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心灵鸡汤全集-英汉双语 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787516818824
  • 条形码:9787516818824 ; 978-7-5168-1882-4
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

心灵鸡汤全集-英汉双语 本书特色


心灵鸡汤全集-英汉双语 内容简介

《心灵鸡汤全集》分为点亮生命的航灯、永不放弃、通向成功的神秘之门、生命的加减法、幸福的旅程、春天的乐章、坚持你的梦想、看不见的小奇迹和飞向我的爱等九卷,涉及心态、宽容、尊重、亲情、爱情、友谊、善良、感恩、幸福、做人、做事、挫折、成功等一系列人生课题。这些文章既可以使读者感到心灵震撼,又可以从容自信,端正人生态度,找到生活方向,成就美 满人生。

心灵鸡汤全集-英汉双语 目录

**卷 点亮生命的航灯

The Light Lit up in My Life/在我生命中点亮的那盏灯 …………………… 2

Life Is like a Cafeteria/人生就像自助餐厅 …………………………………… 3

It’s All Good/万事皆宜 ……………………………………………………… 4

Gift of Insults/自取其辱 ……………………………………………………… 5

Just Five More Minutes/就五分钟 …………………………………………… 6

The Most Important Part of My Busy Day/一天中*重要的部分 …………… 7

23 to 4/23比4 ………………………………………………………………… 10

The Embassy of Hope/希望大使馆 …………………………………………… 11

A Little Piece of Me/我生命历程的一段记忆 ……………………………… 13

Thanks for Your Time/感谢你的陪伴 ………………………………………… 15

God Has Been Good to Me/上帝善待我 ……………………………………… 18

Climb Every Mountain in Life/攀登人生的每一座山峰 …………………… 21

What Goes around, Comes around/付出终有回报 …………………………… 23

Father’s White Ribbons/父亲的白丝带 ……………………………………… 24

The Secret of the Outer Ears/外耳的秘密 …………………………………… 26

The Only Memory That Lingers/萦绕心间的唯一记忆 ……………………… 28

The Legacy/隔世的馈赠 ……………………………………………………… 29

Perseverance/坚持不懈 ……………………………………………………… 30

Harry’s Riches/哈利的财富 ………………………………………………… 33

Harry and his Dog/哈利和他的狗 …………………………………………… 37

The Noblest Revenge/*高尚的复仇 ………………………………………… 40

第二卷 永不放弃

The Wolves within/心中的两只狼 …………………………………………… 46

Cut the Rope and Let Go/割断绳索,然后放手 …………………………… 47

Earn Respect with the Truth/真诚赢得尊重 ………………………………… 48

Never Give up/永不放弃 ……………………………………………………… 51

Blind Ambition/盲人的雄心 ………………………………………………… 52

Saying Your Thank-yous/常怀感恩之心 ……………………………………… 54

The Most Fitting Finish Line/*完美的终点线 ……………………………… 56

Great Expectations/雄心壮志 ………………………………………………… 58

Control Your Attention and Mind/神聚则心收 ……………………………… 59

Time Your Actions/把握行动时机 …………………………………………… 60

Go for It!/加油,你行! ……………………………………………………… 63

Hang in There/坚持下去 ……………………………………………………… 64

A Boy Named Sparky/一个名叫斯帕奇的男孩 ……………………………… 65

Sharpen Your Axe/打磨斧头 ………………………………………………… 67

The Competitive Spirit/竞争精神 …………………………………………… 69

Weakness or Strength/是弱项还是强项 ……………………………………… 70

A Seed/一粒种子 ……………………………………………………………… 72

See Yourself Winning/想象自己胜利 ………………………………………… 74

Don’t Sit on Your Talent/发挥你的才能 ……………………………………… 75

I Have a Dream/我有一个梦想 ……………………………………………… 76

Waste not, Want not/俭以防匮 ……………………………………………… 82

Emulation/竞争 ……………………………………………………………… 85

第三卷 通向成功的神秘之门

First Step to Success/走向成功的**步 …………………………………… 90

The Watchman of Your Mind/思想的守门人 ………………………………… 91

My Definition of Success/成功的定义 ……………………………………… 93

The Definite Goal/明确的目标 ……………………………………………… 94

Ford’s Principle of Success/福特成功的法则 ………………………………… 95

Be Yourself/做你自己 ………………………………………………………… 96

The Millet of Life/人生的谷子 ……………………………………………… 98

We Never Told Him He Couldn’t Do It/无知者无畏 ………………………… 99

Think with the Few and Speak with the Many/与少数人一起思考,

 与多数人一起交谈………………………………………………………… 100

Avoid Outshining Your Superiors/不要让你的上司相形见绌 …………… 101

Know How to Withdraw/知道如何退出 …………………………………… 102

Know How to Show Your Strength/懂得如何显示自己的力量…………… 102

Make Use of Your Friends/善用你的朋友 ………………………………… 103

Never Share the Secrets of Your Superiors/绝不要和你的上司分享秘密 … 104

