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体裁与专门用途英语(专门用途英语教学与研究前沿丛书) 版权信息

体裁与专门用途英语(专门用途英语教学与研究前沿丛书) 本书特色

适读人群 :一般读者本书条理清晰,案例翔实,深入浅出,可在理论与实践层面为新文科背景下我国专门用途英语、学术英语教学与研究提供借鉴,适合相关领域的广大教师、学习者和研究者参考。

体裁与专门用途英语(专门用途英语教学与研究前沿丛书) 内容简介


体裁与专门用途英语(专门用途英语教学与研究前沿丛书) 目录

总序 导读 Acknowledgements Part Ⅰ Introduction Chapter 1 Introducing genre in English for Specific Purposes 1 What is a genre? 2 Why genre in ESP? 3 Early genre work 4 Preview of the rest of this book Part Ⅱ ESP genre analysis Chapter 2 Analyzing genre moves 1 What are moves? 2 How to do a moves analysis 3 Seeking input from specialist informants 4 Cross-cultural moves comparisons 5 Using and revising existing move models 6 Tying it all together: analyzing moves in a TED Talk Chapter 3 Analyzing lexicogrammatical features 1 Methods of lexicogrammatical analysis 2 Some concordance lines for significant in critique genres in BAWE 3 Studying linguistic politeness in genres 4 Cross-cultural lexicogrammatical comparisons 5 Connecting moves and lexicogrammatical analysis Chapter 4 Analyzing genre contexts 1 The value of analyzing genre contexts 2 How to study genre contexts 3 Gaining access to a context 4 Critical ethnography Part Ⅲ ESP genre-based learning and teaching Chapter 5 Designing genre-based courses 1 The role of instruction in genre learning 2 Needs and rights analysis 3 How to do a needs analysis for a genre-based course 4 From needs analysis to course design 5 Four genre-based course designs Chapter 6 Creating and assessing genre-based teaching materials 1 Genre-based tasks 2 Sequencing genre-based activities 3 Text selection 4 Assessing the impact of course materials Chapter 7 Exploring future issues: genre play, learning, and transfer 1 What is genre play and why study it? 2 Forms of genre play 3 What makes genre play work? 4 Possibilities for future genre play research 5 What is genre learning transfer and why study it? 6 Current observations of genre learning transfer 7 Possibilities for future genre learning transfer research References Index