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新时代大学英语拓展阅读教程 版权信息

新时代大学英语拓展阅读教程 内容简介

本书根据教育部《大学英语教学指南》对大学生英语阅读理解能力提出的目标编写, 供高校非英语专业学生使用。文章均选自国内外主流英语报刊媒体, 具有时效性、趣味性和权威性等特点。本书紧扣大学英语四、六级的新题型, 编排科学、设计合理。同时附期中、期末测试题, 每一篇文章都附有重点单词、词组的注解和例句, 并提供文章的背景知识介绍。

新时代大学英语拓展阅读教程 目录

Unit 1 Education System
Part One Reading in depth
Passage A NYU's Free Medical-School Tuition
Passage B A 5-Year-Old's 15-Page Resume
Part Two Fast reading
Passage C Sex and Health Education in England Schools
Passage D U.S. University Tech Race With China

Unit 2 Science and Technology
Part One Reading in depth
Passage A An Experiment With a Begging Robot
Passage B What's Wrong With AI?
Part Two Fast reading
Passage C Alibaba's Futuristic Hotel
Passage D Apple and Samsung Fined for Deliberately Slowing Down Phones

Unit 3 Health and Medicine
Part One Reading in depth
Passage A Superfoods Are a Marketing Ploy
Passage B Measles Outbreak in Anti-vaccination "Hotspot" Near Portland
Part Two Fast reading
Passage C U.S. Life Expectancy Declines Again
Passage D London HIV Patient Becomes World's Second AIDS Cure Hope

Unit 4 Social Psychology
Part One Reading in depth
Passage A Personality Trait
Passage B The Hidden Networking Gap Between Men and Women
Part Two Fast reading
Passage C Gatekeeper at "Suicide Forest" Hopes Music Can Save Lives
Passage D Why Cars Are a Popular Place for a Good Cry

Unit 5 Social Media
Part One Reading in depth
Passage A Student Journalism in the Age of Media Distrust
Passage B Saudi Writer's Mild Calls for Reform Grew Into a Defiant Shout
Part Two Fast reading
Passage C Shifting Facebook Toward a "Privacy-focused" Platform
Passage D Worlds first AI News Anchor Debuts in China

Unit 6 Environmental Protection
Part One Reading in depth
Passage A Venice Battles With Tourism and Flooding
Passage B The "Great Dying".
Part Two Fast reading
Passage C Plummeting Insect Numbers "Threaten Collapse of Nature"
Passage D Why Half a Degree of Global Warming Is a Big Deal

Unit 7 Global Celebrity
Part One Reading in depth
Passage A Angela Merkel's Legacy
Passage B George H.W. Bush
Part Two Fast reading
Passage C Karl Lagerfeld
Passage D Co-founder of Microsoft: Paul Allen

Unit 8 Financial Window

新时代大学英语拓展阅读教程 作者简介

张华,温州医科大学外国语学院讲师,从事英语教学研究工作16年,主讲《大学英语》《综合阅读》《英语语言学概论》等课程。曾赴美国加州大学戴维斯分校进修,2015年至2016年在美国旧金山大学访学一年。在《教育科学》《外语电化教学》等核心刊物及“Journal of Intemational and Intercultural CommunicatiOn”等国外期刊上发表论文十余篇,主持或参与省级、市厅级等多项科研项目,担任省精品在线开放课程《探秘语言学》课程负责人,参与译著《世界新童话》的翻译工作。曾获“校级先进工作者”等荣誉称号,以及校教学成果奖二等奖、校教学设计比赛二等奖、省外文学会学术成果三等奖。为校英语竞赛基地指导老师,指导学生获全国大学生英语竞赛特等奖、省翻译比赛一等奖等奖项。兼任全国公共英语等级考试评审专家、温州市外文学会成员。
