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教师、学生与课程材料的参与关系研究 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787307206441
  • 条形码:9787307206441 ; 978-7-307-20644-1
  • 装帧:一般轻型纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
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教师、学生与课程材料的参与关系研究 内容简介

本书以“教师—课程参与性关系”这一社会文化理论为研究视角, 选取中国一所高等院校四位大学英语老师和他们的八位学生为个案, 对我国大学英语教师使用教材这一极其普遍却鲜有研究的教学现象进行深入探究。

教师、学生与课程材料的参与关系研究 目录

Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Motivation for the Study
1.2 Background of the Study
1.3 Aims of the Study and Research Questions
1.4 Structure of the Book

Chapter Two Teachers’Enactment of Curriculum Materials Participatory Perspective
2.1 Defining Key Concepts in the Study
2.1.1 Curriculum Materials VS.Materials
2.1.2 Curriculum Materials Use VS.Materials Development
2.2 The Role of English Language Textbooks in the Global Context
2.3 CE Curriculum and Textbooks in Mainland China
2.3.1 The Evolution of CE Curriculum
2.3.2 Five Generations of CE Textbooks
2.4 Research on the Teacher.Curriculum Relationship in ELT
2.4.1 Teachers’Adaptation of Materials
2.4.2 Teachers’Use of Materials in ELT
2.5 Research on the Teacher―Curriculum Relationship in Mainstream Education
2.5.1 The Educative Role of Curriculum Materials and Teacher Learning
2.5.2 Teachers’Factors Influencing Their Use of Curriculum Materials
2.6 The Theoretical Framework of the Study
2.6.1 11heoretical Perspectives on Curriculum Use
2.6.2 The Theoretical Perspective of This Study
2.6.3 The Theoretical Framework of This Study
2.7 Summary

Chapter Three Methodology
3.1 Qualitative Multi―Case Study
3.2 Selection of Setting.Participants and Materials
3.2.1 The Target University
3.2.2 Participants
3.2.3 Target Textbook
3.3 Data Collection
3.3.1 Data Collection Schedule
3.3.2 Data Collection Strategies
3.4 Data Analysis
3.4.1 Analysis of Interview Data
3.4.2 Analysis of Observational Data
3.4.3 Documentary Analysis
3.5 Trustworthiness
3.5.1 Triangulation
3.5.2 Thick Deion
3.5.3 Member Checking
3.5.4 Management of Subjectivity
3.5.5 Ethical Considerations in Data Collection
3.6 Summary

Chapter Four Teachers’Use of and Interactions with the CurrjCuiunl Materials
4.1 Scope of the Chapter
4.2 Features of Teachers’Interactions with the Curriculum Materials
4.3 Map of Teachers’Interactions with the Curriculum Materials
4.4 Reading
4.4.1 Reading the Students’Book
4.4.2 Reading the Teache~’Book
4.5 Evaluating
4.6 Appropriating and Adapting
4.6.1 Adjusting
4.6.2 Replacing
4.6.3 Supplementing
4.6.4 Omitting
4.6.5 Revising
4.6.6 Inventing
4.7 Understanding Teachers’Actions
4.7.1 The Meaning of the Teachers’Reading Process
4.7.2 The Meaning of the Teachers’Evaluation Process
4.7.3 The Meaning of Teachers’Appropriating and Adapting Processes
4.8 Summary

Chapter Five Influences on Teachers’Interactions with the Curriculum Materials
5.1 Overview of the Influential Factors of Teacher.Text Interactions
5.2 Contextual Factors Affecting Teacher―Text Interactions
5.2.1 Aspects of the Local Cultures
5.2.2 Support for Teachers with Regard to Curriculum Material Use
5.2.3 Inflexibility of the CE Curriculum
5.3 Features of the Cu耐culum Materials
5.4 Teachers’Personal Resources
5.4.1 Teachers’Beliefs
5.4.2 Teachers’Management of Curriculum Materials
5.4.3 Teachers’Knowledge
5.4.4 Teachers’Curricular and Pedagogical Goals
5.5 Student Voice
5.6 Summary

Chapter Six Discussion
6.1 Findings of the Current Study
6.1.1 Responding to the First Research Question
6.1.2 Responding to the Second Research Question
6.2 Conceptualising the Enactment of Curriculum Materials
6.2.1 Theoretical Underpinnings of the Study
6.2.2 Theorising Curriculum Materials:Multi―Layered Affordances of Curriculum Materials
6.2.3 Formation of the Curriculum Instruments:From Artefacts to Instruments
6.2.4 Mediated Relations in Enacting Curriculum Materials
6.2.5 Teachers’Knowledge in Materials Use
6.3 Instrumentation:Curriculum Materials Shaping Curriculum Enactment
6.3.1 The Ostensible Authority of Curriculum Materials in ELT in the Chinese Context
6.3.2 The Educative Role of Curriculum Materials
6.4 Instrumentalisation:Teachers’Role in Shaping the Currirl lum Materials
6.4.1 Conceptualising Teachers’Use of Curriculum Materials:Teachers’Cognitive Processes
6.4.2 Adaptation of Curriculum Materials
6.5 The Participatory Relations Among Teachers Learners.Curriculum Materials and the Context
6.5.1 reacher Voice
6.5.2 Student Voice
6.6 Revisiting the Theoretical Framework
6.7 Summary

Chapter Seven Conclusions and Implications
7.1 Summary of the Study
7.1.1 The Purpose and Methodology of the Study
7.1.2 Summary of the Findings
7.2 Significance of the Study
7.3 Implications
7.3.1 Theoretical Implications
7.3.2 Practical Implications
7.4 Limitations and Recommendations for Future Research
Appendix Ⅰ Baseline Teacher Interview Protocol
Appendix Ⅱ Pre?and Post.Observation Teacher Interviews
Appendix Ⅲ Baseline Student Interview Protocol
Appendix Ⅳ Observation Analysis

教师、学生与课程材料的参与关系研究 作者简介

李展,女,河南信阳人。2014年获得英国纽卡斯尔大学应用语言学与英语教育专业(Applied Linguistics and TESOL)硕士学位,2016年获得香港大学英语教育专业哲学博士学位,现任中南财经政法大学外语学院讲师。主要研究方向为应用语言学、课程与教学论、教师专业发展等。先后主持中央高校本科研业务经费项目1项、香港大学教育学院研究生科研项目2项,参与省部级、校级课题多项。多次受邀参于美国教育协会(AERA)、美国应用语言协会(AAAL)、靠前教材开发研究协会(MATSDA) 等靠前很好学术会议,并宣讲学术论文。发表SSCI论文1篇、ESCI论文1篇、靠前外期刊学术论文数篇。