Two Ways of Telling a Story/讲故事的两种方法 ………………………… 104

The Best Capital/*好的资本 ……………………………………………… 107

第四卷 生命的加减法

The Four Ways of Good Life/美好生活的四种方式 ……………………… 114

39 Laws of Life/39条人生定律 …………………………………………… 115

Experience Life/体验人生 ………………………………………………… 118

Youth/青春 ………………………………………………………………… 119

Living Life over/如果有来生 ……………………………………………… 120

The Addition and Subtraction of Life/生命的加减法 ……………………… 121

Changes for Life/人生因改变而改变 ……………………………………… 123

Life Is like a Bowl of Vegetable Soup/人生就像一碗菜汤 ……………… 124

A Lesson in Life/人生的课堂 ……………………………………………… 125

The Traffic Lights of Life/人生的红绿灯 ………………………………… 126

Early Autumn/初秋 ………………………………………………………… 127

Step backward and Watch Life/退后一步看人生 ………………………… 130

Ten Kinds of People You Should Treasure Most/一生*应珍惜的十种人 135

Salvation/325美元的拯救 ………………………………………………… 136

Blind Dad Watched Me Play Football/盲爸爸看我比赛橄榄球 ………… 141

The Yellow Handkerchief on the Oak Tree/橡树上的黄手帕 ……………… 144

Smiles/微笑 ………………………………………………………………… 147

第五卷 幸福的旅程

Joy or Happiness/快乐还是幸福 …………………………………………… 152

How to Be Happier/十点让你更幸福 ……………………………………… 154

The Ways to Happiness/幸福有多少种方法 ……………………………… 154

What’s Happiness like?/幸福的感觉什么样 ……………………………… 156

The Knack of Chasing Happiness/追求幸福的秘诀 ……………………… 159

Happiness Is a Feeling/幸福是一种感觉 ………………………………… 163

The Secrets of Happiness/幸福的秘诀 …………………………………… 164

The Paradox of Happiness/自相矛盾的幸福感 …………………………… 165

Happiness Index/幸福指数 ………………………………………………… 168

Look in from outside/从外向里看 ………………………………………… 170

Paradise of Happiness/幸福的天堂 ………………………………………… 173

A Pair of New Shoes/一双新鞋 …………………………………………… 174

第六卷 春天的乐章

Butterfly in the Cloud/云间风蝶 …………………………………………… 182

The Girl Who Loved the Wind/爱风的女孩 ……………………………… 185

The Crystal Spring/透明的春天 …………………………………………… 188

A Haven of Sunflowers/太阳花的避风港 ………………………………… 190

The Creek in My Childhood/童年的小溪 ………………………………… 193

Moongazing/望月 ………………………………………………………… 195

The Old Man and the Durian Tree/老人和榴莲树 ………………………… 198

Plant Yourself a Trouble Tree/为自己种一棵烦恼树 ……………………… 199

Patience Is a Virtue/耐心是一种美德 ……………………………………… 200

Two Pebbles/两块鹅卵石 ………………………………………………… 201

I Heard a Cricket/我听到了蟋蟀的叫声 …………………………………… 203

第七卷 坚持你的梦想

I Knew You’d Come/我知道你会来的 …………………………………… 206

Between Friends/朋友间的小秘密 ………………………………………… 207

Experiencing Kindness/体验友善 ………………………………………… 209

Kiss a Stranger/亲吻陌生人 ……………………………………………… 211

The Rescue of a Seagull/海鸥的救援 ……………………………………… 213

A Pillow and a Blanket/枕头和毛毯 ……………………………………… 215

The Undeserved Gift/受之有愧的礼物 …………………………………… 217

I Wish You Enough/愿你足够 ……………………………………………… 218

Fly like a Bird/像小鸟那样飞翔 …………………………………………… 220

God Is Here Working through Me to Give You Hope/上帝让我给你

 希望………………………………………………………………………… 222

The Horsemen/同是骑马人 ………………………………………………… 224

A Simple Gesture That Changed Life/改变生活的简单举动 ……………… 226

The Grass Will Come Back/草还会长出来的 ……………………………… 228

The Mustard Seed and Sorrow/芥菜籽和悲伤 …………………………… 230

My Mother Is Not a Belt/母亲不是一条腰带 ……………………………… 231

A Coward and a Beggar/懦夫和乞丐 ……………………………………… 232

The Revelation of the Lagoon/环礁湖的启示 ……………………………… 233

The Master’s Lesson on Gratitude/老师的一堂感恩课 …………………… 234

Put the Glass down/放下玻璃杯 …………………………………………… 236

Lao Tzu and One Big Tree/老子和一棵大树 ……………………………… 237

Keep Your Dream/坚持你的梦想 ………………………………………… 238

Don’t Abandon Your Dream/不要放弃你的梦想 ………………………… 240

The Courage of His Convictions/信念的勇气 ……………………………… 242

