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学术英语国际沟通与交流 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787302644453
  • 条形码:9787302644453 ; 978-7-302-64445-3
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
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学术英语国际沟通与交流 本书特色


学术英语国际沟通与交流 内容简介


学术英语国际沟通与交流 目录

Unit 1 Exploring Key Ideas1
Part 1 Overview2
1. Importance of Academic Presentations2
2. Common Forms of Academic Presentations3
3. Standards for Good Presentations4
4.Stage Fright4
Part 2 Strategies for Building Confidence in Making Good Presentations5
1.Strategics for Making Good Presentations5
2. Strategies for Dealing with Stage Fright7
Reflections and Practice7 Unit 2 Planning a Presentation11
Part 1 Overview?2
1. Contexts of Planning a Presentation12
2. Steps of Planning a Presentation 12
3. Structure of a Presentation16
Part 2 Strategies for Planning a Presentation 17
1. Impressing the Audience18
2. Informing the Audience19
3. Enlightening the Audience19
4.Solidifying the Presentation Framework20
5.Polishing the Presentation Language21
6. Practicing the Presentation22
Part 3 Useful Expressions?3
1. Greeting, Expressing Gratitude, and Introducing Oneself.23
2.Introducing the Presentation Topic24
3. Explaining the Agenda24
4. Introducing the Body of the Presentation24
5. Summing up the Presentation25
6. Closing the Presentation25
Reflections and Practice25 Unit 3 Starting a Presentation29
Part 1 Overview30
1. Importance of Designing the Beginning of a Presentation30
2. Key Tasks to Be Accomplished When Starting a
Presentation 30
Part 2 Strategies for Starting a Presentation33
1. Giving an Interesting Statistic That Relates to the
2. Getting the Audience to lmagine Situations33
3.Asking the Audience a Question34
4.Saying Something Personal34
5.Saying Something Counterintuitive35
Part 3 Useful Expressions35
1. Introducing the Institute/Department35
2. Telling the Audience What Point Has Been Researched and
in What Context36
3. Giving a General Outline36
4.Justifying the Selected Topic36
5. Referring to the Handout36
Reflections and Practice37 Unit 4 Developing a Presentation39
Part 1 Overview40
1. Key Issues of Developing a Good Presentation40
2.Organizational Patterns of the Body41
3. Challenges of Developing a Presentation44
Part 2 Strategies for Developing a Presentation45
1. Strategies for Presenting the Methods45
2. Strategies for Presenting the Results and Discussion46
3. Strategies for Leading Your Audience Through the
Part 3 Useful Expressions49
1. Announcing the Beginning of the Body Development49
2. Shifting to the Next Point49
3. Introducing the Supporting Details50
4. Resuming the Topic?0
5. Introducing a Visual51
6.Summing up the Key Points in the Body51
Reflections and Practice 52 Unit 5 Ending a Presentation 55
Part 1 Overview56
1. Importance of Designing the Ending of a Presentation56
2. Key Tasks to Be Accomplished When Ending
a Presentation566
Part 2 Strategies for Ending a Presentation57
1. Giving Impressive Statistics58
2. Relating Findings to the Audience58
3. Asking for Feedback59
4. Talking About Future Work59
5. Using Visual Elements59
Part 3 Useful Expressions61
1. Signaling the End61
2. Telling the Audience Where They Can Find Further
3. Eliciting Help from the Audience61
4. Talking About Future Work61
5. Thanking the Audience1
Reflections and Practice62 Unit 6 Designing Slides and Posters65
Part 1 Overview66
1. Importance of Slide and Poster Design66
2. Features of Slide and Poster Presentations66
Part 2 Strategies for Designing Slides and Posters 68
1. Strategies for Designing Slides68
2.Strategies for Designing Posters75
Reflections and Practice76 Unit 7 Delivering a Presentation79
Part 1 Overview80
1. Elements of Good Presentation Delivery80
2. Types of Presentation Delivery80
3. Elements of Nonverbal Delivery82
Part 2 Strategies for Delivering a Presentation83
1. Strategies for Verbal Delivery83
2. Strategies for Nonverbal Delivery85
3. Strategies for Time Management91
Reflections and Practice91 Unit 8 Dealing with Q&A Sessions95
Part 1 Overview96
1. Purposes and Functions of Q&A Sessions96
2. Challenges in Dealing with Q&A Sessions96
3. Questions Frequently Asked in Q&A Sessions 97
Part 2 Strategies for Dealing with Q&A Sessions98
1. Strategies for Answering Questions98
2. Strategies for Asking Questions100
Part 3 Useful Expressions101
1. Initiating and Inviting Questions101
2.Clarifying Questions101
3. Responding to Questions102
4. Confirming Your Answer102
Reflections and Practice 102 Unit 9 Participating in International Academic
Conferences 107
Part 1 Overview108
1. Benefits of Participating in International Academic
2. Types of International Academic Conferences110
3. Types of Conference Presentations111
4.Conference Presentation Application and Completion
Part 2 Strategies for Maximizing the Value of Conference
1. Before the Conference116
2. During the Conference117
3. After the Conference118
Reflections and Practice119 Unit 10 Making Online Presentations123
Part 1 Overview124
1. Contexts of Online Presentations124
2. Benefits of Making Online Presentations124
3. Challenges of Making Online Presentations 125
Part 2 Strategies for Making Online Presentations126
1. Designing Slides for Online Presentations126
2. Delivering Online Presentations128
Part 3 Useful Expressions132
1.Clearing out Technical Issues132
2. Reporting Technical Issues132
3. Getting Ready to Start the Presentation 132
4. Asking the Audience to Wait132
5. Inviting the Audience to Ask/Answer Questions132
Reflections and Practice133 References135

学术英语国际沟通与交流 作者简介

董焱宁:加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚大学(UBC)博士,曾任教于UBC大学教育学院,现为清华大学语言教学中心讲师。主要研究领域为思辨能力,二语习得,学术英语教学,二语写作,英语作为第二语言的教学,在线教育,国际教育,课程设计。 近年来主要讲授过的课程为:博士生英语(国际学术交流);硕士生英语(国际学术交流);英语学术写作;批判性学术阅读与写作;英语作为第二语言的教学;应用语言学;教育研究方法论;二语习得理论;第二语言写作教学与研究等。其中,博士生英语课程获得“清华大学精品课程”称号。发表相关领域论文十余篇,在思辨能力理论与教学方面著有专著,并在十余场国际会议中发表过学术报告。曾获得UBC教育学院优秀教师奖、语言中心优秀教学研究论文一等奖等。曾参与编辑设计多套大学英语教材配套网络课程及教学管理平台,如《新视野大学英语》、《新标准大学英语》、《新视界大学英语》、《现代大学英语》等。
