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泛读50篇:考研英语题源外刊精选 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787562099963
  • 条形码:9787562099963 ; 978-7-5620-9996-3
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

泛读50篇:考研英语题源外刊精选 内容简介


泛读50篇:考研英语题源外刊精选 目录

**章 经济贸易类 Text 1 Why central bankers got serious about digital cash 为什么央行行长们对数字货币如此重视 Text 2 Bob Iger, king of Disneyland 鲍勃·艾格——迪士尼之王 Text 3 Digitax in Europe: the old one-two 欧洲数字税:经典组合拳 Text 4 Something doesn't ad up about America's advertising market 美国广告市场的一些事情说不通 Text 5 European oil majors: from Mars to Venus 欧洲石油巨头:从火星到金星 Text 6 The world economy--don't crash it 世界经济——不要撞车 Text 7 The Great Affordability Crisis breaking A merica 摧毁美国的大型负担危机 Text 8 After eight years, the question remains:What's the point of bitcoin? 8年过去了,问题依然存在:比特币的意义是什么? Text 9 Siemens and General Electric gear up for the internet of things 西门子和通用电气为物联网做好准备 Text 10 Airport profits: ready to depart 机场利润:即将离场 Text 11 Ride hailing: steering group 网约车:掌舵者 Text 12 Undertakers:death,disrupted 殡葬服务商:颠覆死亡 Text 13 Toyota and autonomy: speed limited 丰田和无人驾驶:循序渐进 Text 14 Aviation--winning the slots 航空——赢取航班时段 Text 15 Airlines and technology: all syste ms stop 航空公司与技术:所有系统都宕机 Text 16 Could live stream shopping change online retail for good? 直播购物会永远改变线上零售吗? 第二章 科学技术类 Text l DNA sequencing-—-a genome in the hand DNA测序——手中的基因组 Text 2 How machine learning is revolutionising market intelligence 机器学习如何变革市场情报 Text 3 Will advances in quantum computing affect internet security? 量子计算的发展会影响互联网安全吗? Text 4 The digital proletariat 数字无产阶级 Text 5 The digital world: reality check 数字世界:认清现实 Text 6 Customer service:here to help 客户服务:竭诚为您服务 Text 7 Mind games: the right way for investors to use financial technology 心理战:投资者使用金融科技的正确方式 Text 8 Sidewalk Labs: streets ahead 人行道实验室:未来街区 Text 9 Shoemakers bring bespoke footwear to the high street 制鞋商将定制鞋带人商街 Text 10 Artificial intelligence: the Kamprad test 人工智能:宜家测试 Text 11 Electric commercial vehicles: plugging away 商用电动车:充电继续前行 Text 12 Robonurses:machine caring 机器人护工:机器关怀 Text 13 Facial recognition: nowhere to hide 人脸识别:无处躲藏 Text 14 Don't fear the Writernator: computer-generated writing will never replace the human kind 不用害怕“作家终结者”:计算机生成的文章永远无法替代人类的作品 第三章 社会生活类 Text 1 The future of big data:distilling less knowledge per bit 大数据的未来:从数据中汲取更精简的知识 Text 2 Fifty years on,there's cause for weeping-and for hope 50年过去了,我们有理由哭泣,也有理由心怀希望 Text 3 The gender pay gap isn't just about big business-self-employed women are also at a financial disadvantage 两性薪酬差距不仅仅是大企业的问题——自营职业女性在经济上也处于劣势 Text 4 Professors are losing their freedo m of expression 教授们正在失去言论自由 Text 5 The banking bill could hurt black ho meowners 银行法案可能伤害黑人房主 Text 6 What are babies born with--altruism 婴儿们与生俱来的利他主义 Text 7 In a big data world,scholars need new guidelines for research 在大数据世界中,学者们需要新的研究指南 Text 8 Female CEOs face "greater penalties" than male CEOs for ethical transgression 女性首席执行官比男性首席执行官在违反道德方面面临更大的惩罚 Text 9 How to buy happiness: it depends on others 如何买到幸福:取决于其他人 Text 10 Energy: electric dreams 能源:电力梦想 Text 11 Are digital distractions harming labour productivity? 数字干扰会损害劳动生产率吗? Text 12 Prizewinning economics: school rules 获奖经济学:择校新规则 Text 13 New York's mayor wants to demolish a school system that lifts kids out of poverty 纽约市长想要摧毁一个让孩子们摆脱贫困的学校系统 Text 14 The fashion sharing: so mething rented 时尚共享:租衣新时尚 Text 15 Conservation:a great survivor 环境保护:了不起的幸存者 Text 16 Racial bias found in a major health care risk algorithm 在一种主要的医疗风险算法中发现了种族偏见 Text 17 A startup's rise and fall:blood money 一家创业公司的兴衰:血腥钱 Text 18 Parents are sacrificing their social lives on the altar of intensive parenting 为了强化育儿,父母牺牲自己的社交生活 Text 19 The Guardian view on a defeat for Heathrow's third runway:a welcome precedent 《卫报》对希思罗机场第三跑道失败的看法:一个受欢迎的先例 Text 20 Globalization: bridges versus borders 全球化:跨境桥对阵国境线

泛读50篇:考研英语题源外刊精选 作者简介

