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商务英语阅读教程:2:2:学生用书:Students book

商务英语阅读教程:2:2:学生用书:Students book

开本: 28cm 页数: 291页
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商务英语阅读教程:2:2:学生用书:Students book 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787544668668
  • 条形码:9787544668668 ; 978-7-5446-6866-8
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

商务英语阅读教程:2:2:学生用书:Students book 内容简介


商务英语阅读教程:2:2:学生用书:Students book 目录

Unit 1 International Organizations Part Ⅰ Pre-reading Questions Part Ⅱ Extensive Reading Text A Roles of International Organizations in the Global Economy Text B Story of the International Chamber of Commerce Part Ⅲ Reading Skills: 因果关系的理解 Part Ⅳ Supplementary Reading: What Is the World Trade Organization? Part Ⅴ Test Yourself Unit 2 Telecommunications Part Ⅰ Pre-reading Questions Part Ⅱ Extensive Reading Text A The Computer and the Poet Text B Getting the Message, at Last Part Ⅲ Reading Skills: 定语从句的理解 Part Ⅳ Supplementary Reading: What, No Phone? Part Ⅴ Test Yourself Unit 3 International Trade Part Ⅰ Pre-reading Questions Part Ⅱ Extensive Reading Text A Is Trade Good for America? Text B The Farm Fight Part Ⅲ Reading Skills: “it”的多种用途 Part Ⅳ Supplementary Reading: The Great Trade Routes Part Ⅴ Test Yourself Unit 4 Human Resources Part Ⅰ Pre-reading Questions Part Ⅱ Extensive Reading Text A The World As I See It Text B The Battle for Brainpower Part Ⅲ Reading Skills: 主语从句的理解 Part Ⅳ Supplementary Reading: Masters of the Universe Part Ⅴ Test Yourself Unit 5 Education Part Ⅰ Pre-reading Questions Part Ⅱ Extensive Reading Text A Universities and Their Function Text B Global Degrees Part Ⅲ Reading Skills: 过去分词的理解 Part Ⅳ Supplementary Reading: College Is a Bad Investment Part Ⅴ Test Yourself Unit 6 Travel Part Ⅰ Pre-reading Questions Part Ⅱ Extensive Reading Text A Enter (Again) the Golden Age of Travel Text B Tourism and Peace Part Ⅲ Reading Skills: 通过上下文猜测词义 Part Ⅳ Supplementary Reading: Longmen Grottoes (Dragon Gate Grottoes) Part Ⅴ Test Yourself Unit 7 Management Part Ⅰ Pre-reading Questions