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中国学习者对英语提升谓词的习得-语义启动和句法启动的综合分析模型 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787030271365
  • 条形码:9787030271365 ; 978-7-03-027136-5
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
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中国学习者对英语提升谓词的习得-语义启动和句法启动的综合分析模型 本书特色


中国学习者对英语提升谓词的习得-语义启动和句法启动的综合分析模型 目录

AcknowledgementsAbstractChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Need for investigating L2 acquisition of English raising verbs1.2 Definition of raising predicates1.3 Difficulties encountered in the acquisition of raising predicates by language learners1.4. Key research questions1.5 Contents of the remaining chaptersChapter 2 Conceptualizing the Acquisition of English Predicates——Theoretical Foundations2.1 Introduction2.2 Theoretical foundation for the analysis of raising predicates2.2.1 Justification for adopting a generative approach in the present study2.2.2 Principles on the semantics-syntax interface of the verbChapter 3 The Linguistic Features of English Raising Predicates3.1 Introduction3.2 The semantics of English raising predicates: Delimitation of the concept3.2.1 seem/appear3.2.2 happen and appear3.2.3 turn out3.3 The syntactic structures of raising verbs.3.4 The unique syntactic features of raising verbs3.4.1 Constraints on the subject of raising verbs in non-raising construction3.4.2 Animacy of the subject in the raising construction3.4.3 The morphosyntactic environments of raising verbs3.4.4 The property of the verb in the complement3.5 Differences between raising and control constructions3.6 Formulating the one-clausal-argument linking rules of raising verbsChapter 4 Cross-linguistic Analysis of English and Chinese Raising Predicates.4.1 Introduction4.2 Research on Chinese raising verbs4.2.1 Aspectual verbs4.2.2 Epistemic modal verbs4.2.3 Tough verbs.4.2.4 Frequency verbs4.3 A comparison between Chinese and English raising predicatesChapter 5 Theories on Verb Acquisition in L1 and L25.1 Introduction5.2 Early mapping theories in L1 verb acquisition: Lists of primitive thematic roles5.3 Current theories5.3.1 The Semantic Bootstrapping Hypothesis5.3.2 Syntactic bootstrapping hypothesis.5.3.3 A Reconciliation Model5.4 The applicability of L1 theories on L2 acquisition of verbs.5.5 Empirical studies on the acquisition of English raising verbs5.5.1 Becker's studies on L1 acquisition of English raising verbs5.5.2 Comments on Becker's studies5.5.3 Callies' (2005) study on German learners of English5.5.4 Comments on Callies' studyChapter 6 An Integrated Parsing Model of L2 English Raising Predicate Acquisition6.1 Introduction6.2 The linguistic aspects of raising verbs-A summary6.3 An Integrated Parsing Model of English raising predicate acquisition6.4 The central issue of the research6.5 Variables influencing the acquisition of English raising verbs by Chinese EFL learners6.5.1 L1 influence6.5.2 A movement6.5.3 Animacy of the subject and evenfivity of the embedded verb6.6 Research hypothesesChapter 7 Research Design, Instrumentation, Data Collection and Data Analysis7.1 Introduction7.2 Investigative approact7.3 Participants.7.4 Instrumentation7.4.1 Test words7.4.2 Grammaticality judgment task (GJT)7.4.3 Guided writing task (GWT)7.4.4 Think-aloud task (TAT)7.5 Data-collection procedures7.5.1 Administration of GWT7.5.2 Administration of TAT7.5.3 Administration of GIT7.6 Data analysis7.6.1 Coding and scoring GWT data7.6.2 Scoring GJT data7.6.3 Statistical analysis of GWT and GJT data7.6.4 Coding of TAT data7.7 Learners' sensitivity to the syntactic features of control verbsChapter 8 Results of Research Hypothesis Testing8.1 Introduction8.2 Results for Hypothesis I8.2.1 Testing Hypothesis 1 through GJT8.2.2 Testing Hypothesis 1 through GWT8.3 Results for Hypothesis 28.3.1 Testing Hypothesis 2 through GJT8.3.2 Testing Hypothesis 2 through GWT8.4 Results for Hypothesis 38.4.1 Testing Hypothesis 3 through GJI8.4.2 Testing Hypothesis 3 through GWT8.5 Results for Hypothesis 48.5A Testing Hypothesis 3 through GJT8.5.2 Testing Hypothesis 4 through GWI8.6 Results for Hypothesis 58.6.1 Testing Hypothesis 5 through GJT8.6.2 Testing Hypothesis 5 through GWT8.7 Acquisition of syntactic features not included in the testing of research hypothesis……Chapter 9 Results of Online Parsing Processes of Raisin ConstructionsChapter 10 General DiscussionChapter 11 Conclusions,Implications,Limitations and Recommendations for Future Research

中国学习者对英语提升谓词的习得-语义启动和句法启动的综合分析模型 节选


中国学习者对英语提升谓词的习得-语义启动和句法启动的综合分析模型 相关资料

插图:Chapter 4 focuses on a comparison between English and Chineseraising predicates,through which the similarities and differences inthe constructions of raising predicates between the two languages arerevealed.It is concluded that English raising predicates are more re-strictive in syntax than Chinese counterparts. Chapter 5 first reviews the theories on L1 and L2 verb acquisition.More particularly,the Semantic Bootstrapping Hypothesis,the SyntacticBootstrapping Hypothesis,and the Reconciliation Model are discussedand commented on.This is followed by a review of the few previousstudies on English raising predicates,which justifies the need to explain the acquisitional behaviors of English raising predicate acquisi-tion to shed more light on the underlying mechanisms for the acquisi-tion of English raising predicates. Chapter 6 develops an Integrated Parsing Model on the basis ofthe fine-grained linguistic analysis conducted in Chapter 3,thecross-linguistic findings made in Chapter 4 and the patterns of verbparsing assumed in the related literature as discussed in Chapter 5.Through a detailed description of the general procedures supposedlyto be followed by Chinese L2 learners in their acquisition of Englishraising predicates,this model posits how the linguistic knowledge isemployed to acquire the semantics and syntax interface of En~ishraising predicates.
