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中国居民膳食指南:简本:英文:summary:2016:2016 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787117245524
  • 条形码:9787117245524 ; 978-7-117-24552-4
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

中国居民膳食指南:简本:英文:summary:2016:2016 内容简介

  《中国居民膳食指南(2016 简本 英文)》提供了针对一般人群、备孕女性、孕妇、乳母、婴儿、学龄前儿童、青少年、65岁以上老年人的膳食指南,还介绍了素食主义者的膳食指南,并提供了英文版的中国居民平衡膳食宝塔、中国居民平衡膳食餐盘和儿童平衡膳食算盘,以突出可操作性,可让以英语为母语的人员了解中国的膳食指南情况。

中国居民膳食指南:简本:英文:summary:2016:2016 目录

1.Dietary Guidelines for the General Population Summary of the core recommendations
(a)Eat a variety of foods, cereal based
(b)Be active to maintain a healthy body weight
(c)Eat plenty of vegetables, fruits, dairy and soybeans
(d)Enjoy fish, poultry, eggs and lean meats
(e)Limit table salt, cooking oil, added sugar and alcohol
(f)Develop healthy eating habits, avoid food waste

2.Supplementary Guidelines for Specific Populations
(a)Women who are trying to get pregnant
(b)Pregnant women
(e)Lactating women
(d)Pre-schoolers (2-5 years old)
(e)Children and adolescents (6-17 years old)
(f)The elderly (65 years old and above)

3.Feeding Guidelines for Infants
(a)0-6 months
(b)7-24 months

4.Dietary Guidelines for Vegetarians

5.Figures of Balanced Dietary Pattern
(a)Chinese Food Guide Pagoda
(b)Chinese Food Guide Plate
(c)Chinese Food Guide Abacus

中国居民膳食指南:简本:英文:summary:2016:2016 节选

  《UMMARY中国居民膳食指南(2016 简本 英文)》:  (b) Be active to maintain a healthy body weight  Body weight is an important indicator of one's nutrition and health status. The balance between energy intake and expenditure is the key to maintain a healthy body weight. People of all age groups should have physical exercise daily to maintain energy balance. Under- or over-weight increases the risk of diseases. It is recommended to perform moderate level physical activities for at least 5 days (a total of at least 150 min) per week. Daily activities, totaling up to the equivalent of 6000 walking steps, are also recommended. Avoid being sedentary for more than an hour.  (c) Eat plenty of vegetables, fruits, dairy and soybeans  Vegetables, fruits, dairy, soybeans, dairy and soy products are vital components in a balanced diet whereas nuts are a beneficial supplement. Fruits and vegetables are the main source of micronutrients, dietary fiber and phytochemicals. Dairy and soybeans are rich in calcium, high quality proteins and B vitamins. Vegetables should be included in every meal; the recommended daily intake being 300-500g, in which half of them should be dark colored vegetables. It is also encouraged to eat fruits daily. A daily intake of 200-350g of fresh fruits is recommended and they cannot be replaced by processed fruit products. A wide variety of dairy products should be consumed in which a daily intake equivalent to 300g of liquid milk is recommended. Soy products, equivalent to 25g of soybeans or more, should be eaten daily. Although nuts are also a protein source and provides essential fatty acids, they should be consumed in small portions as they are high in calories. (d) Enjoy fish, poultry, eggs and lean meats  Fish, poultry and lean meats are sources of high quality protein, Vitamin A and B, etc. However, some contain higher amounts of fat and cholesterol than others. Fish and poultry are better choices as their fat content is lower and fish contains higher amounts of non-saturated fatty acids. Eggs contain a wide variety and high amounts of nutrients. Lean meats should be the preferred choice to fatty meats as the fat content is relatively lower. Avoid smoked and cured meats as they can increase the risk of tumors. The recommended weekly intakes for meat and dairy products are as follow: fish-280-525g, poultry and meat-280-525g, eggs-280-350g. The total intake of fish, poultry, lean meat and eggs should be targeted at 120-200g daily.  ……
