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陕西:中华文明的肇始之地:a cradle of Chinese civilization

陕西:中华文明的肇始之地:a cradle of Chinese civilization

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陕西:中华文明的肇始之地:a cradle of Chinese civilization 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787521340389
  • 条形码:9787521340389 ; 978-7-5213-4038-9
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

陕西:中华文明的肇始之地:a cradle of Chinese civilization 本书特色

《陕西:中华文明的肇始之地(英文平装版)》一书有以下特点:①溯源优秀传统文化,探寻中华文明根脉 ②讲述地道中国故事,展现多元地域文化 ③中外专家联袂编写,创新文化传播形式 ④汉英双语对照出版,图文并茂相得益彰 ⑤扫码获取故事音频,轻松享受听觉盛宴

陕西:中华文明的肇始之地:a cradle of Chinese civilization 内容简介

《陕西:中华文明的肇始之地》是“故事里的中国”系列丛书的开篇之作,该丛书由教 育部 中外语言交流合作中心联合新航道国际教育集团共同策划,中、英、美三国专家联袂编写,围绕“风物、习俗、艺术、人物、成就、精神”六大主题,呈现中国 34 个省级行政区的风貌,彰显中华文化的博大精深、多姿多彩。本书通过50个特色鲜明的陕西故事,展现陕西上下五千年的人文历史和发展成就,帮助中外读者走进陕西,了解陕西,进而构建可信、可爱、可敬的中国形象。

陕西:中华文明的肇始之地:a cradle of Chinese civilization 目录

I. Cultural Icons of Shaanxi

4 Introduction

6 Zhougong Temple: A Symbol of the Virtues Throughout the Millennia

10 Terracotta Warriors: The Eighth Wonder of the World

13 Wuzhangyuan: A Plain Remembered for Immortal Faith and Commitment

17 Dayan Pagoda: Master Xuanzang and His Pilgrimage Westward

20 Guanzhong Academy: Where the Guanzhong School Endures

24 Qinling Mountains: Burning a Plank Road

28 Lishan Mountain: King You Tricking His Lords with Beacon Fires

32 Huashan Mountain: A Peak with Breathtaking Precipitousness

36 Hukou Waterfall: The Flow That Inspires the Yellow River Cantata

40 Pagoda Mountain of Yan’an: A Lighthouse of the Chinese Revolution

43 Bell Tower of Xi’an: A Legend of Trapping a Sea-Turtle

II. Customs of Shaanxi

48 Introduction

50 Biangbiang Noodles: A Fantastic Dish with a Fantastic Name

54 Guokui Flatbread: A Wartime Ration of Old

57 Chinese Chili Oil: The Soul of Shaanxi Cuisine

61 Paomo: Served in a Big Bowl with a Warm Heart

64 Oversized Bowls: Filled with Shaanxi People’s Hospitality

66 Handkerchiefs as Headwear: A Blossom on Women’s Heads

69 Single-Slope Rooftops: A Water-Saving Architectural Style

72 Not Marrying Outsiders: Parental Love for Shaanxi Girls to Be Married

74 Preference for Squatting: A Life Style Unique to Shaanxi

77 Shaanxi Opera: Singing the Enflamed Passion of Shaanxi People

III. Unique Arts of Shaanxi

82 Introduction

84 Shaanxi Opera: The Revival of an Ancient Art

88 Meihu: Singing for the Revolution

91 Xintianyou: “Ballads of the Soul” on the Plateau

93 Shaanxi Paper-Cutting: The Woman Who Made Miracles Out of Paper

96 Huyi Farmer Painting: An Echo of Picasso in the East

99 Fengxiang Painted-Clay Sculpture: A “Living Fossil” Out of the Loess

101 Tri-Colored Glazed Pottery of Tang: A Shining Pearl Among Ancient Chinese Ceramics

104 Shadow Puppets: Light and Shade Coming to Life

107 Dough Sculptures: The Wonders of Flour

109 Ansai Waist-Drum Dance: Performance on Tian’anmen Square

IV. Outstanding Figures of Shaanxi

114 Introduction

116 Xuanyuan the Yellow Emperor: The Forefather of Huaxia

119 Cangjie: The Legendary Inventor of Chinese Characters

122 Sima Qian: Historian Par Excellence

125 Sun Simiao: A Great Physician of Unimpeachable Character

128 Zhang Zai: Champion of Social Values and Principles of Life

132 Lu Yao: Faithful to the Ordinary World

135 Chen Zhongshi: Life and Literature on the White Deer Plain

138 Li Zhensheng: “Lord of Wheat” in Modern Times

V. Accomplishments and Inventions of Shaanxi

144 Introduction

146 Qin Highway: The Precursor to the Modern Highway System

150 Zhengguo Canal: Two Thousand Years Nurturing the Guanzhong Plain

154 The Imperial Academy: The Confucian Ideals of Governance

158 The Silk Road: A Bridge Between the East and West

163 The Ten Computational Canons: A Tome of Ancient Chinese Mathematical Wisdom

166 National Northwest Associated University: Dedication to the Nation and to the Progress of Civilization

169 CHINA RAILWAY Express: An Unusual Postman

172 Fuping Dried Persimmon: The Delicious Taste of Prosperity

175 Charming Xi’an: Dreaming Back to the Tang Dynasty

VI. Spirit of Shaanxi

180 Introduction

181 The Yan’an Spirit: Serve the People Wholeheartedly

184 The Westward Spirit: Fulfilling Personal Ideals While Serving the Needs of the Country


陕西:中华文明的肇始之地:a cradle of Chinese civilization 作者简介

翟博,博士、编审。历任《中国教育报》总编辑,中国教育报刊社党委书记、社长。撰写、主编的书籍有《法门寺传奇》《教育均衡论》《中国家训经典》《中国人的教育智慧》《中国人的家教智慧》《中华优秀传统文化教育读本》《中华优秀传统文化教育导论》《中国教育的百年记忆》等50多部(本),被国务院授予“新闻出版事业突出贡献专家”称号,被国家新闻出版总署评为全国新闻出版行业领军人才。 王永智,西北大学二级教授,博士生导师。陕西省道德文化研究会书记、副会长。在《中国社会科学》《中国高等教育》《思想理论教育导刊》《道德与文明》《人民日报·理论版》发表论文110余篇,多篇论文获省部级哲学社会科学优秀成果奖。2014年,获教 育 部“高校思想政治理论课教师2013年度影响力人物”称号。 吴耀武,西安外国语大学副校长,英语专业教授,博士生导师,中国翻译协会理事会常务理事。在《中国翻译》《外语教学》IEEE Access等中外核心学术刊物发表论文20余篇。主持翻译的《中国的脱贫之道(英文版)/国家智库报告》于2022年获陕西省哲学社会科学二等奖并入藏中国共产党历史展览馆。