Where There Is a Will There Is a Way/有志者事竟成 …………………… 243

Annie’s Dream/安妮的梦 ………………………………………………… 244

第八卷 看不见的小奇迹

“NoDepression”Cake/“没有萧条”的蛋糕 …………………………… 250

Find Our Starfish/找到自己的海星 ………………………………………… 252

Kindness Is a Strength/友善是一种力量 ………………………………… 253

Patience to Learn/学会耐心 ………………………………………………… 255

Live and Laugh/活到老,笑到老 ………………………………………… 256

Dad Is Taking Me Home/爸爸正带我回家 ………………………………… 259

The Tale of Two Businessmen/两个商人的故事 ………………………… 261

I Am with You, Darling/亲爱的,我和你在一起 ………………………… 263

The Red and Blue Coat/红外套,蓝外套 ………………………………… 265

Small Unseen Miracle/看不见的小奇迹 …………………………………… 266

The Ripple Effect/波纹效应 ……………………………………………… 268

The Golden Rule/黄金法则 ………………………………………………… 271

第九卷 飞向我的爱

Love Is like a Flower/爱的花季 …………………………………………… 276

I Am the Wind/我是风 ……………………………………………………… 277

When Love Beckons You/爱的召唤 ……………………………………… 279

Mother Love Is like a Circle/母爱像圆 …………………………………… 280

The Wedding Band/结婚戒指 ……………………………………………… 281

If You Have Enough Love/如果你有足够的爱 …………………………… 283

Words from the Heart/爱,就要说出来 …………………………………… 285

You Are My Life/你是我的生命 …………………………………………… 287

Seagulls and Tears/海鸥和眼泪 …………………………………………… 288

Butterfly and Shell/蝴蝶和贝壳 …………………………………………… 290

The Day I Met My Mother/我见到母亲那天 ……………………………… 291

Father Oak/橡树爸爸 ……………………………………………………… 295

True Love/真爱 …………………………………………………………… 296

I’ll Fly to My Beloved/飞向我的爱 ……………………………………… 297

The Butterfly-shaped Brooch/蝴蝶胸针 …………………………………… 299

The Good Son/孝顺的儿子 ………………………………………………… 303

The Gentle Hand/温柔的手 ………………………………………………… 304


心灵鸡汤全集-英汉双语 节选

The Light Lit up in My Life Some of my sisters work in Australia. On a reservation, among the Aborigines, there was an elderly man. I can assure you that you have never seen a situation as difficult as that poor old man’s. He was completely ignored by everyone. His home was disordered anddirty. I told him, “Please let me clean your house, wash your clothes and make your bed.” He answered, “I’m okay like this. Let it be.” I said again, “You will be still better if you allow me to do it.” He finally agreed. So I was able to clean his house and wash his clothes. I discovered a beautiful lamp, covered with dust. Only God knows how many years had passed since he last lit it. I asked him, “Don’t you light your lamp? Don’t you ever use it?” He answered, “No. Nobody comes to see me. I have no need to light it. Who would I light it for?” I asked, “Would you light it every night if my sisters came?” He replied, “Of course.” From that day on my sisters committed themselves to visiting him every evening. We cleaned the lamp and my sisters would light it every evening. Two years passed. I had completely forgotten that man. He sent this message, “Tell my friend that the light she lit in my life continues to shine still.” I thought it was a very small thing. We often neglect the small things. 在我生命中点亮的那盏灯 我的几个姊妹在澳洲工作。在一片保留地的土著居民中有一位上了年纪的人。我可以向你保证,你从未见过有比这个可怜老人处境更艰难的人,大家都对他熟视无睹,他的家又脏又乱。 我告诉他:“请让我帮你打扫房子、洗洗衣服、铺铺床吧。” 他应道:“我这样很好,随它去吧。” 我又说道:“如果你允许我这么做,你会觉得更好。” 他*终表示同意。于是,我才能帮他收拾房子、洗衣服。我发现一盏漂亮的灯,上面积满了灰尘。只有上帝晓得他*后一次点亮是多少年前的事儿。 我问他:“你不点这盏灯吗?你从没用过它吗?” 他回答说: “ 没有。谁都不来看我, 我没必要点亮它, 我为谁点亮呢?” 我问:“如果我的姊妹们来,你愿意每天夜里点亮它吗?” 他答道:“当然愿意。” 从那天起,我的姊妹们每天晚上都来看望他。我们把灯擦净,姊妹们每天晚上都把它点亮。 两年过去了,我已经完全忘记了那个人。他捎口信说:“告诉我的朋友,她在我生命中点亮的那盏灯仍在继续闪耀。” 我原以为这是一件区区小事,我们常常会忽视那些小事。

心灵鸡汤全集-英汉双语 作者简介

