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管理实务英语 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787512401822
  • 条形码:9787512401822 ; 978-7-5124-0182-2
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

管理实务英语 目录

Unit 1 Introduction to Supply Chain ManagementUnit 2 Information Systems and Supply Chain ManagementUnit 3 Inventory Management across the Supply ChainUnit 4 Supply Chain RelationshipsUnit 5 Challenges Facing Supply Chain ManagersUnit 6 The Role of Information Systems and Technology in Supply ChainManagementUnit 7 The Importance of Information in Supply ChainUnit 8 Inter-organizational Information SystemsUnit 9 Information Requirements Determination for a Supply Chain IOISUnit 10 Translation to an Information Systems PrototypeUnit 11 Information and Technology Applications for Supply ChainManagementUnit 12 Future Challenges in Supply Chain ManagementUnit 13 Sharing Risks in Inter-Organizational RelationshipsUnit 14 Managing the Global Supply ChainUnit 15 The "Greening" of the Supply ChainUnit 16 International Marketing DefinedUnit 17 International Marketing InvolvementUnit 18 The Orientation of International MarketingUnit 19 Marketing ResearchUnit 20 Planning for Global MarketsUnit 21 Market Distribution in the Supply ChainUnit 22 Channel Separation in Market DistributionUnit 23 Designing the Sales ForceUnit 24 Recruiting Marketing and Sales PersonnelUnit 25 Selecting Sales and Marketing PersonnelUnit 26 Training for International MarketingUnit 27 Language Skills in International BusinessUnit 28 Introduction to Financial ManagementUnit 29 Accounting Fundamentals (1): Basic Concepts and TermsUnit 30 Accounting Fundamentals (2):Accounting CycleUnit 31 Analysis of Financial StatementsUnit 32 Time Value of Money, Risk, Return and ValuationUnit 33 Long-Term FinancingUnit 34 Distributions to Shareholders: Dividends and RepurchasesUnit 35 Working Capital ManagementUnit 36 Financial DistressUnit 37 Mergers and Acquisitions附录一 会计与财务常见词汇附录二 营销与财务常见词汇附录三 供应链管理术语

管理实务英语 节选


管理实务英语 相关资料

插图:Imagine a society in which every individual is totally self-sufficient, each individualwould produce and consume all of the products and services necessary for survival so therewould be no need for any economic activity related to the exchange of goods and servicesbetween individuals. No such society can be found today. In reality, as individuals begin tospecialize in the production of specific goods or services, a mechanism must arise for theexchange of those goods and services to satisfy the consumption needs of individuals. To doso efficiently and effectively, firms must overcome three discrepancies- discrepancy in space,discrepancy in time, discrepancy in quantity and assortment.Discrepancy in space refers to the fact that the location of production activities and thelocation of consumption are seldom the same. Consider, for example, the householdfurniture industry. Most household furniture in the United States is manufactured in a smallgeographic area in North Carolina and a great deal of office furniture is manufactured inwestern Michigan. Yet, where is furniture demanded? All over the United States! Thisdifference between the location of production and the location of consumption is afundamental problem that must be overcome to accomplish exchange. Discrepancy in time refers to the difference in timing between production andconsumption. Some products, agricultural commodities for example, are produced duringshort time periods but are demanded by customers continuously. On the other hand, manyproducts are manufactured in anticipation of future customer demand.Since manufacturing often does not occur at the same time products are demanded,inventory and warehousing are required. The specific manner in which this discrepancy isovercome results in the service output related to waiting time. It should be noted here thatmuch of the discussion in this text is devoted to the challenges firms face in more closelymatching the rate of production with market consumption.
