean,denote,signify
问130 怎样分辨 mere, bare
问131 怎样分辨mistaken,wrong
问132 怎样分辨model,example,pattern
问133 怎样分辨mood,humor,temper
问134 怎样分辨 naked,bare,nude
问135 怎样分辨 near, close, nigh
问136 怎样分辨normal,natural,regular,usual
问137 怎样分辨 notice, announcement, bulletin
问138 怎样分辨object,oppose,resist
问139 怎样分辨 obscure, ambiguous,vague
问140 怎样分辨 old,aged,elderly
问141 怎样分辨 opinion, idea, view
问142 怎样分辨 order, command
问143 怎样分辨 pain, ache, pang, prick, sore, stitch,throe
问144 怎样分辨 patience, endurance, forbearance, masochism sufferance
问145 怎样分辨penalty,punishment
问146 怎样分辨persist,persevere
问147 怎样分辨 ponder, meditate, muse, ruminate
问148 怎样分辨possess,have,own
问149 怎样分辨 press, pinch, squeeze
问150 怎样分辨 problem, issue, question
问151 怎样分辨 proof, evidence, testimony
问152 怎样分辨quick,fast,prompt,rapid,speedy,swift
问153 怎样分辨 quote,cite
问154 怎样分辨race,nation,nationality,people
问155 怎样分辩 rare, scarce,infrequent
问156 怎样分辨 rational, reasonable, sensible
问157 怎样分辨 realize, come true, materialize
问158 怎样分辨 receive, accept, take
问159 怎样分辨 regret, repent, sorry
问160 怎样分辨 repress, suppress
问161 怎样分辨 resource, expedient, resort
问162 怎样分辨 review, criticism,judgement
问163 怎样分辨 room, appartment, chamber
问164 怎样分辨 round, about,around
问165 怎样分辨 safe, secure, unharmed
问166 怎样分辨 save, conserve, preseve,store
问167 怎样分辨seem,look,appear
问168 怎样分辨 shade, shadow
问169 怎样分辨 share, partake, participate
问170 怎样分辨silent,noiseless,quiet,still
问171 怎样分辨 so…that,such…that
问172 怎样分辨 sound, noise, tone, voice
问173 怎样分辨speak,say,talk,tell
问174 怎样分辨 special, especial,particular,peculiar, specific
问175 怎样分辨 state, condition, situation
问176 怎样分辨steady,regular,unchanged,uniform
问177 怎样分辨still,yet
问178 怎样分辨subject,theme,topic
问179 怎样分辨suggest,proose,recommend
问180 怎样分辨technology,technique
问181 怎样分辨 thing, affair, business, concern, matter
问182 怎样分辨though,although,as
问183 怎样分辨 timely, in time, on time, punctual
问184 怎样分辨 trial, expertment, test
问185 怎样分辨 use, employ, apply, utilize
问186 怎样分辨 used to, be used to
问187 怎样分辨 value,worth
问188 怎样分辨verbal,oral,spoken,vocal
问189 怎样分辨wait, await
问190 怎样分辨 warn, caution
问191 怎样分辨 while, as,when
问192 怎样分辨worth,deserving,worthy
问193 怎样分辨wind,breeze,gale,hurricane,storm,typhoon, whirlwind
问194 怎样分辨 zero, cipher,nil,nought,null

英语词语辨析百问百练 节选

问1 怎样分辨ability,capability,capacity,talent

   We have faith in her ability to handle this affair.
   By sheer ability he has accuired the present Position.
   One's writing ability grows by practice.
   As a scientist, he has the capability of doing important research.
   These children have great capabilities.
   This kind of metal sti1l has many unexploited capabilities.
   The boy seems to have a capacity for taking pains.
   People have the infinite capacity for taking pains.
   This airliner has a capacity of 300 passengers.
   The boy has a talent for music.
   He was the commnander of great military talent.
   The young artist is a real talent.

英语词语辨析百问百练 作者简介

