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地图上的中国:美丽家园(英) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787508545790
  • 条形码:9787508545790 ; 978-7-5085-4579-0
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

地图上的中国:美丽家园(英) 本书特色

本书内容丰富,文笔轻松有趣,融专业性与通俗性于一体,可以很好地帮助读者加深对中国地理概貌和生物资源的了解 It helps readers deepen their understanding of China's natural conditions and their recognition of China's new development concepts.

地图上的中国:美丽家园(英) 内容简介


地图上的中国:美丽家园(英) 目录


Beautiful Land

This Is the Land of China

The skeleton across the land of China · 12 ·

Four plateaus with different “personalities” · 16 ·

Big basins between mountains · 20 ·

Plains blanketed with green · 24 ·

Beautiful rivers and lakes · 26 ·

China’s seas · 30 ·


Animal Kingdom

China’s Animal Kingdom

Giant panda · 38 ·

Sichuan golden snubnosed monkey · 41 ·

Manchurian tiger · 44 ·

South China tiger · 46 ·

Wild yak · 48 ·

Tibetan antelope · 50 ·

Snow leopard · 52 ·

Takin · 54 ·

Przewalski’s gazelle · 56 ·

Kiang · 58 ·

Elk · 60 ·

White-browed gibbon · 62 ·

Ibex · 64 ·

Asian elephant · 66 ·

Bactrian camel · 70 ·

Eld’s deer · 72 ·

Taiwan monkey · 74 ·

Brown-eared pheasant · 76 ·

Golden pheasant · 78 ·

Crested ibis · 80 ·

Red goral · 82 ·

Hooded crane · 84 ·

Siberian white crane · 87 ·

Swinhoe’s pheasant · 89 ·

Chinese merganser · 91 ·

Chinese alligator · 94 ·

Yangtze finless porpoise · 96 ·

Dugong · 99 ·

Chinese sturgeon · 102 ·


Plants Are Friends

China’s Plant World

Metasequoia glyptostroboides · 111 ·

Fraxinus hubeiensis · 114 ·

Bretschneidera sinensis · 117 ·

Cyclocarya paliurus · 120 ·

Taxus wallichiana var. mairei · 122 ·

Alsophila spinulosa · 124 ·

Davidia involucrata · 126 ·

Michelia odora · 128 ·

Parashorea chinensis · 130 ·

Ginkgo biloba · 132 ·

Camptotheca acuminata· 135 ·

Pseudolarix amabilis · 137 ·

Liriodendron chinense · 139 ·

Camellia petelotii · 141 ·

Taiwania cryptomerioides · 143 ·

Glyptostrobus pensilis · 146 ·

Saussurea involucrata · 149 ·

Populus euphratica · 152 ·

Panax ginseng · 155 ·

Cupressus gigantea · 157 ·

Conclusion: Protect Our Beautiful Home · 159 ·


地图上的中国:美丽家园(英) 节选

Due to its vast territory, as well as its intricate and diverse natural environment, China’s animal resources are extremely rich, with more than 50,000 species of wild animals. According to relevant statistics in 2018, species of wild vertebrates in China account for more than 10% of the total number of animal species in the world. China has 499 species of mammals, ranking 5th in the world; 1,186 species of birds, ranking 10th in the world; 279 species of amphibians, ranking 6th in the world; 412 species of reptiles, accounting for 6.5% of the world’s total; about 3,400 species of fish, accounting for 12.1% of the world’s total; 30,000 species of named insects; 9 of the world’s 15 species of cranes; 46 of the world’s 148 species of geese and ducks, and 56 of the world’s 276 species of wild pheasants. In China, there are Asian elephants walking through the tropical rain forests of Xishuangbanna in the south, Siberian tigers crouching in the ice and snow of the Lesser Khiggan Mountains in the north, Chinese sturgeons cruising in the Yangtze River, and Tibetan antelopes running on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Because of its unique history of geological evolution, China has many ancient species that have long been extinct in other parts of the northern hemisphere, such as giant pandas, golden monkeys and wild Bactrian camels. China also has more than 100 species of unique and rare wild animals including South China tigers, brown eared pheasants, red-crowned cranes, crested ibis, white-flag dolphins and Chinese alligators. Meanwhile, China is also a country with a large distribution of endangered animals. According to incomplete statistics, there are more than 120 endangered animals originating in China (referring to species originating in China) listed in the appendix of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, 257 species on the List of Wild Animals under State Priority Conservation, and 400 species of birds, amphibians, reptiles and fish in the China Red Data Book of Endangered Animals.

地图上的中国:美丽家园(英) 作者简介

盛宝军,中学地理教师,曾获黑龙江省地理教学技能大赛一等奖,在《少年儿童故事报》《童话世界》《探索地理》等报刊杂志发表多篇文章。 Sheng Baojun, a high school geography teacher, won the first prize in the Heilongjiang Geography Teaching Skills Contest. He published fairy tales and essays on Children’s Stories, Fantasy Fairy Land and Geography Exploration, and some of his essays are included in primary school Chinese textbooks for extracurricular reading.
