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The World a Reflection of the Mind-世界是心的倒影

The World a Reflection of the Mind-世界是心的倒影

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The World a Reflection of the Mind-世界是心的倒影 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787520202732
  • 条形码:9787520202732 ; 978-7-5202-0273-2
  • 装帧:70g纯质纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

The World a Reflection of the Mind-世界是心的倒影 本书特色


The World a Reflection of the Mind-世界是心的倒影 内容简介

你的命,是你心的倒影; 你眼中的世界,也是你心的倒影; 用眼观世界,用心听世界,眼中皆是心的倒影。 本书包含的42篇文章不仅仅是告诉你如何处理遇到的困难和问题,雪漠老师在文中强调的是,如何让你自己从内心中找到自我的永恒、改变自己、清凉心灵,解放自我束缚的方法和能力。

The World a Reflection of the Mind-世界是心的倒影 目录

C o n t e n t s Preface 1 First Series: The Immutable True Characteristic 1 There Is Nothing in the World That Can Last Forever 2 There Is No Way to Resist Impermanence, But It Should Not Be Feared 8 Flowing and Changing Causal Conditions Are the Mother of Change 14 Life Is a Giant Dream 21 The “Self” Is a Giant Illusion 28 What Do People Live For? 34 Section Two: Discover the Inherent Treasure of Life 41 The treasury of Life, Every One Possesses 42 True Happiness Is a Light in the Mind 49 All Are Memories, Past and Gone 55 Human Life Is a Continuous Struggle with “The Self ” 62 How Many People Can Make a Lucid Choice? 68 True Freedom Is the Wakefulness of Wisdom 74 Freedom Is a Matter of Mind in Accord with Mind 82 The Bright True Mind Is Always with You 89 Take Hold of the Opportunity, and Welcome the Awakening of the Spiritual Nature 95 It’s Not That You Resolve a Question, It’s That There Is No Question 102 Section Three: Find Your True Enemy 109 We Have So Many Misunderstandings of the World and of Life 110 Do Not Fall into the Spider Web of Desire and Greed 117 The Discriminating Mind Is the Source of Myriad Evils 123 Wake Up From the Delusions of False Thoughts 129 Doubt Is the Great Enemy of Happiness 136 Anger and Arrogance Are Stumbling Blocks for Freedom 142 Keep Your Eyes Open, and Stay Far Away from Evil Companions 147 Section Four: Because of Wisdom, Life Changes 155 The Mind of Detachment Is Not a Temporary Emotion 156 The Enlightened Teacher Is a Beacon for the Spirit 163 Let Good Actions Change Your Mind and Spirit 170 True Maturity Is the Maturity of the Mind and Spirit 178 The Object of Cultivation Must Be Your Mind 185 Life Changes Because of Wisdom 192Preserve Pure Awareness, Listen to the Voice of the Inner Mind 198 Where There Are No Thoughts, Preserve a Spiritually Alive Awareness 205 Understand That Life Is Like a Dream, and Treat Yourself and Other People Well 212 The Clarity and Strength to Master Your Life Comes from the True Mind 220 Build Something Relatively Eternal amid Empty Illusion 226 Section Five: Plant the Seeds of Great Love in the Field of the Mind 233 Real Solitude Is a Realm of Experience 234 Use the Mind That Transcends the World To Do Things in the World 240 To Do Well in the Present Moment Is the Best Ultimate Concern 245 Fundamentally, There Is No Conflict Between Believing It and Putting It into Practice 251 Bad Theories Are the Soil that Breeds Evil Deeds 258 Good and Evil Go Together Like Light and Darkness 265 Plant Great Love in the Field of the Mind 271 Don’t Expect Yourself to Be Able to Hold onto Flowing Water 277 Afterword: What Is a Genuine Disciple Like? 283

The World a Reflection of the Mind-世界是心的倒影 作者简介

雪漠,原名陈开红,甘肃凉州人。国家一级作家,文化学者,甘肃省作家协会副主席,广州市香巴文化研究院院长。三度入围“茅盾文学奖”,荣获“冯牧文学奖”“上海长中篇小说优秀作品大奖”等奖项,连续五次获敦煌文艺奖,作品入选《中国文学年鉴》和《中国新文学大系》。代表作有西部小说系列:《野狐岭》《大漠祭》《猎原》《白虎关》《西夏咒》《西夏的苍狼》《无死的金刚心》《深夜的蚕豆声》等;西部文化系列:《一个人的西部》《特别清凉》《光明大手印》《空空之外》系列等;诗集:《拜月的狐儿》;入选“2015年中国品牌文化十大人物”,复旦大学肿瘤研究所“人文导师”,甘肃省委省政府授予其“甘肃省优秀专家”“德艺双馨文艺家”“拔尖创新人才”“领军人才”等称号。 柯利瑞(J.C.Cleary)1949年出生于美国加利福尼亚,毕业于哈佛大学,获得了东亚语言与文明博士、法学博士两个学位,是美国著名的汉学家、翻译家,曾翻译《孙子兵法》、《华严经》等。
