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遗传学-第三版-导读版 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787030252272
  • 条形码:9787030252272 ; 978-7-03-025227-2
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
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遗传学-第三版-导读版 本书特色


遗传学-第三版-导读版 内容简介

简介   “精要速览系列(instant notes series)”丛书是国外教材“best seller”榜的上榜教材。该系列结构新颖,视角独特;重点明确,脉络分明;图表简明清晰;英文自然易懂,被国内多所重点院校选用作为双语教材。   第三版在第二版基础上进行修订。对人类基因研究、rna调控、组蛋白修饰、表观遗传学、人类进化等新近研究进行重点补充和调整,其他各章节也进行了修订。   本书适合普通高等院校生命科学、医学、农学等相关专业使用,也可作为双语教学参考教材使用。

遗传学-第三版-导读版 目录

前言缩略词A 分子遗传学A1 DNA结构A2 基因A3 遗传密码A4 基因转录A5 转移RNAA6 核糖体RNAA7 信使RNAA8 翻译A9 DNA复制A10 原核生物基因表达调控A11 真核生物基因表达调控A12 表观遗传学与染色质修饰B 基因组B1 染色体B2 细胞分裂B3 原核生物基因组B4 真核生物基因组B5 DNA突变B6 诱变剂和DNA修复B7 重组B8 噬菌体B9 真核生物的病毒B10 基因组分析C 遗传机制C1 基础孟德尔遗传学c2 孟德尔遗传学(续)C3 减数分裂和配子形成CA 连锁C5 细菌间的基因转移C6 真核生物细胞器中的基因C7 数量遗传C8 性别决定C9 性别和遗传C10 近交C11 概率C12 适合度检验:卡方和精确度检验D 群体遗传学与进化D1 简介D2 通过自然选择的进化D3 群体中的基因:哈迪一温伯格平衡D4 遗传多样性D5 新达尔文进化论:选择作用于等位基因D6 染色体在进化中的变化D7 物种和物种形成D8 多倍性D9 进化D10 人类的进化E 重组DNA技术E1 DNA研究技术E2 RNA研究技术E3 DNA克隆和转染E4 生物信息学F 人类遗传学F1 遗传病F2 遗传筛选F3 基因与癌症F4 基因治疗G 遗传学的应用G1 遗传学在法医学中的应用G2 生物技术G3 转基因学G4 伦理学问题进一步阅读的文献和有用的网站索引注:英文目录E2之后的页码错误。

遗传学-第三版-导读版 节选

《遗传学(英文)(导读版)(第3版)》是国外教材“Best Seller”榜的上榜教材。该系列结构新颖,视角独特;重点明确,脉络分明;图表简明清晰;英文自然易懂,被国内多所重点院校选用作为双语教材。第三版在第二版基础上进行修订。对人类基因研究、RNA调控、组蛋白修饰、表观遗传学、人类进化等新近研究进行重点补充和调整,其他各章节也进行了修订。《遗传学(英文)(导读版)(第3版)》适合普通高等院校生命科学、医学、农学等相关专业使用,也可作为双语教学参考教材使用。

遗传学-第三版-导读版 相关资料

插图:The DNA sequence of a gene determines the amino acid sequence of its encodedprotein. It is very important that the DNA sequence is preserved because alter-ations to the amino acid sequence may affect the ability of the protein to function,which in turn may have a deleterious effect on the organism. Alterations to theDNA sequence do occur as a result of the action of a number of chemical andphysical agents on DNA and also due to rare errors in DNA replication. Thesechanges are known as mutations. Once introduced, the DNA sequence changesare made permanent by DNA replication and are passed on to daughter cellsfollowing cell division.Two important terms that describe an organism carrying a mutation are 8eno-type and phenotype. Genotype is used to describe the mutation and the gene itoccurs in. Phenotype describes the effect on the organism of the mutation. Anorganism that displays the usual phenotype for that species is called the wild-type. An organism whose usual phenotype has changed as the result of amutation is called a mutant. Mutations occur in two forms: point mutationswhich involve a change in the base present at any position in a gene, and grossmutations which involve alterations of longer stretches of DNA sequence. Thelocation of the mutation within a gene is important. Only mutations that occurwithin the coding region are likely to affect the protein. Mutations in noncodingor intergenic regions do not usually have an effect.Point mutations fall into a number of categories, each with different consequencesfor the protein encoded by the gene.Missense mutationsThese point mutations involve the alteration of a single base which changes acodon such that the encoded amino acid is altered (Fig. la). Such mutationsusually occur inone of the first two bases of a codom The redundancy (degen-eracy) of the genetic code means that mutation of the third base is less likely tocause a change in
