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在实践中培养跨文化能力 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787544635110
  • 条形码:9787544635110 ; 978-7-5446-3511-0
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

在实践中培养跨文化能力 本书特色

teachers at all levels of education and in many countries recognise that their learners need to become more sensitive to and knowledgeable about people of other cultures and countries. this is called 'intercultural competence' and has been much discussed and described in theory.   this book shows how these ideas can be realised in the classroom.lts chapters are written by teachers in schools, adult education and universities who describe in straight-forward ways what they do in their classrooms or how they have developed new teaching materials. they describe work with adults and young people, with motivated university students and disaffected youngsters in school.   the book includes some chapters which are about foreign language teaching and others which show how teachers of geography or literature can develop learners' intercultural competence. teachers describe their work with learners in the traditional classroom but also how they break out of the classroom using new technologies-or by taking their learners out into the world around them. the methods are inspired by ethnography, by literary theory, by tandem learning, by awareness-raising exercises as well as by analyses of authentic materials. there is variety of approaches, of learners and of countries which will inspire teachers to develop their own ideas.

在实践中培养跨文化能力 内容简介

为达到培养全球公民的目标,配合当下外语教学发展趋势,上海外语教育出版社在“外教社跨文化交际丛书”的基础上,又引进推出一批从跨文化视角进行外语教学的权威力作。这一批以国际著名外语教育家Michael Byram教授为首的学者们的著作,是英国多语出版公司出版的丛书“Languages for Intercultural Communication and Education”(LICE)中众多专著/文集的一部分。在这些著作中,学者们对以跨文化交际为目标的外语教学进行了开创新探索和实践,对教学理论、课堂实践和成果评估等进行了全方位的论析和阐述。他们所提出的教学目标、教学框架、能力模式、概念、理论、观点、途径、方法以及对整个教学结构的设想,不仅具有挑战性和时代的前瞻性,而且尤其可贵的是,具有很强的可操作性。这些远见卓识无疑引导着当今世界外语教学改革的潮流。 本书由课堂教学(初级、中级、高级)、超越课堂(新媒体技术运用和课外跨文化社会交往活动)和教学资源开发三部分组成,旨在为语言教学提供优秀的跨文化教学实践实例,同时也希望能够为教授社会科学、文学等与文化相关科目的教师提供帮助。书中的实例和叙事都源于世界不同文化、地区和国家从事不同学科的学者和专家的亲身经历,他们详实的语料和数据、鲜活的文化信息和真实体验使读者备感亲切,有身临其境之感。

在实践中培养跨文化能力 目录

part 1: in the classroom
1 the international partnership project
2 teaching intercultural communicative competence through literature
3 'up the hills of ldentity
4 visual codes and modes of presentation of television news broadcasts
5 an approach to implementing a cultural studies syllabus
6 'family life' and 'regional ldentity': comparative studies while learning french
7 it must be cultural because i don't do it': cultural awareness in initial tesol teacher education
part 2: beyond the classroom
using new technologies
8 virtual lntercultural competence: a programme for japanese elementary school students
9 students as virtual ethnographers: exploring the language-culture connection
10 working in tandem: an anglo-french project
11 new tools for old tricks: information and communication technology in teaching british cultural studies
in the field
12 tandem learning as an intercultural activity
13 'why do danes put their elderly in nursing homes?' -working outside the classroom with adult second language learners
part 3: developing resources
14 cultural understanding in danish schools
15 'i thought my teacher fancied me'
16 british and bulgarian christmas cards: a research project for students
17 study of landscapes as an approach to openness to others
further reading

在实践中培养跨文化能力 作者简介

Michael Byram, Adam Nichols and David Stevens are in teacher education at the University of Durham. They specialise in the teaching of foreign languages (Byram), geography (Nichols) and English as mother tongue (Stevens) and have found a common interest in the ways in which all these subjects involve cultural issues. They have invited authors from throughout Europe and North America to describe their work in the classroom or in producing teaching materials to develop intercultural competence.

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