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预见:大变局下的中国与世界(英文) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787119134864
  • 条形码:9787119134864 ; 978-7-119-13486-4
  • 装帧:平装-胶订
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

预见:大变局下的中国与世界(英文) 本书特色


预见:大变局下的中国与世界(英文) 内容简介


预见:大变局下的中国与世界(英文) 目录

Part I China and the World in the New Era China’s significant contribution to the achievement of the 2030 SDGs /2 Central Asia looks to open trade routes with China as soon as possible /6 Maintaining a reasonable balance between cooperation and competition is the best approach to international relations /11 A joint force with a competitive mindset – the future is Asian /16 China, a middle state /21 Promoting “dialogue between civilizations” as a way to navigate the complex international landscape /25 Outlook of China-Africa trade relations /29 China-Arab cooperation within the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative /34 Mutual benefits through trade liberalization and multilateral trade reform /37 Part II A Responsible Major Force: China and Global Governance Mankind at an unprecedented crossroads /46 WTO reform: an urgent need /50 What actions should WTO members take? /53 Globalization at a crossroads and China’s wisdom /58 It is time for China to join the CPTPP /62 AIIB, an example for economic integration in Asia /66 Promoting BRI: experience from international humanitarian agency /72 Global governance is undergoing “creative destruction” /75 Further systematizing cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative /79 China: a leader in globalized international trade /81 Part III Deepening Opening-up and Extensively Participating in Globalization Reform and opening-up: four decades of China’s integration in and influence on global value chain /88 Accurately grasping international rules and trends necessary for future reform and opening-up /97 Repositioning reform and opening-up in the new international landscape /101 The future of Hong Kong lies in its ability to attract talents and investment /107 China needs to continue hiding its light /120 Understanding China’s future from the perspective of civilization /125 The innovation and future of think tanks /132 Part IV Promoting Entrepreneurship: Going Global In going global, businesses should understand local culture /142 Creating the future by integrating innovation of technology and business model /145 Social innovation spearheads the era of entrepreneurship /148 “Wangdao” thinking – the most suitable way to sustainable business development for Chinese-funded businesses /159 In globalization, Chinese businesses are competitive /166 Developing Chinese multinational companies with the help of “the Triple Package” /169 Part V Talent Globalization: Winning the Future Population, innovation and urban planning /174 Personnel competitiveness central to metropolis construction /178 The best education in the future comes from AI /184 University innovation amid globalization /188 Entrepreneurship can and should be taught /194 Postscript /200

预见:大变局下的中国与世界(英文) 作者简介

王辉耀,博士,教授,博导,全球化智库(CCG)创始人兼理事长。国务院原参事,现任西南财经大学发展研究院院长、商务部中国国际经济合作学会副会长、中国公共关系协会副会长、中国人民外交学会理事、昆山杜克大学顾问委员会委员、巴黎和平论坛执委。曾担任中国欧美同学会副会长,加拿大魁北克驻香港和大中华区首席经济代表;曾在加拿大西安大略大学和英国曼彻斯特大学攻读博士,获国际管理博士(PhD)学位;曾任北京大学光华管理学院兼职教授,哈佛肯尼迪政府学院高级研究员,布鲁金斯学会客座研究员。历任世界银行、联合国国际移民署(IOM)和国际劳工组织(ILO)专家等。其创办的全球化智库连续四年位列世界百强智库,是首家获得联合国特别咨商地位的中国智库。著有和主编中英文著作近百部。 苗绿,博士,高级研究员,全球化智库(CCG)联合创始人兼秘书长,“国际青年领袖对话项目”创始人兼秘书长,中国国际人才专业委员会秘书长,北京师范大学国际写作中心副总干事。北京师范大学文学博士,香港科技大学博士后,新加坡南洋理工大学连氏学者。曾在美国纽约大学和哈佛大学担任访问学者。入选“2020年慕安会青年领袖”,应邀在2021年慕安会首脑论坛上与联合国秘书长古特雷斯对话。
