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公共关系学 版权信息

公共关系学 内容简介


公共关系学 目录

1.Abilities through This Book
2.Basic Description for This Book

Chapter 1 Profession-Reviewing the Definitions of Public Relations
1.Points of the Chapter Objectives
2.Understanding the Principles
3.Basic Situation
4.Leaming to Answer
5.Indication from Experience
6.Cases study

Chapter 2 Periods in the History-Evolution of Public Relations
1.Points of the Chapter Objectives
2.Understanding the Principles
3.Basic Situation
4.Learning to Answer
5.Indication from Experience
6.Cases Study

Chapter 3 Participation in Management-Lattitude of Public Relations
1.Points of the Chapter Objectives
2.Understanding the Principles
3.Basic Situation
4.Learning to Answer
5.Indication from Experience
6.Cases Study

Chapter 4 Practitioners and Organization as the Subject-Agents of Public Relations
1.Points of the Chapter Objectives
2.Understanding the Principles
3.Basic Situation
4.Leanung to Answer
5.Indication from Experience
6.Cases Study
Chapter 5 Public-Types of the Objects of Public Relations
Chapter 6 Planning-Initiative of Public Relations
Chapter 7 Publicity-Objective originally understood by Public Relations Communicators
Chapter 8 Practice of Public Relations-Norms of Special Activities
Chapter 9 Promotion of Organization Image-Status of Public Relations

公共关系学 节选

  "Pulling relationship" refers to the improper interpersonal activities such as "setting up personal relationship", "finding a way out" and "going through the back door". On the surface, the direct purpose of public relations and "pulling relations"seems to be the same. They both hope that through interpersonal communication, the organization or enterprise can get the support of relevant parties, so as to solve problems smoothly. Therefore, some people think that as long as this goal can be achieved, any means can be adopted. What kind of public relations or "pulling relationship" are just different names. But in essence, the emergence of public relations is to fight against the bad phenomenon of "pulling relations". Therefore,there are essential differences between the two.  First, they have different social bases. Public relations are the product of the rapid development of commodity economy, the rapid expansion of information dissemination and the unprecedented complexity of modern economic life. "Pulling relations" is the product of closed and backward feudal economy. It came into being under the condition of low level of social productivity and insufficient goods and services.  Under the condition of highly developed commodity economy, enterprises encounter competitors, the traditional seller's market is gradually transformed into the buyer's market, and consumers have a choice. It is important for enterprises to survive and develop. How to expand the influence of enterprises in the public has become an important issue for modern entrepreneurs. Due to the expansion of the amount of information dissemination, enterprises need to timely and effectively transmit their own information to the public in the vast ocean of information, and also to timely and fully feed back the extemal information. Due to the unprecedented complexity of modern economic life, enterprises are facing a series of unprecedented new problems. All these problems need to be deeply studied and taken seriously, and a group of professionals who are familiar with public opinions and information dissemination are needed to solve them. Public relations is a summary of such practical experience.  Second, the purpose of public relations and "pulling relationship" are different.The pursuit of public relations is that the economic benefits of enterprises are basically consistent with the interests of the public. Through long-term, planned and effective public relations work, the enterprise will establish a good image in the society, and the enterprise will continue to develop under the premise of consistent with the public interest. The basic starting point of "pulling relations" is to benefit oneself at the expense of others, and to seek the private interests of individuals or small groups. Social interaction is regarded as a privilege to seek personal interests,and various social relations are regarded as private property of individuals or small groups, and as vested interests of individuals or small groups. As a result, individuals tend to fill their own pockets, while social and public interests are seriously damaged.

公共关系学 作者简介

  李先国,男,湖南常宁市人,浙江越秀外国语学院教授。2005年在苏州大学获比较文学与世界文学博士学位,2006年至2008年在上海师范大学跟从郑克鲁教授从事博士后研究工作。2013年在上海外国语大学参加出国留学人员英语培训,2014年获得国家留学基金委访学项目,后在浙江越秀外国语学院网络传播学院从事公共关系学双语课程、营销传播、新媒体写作等教学与研究。2019年在西交利物浦大学参加双语教学培训项目,2021年在浙江越秀外国语学院参加双语教学培训项目。  在《文学评论》等海内外各级刊物上发表《美剧研究》等论文40余篇,完成省级课题2项,主持省级重点课题1项,出版《化俗从雅文学观的建立——朱自清与西方文艺思想关系研究》等专著4部,主编浙江省“十三五”新形态教材《公共关系学》1部。获得市级科研成果奖4项。
