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旅游英语-含光盘 版权信息

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旅游英语-含光盘 内容简介


旅游英语-含光盘 目录

Unit One Discover ChinaPart I . Listening and Practice / 1Part Ⅱ. Passage Reading / 4Part Ⅲ. Culture Background / 7Part Ⅳ. Practical Writing / 10Unit Two Beijing —— The City of RoyaltyPart I.Listening and Practice / 13Part Ⅱ. Passage Reading / 16Part Ⅲ. Culture Background / 21Part Ⅳ. Practical Writing / 24Unit Three Xi'an —— The Start Point of Silk RoadPart I. Listening and Practice / 27Part Ⅱ. Passage Reading / 30Part Ⅲ. Culture Background / 34Part Ⅳ. Practical Writing / 36Unit Four Dunhuang —— The Joint of the Four Oldest CivilizationsPart I. Listening and Practice / 41Part Ⅱ. Passage Reading / 44PartⅢ. Culture Background / 48Part Ⅳ. Practical Writing / 50Unit Five Xinjiang —— A CornucopiaPart Ⅰ. Listening and Practice / 52Part Ⅱ. Passage Reading / 55Part Ⅲ. Culture Background / 60Part Ⅳ. Practical Writing / 63Unit Six Tibet —— The Third Pole of the WorldPart Ⅰ Listening and Practice / 65Part Ⅱ. Passage Reading / 68Part Ⅲ. Culture Background / 73Part Ⅳ. Practical Writing / 75Unit Seven Yunnan —— A Colorful LandPart Ⅰ. Listening and Practice / 77Part Ⅱ. Passage Reading / 79Part Ⅲ. Culture Background / 84Part IV. Practical Writing / 87Unit Eight Sichuan —— The Land of AbundancePart Ⅰ. Listening and Practice / 89Part Ⅱ. Passage Reading / 92Part Ⅲ. Culture Background / 96Part IV. Practical Writing / 99Unit Nine Hubei —— The Thoroughfare Leading to Nine ProvincesPart I. Listening and Practice / 101Part Ⅱ. Passage Reading / 104Part Ⅲ. Cultural Background / 109Part Ⅳ. Practical Writing / 111Unit Ten Anhui —— The Land of JianghuaiPart I. Listening and Practice / 114Part Ⅱ. Passage Reading / 117Part Ⅲ. Culture Background / 121Part Ⅳ. Practical Writing / 125Unit Eleven Shandong —— Hometown of ConfucianPart Ⅰ .Listening and Practice / 128Part Ⅱ. Passage Reading / 130Part Ⅲ. Culture Background / 134Part Ⅳ. Practical Writing / 139Unit Twelve Guilin —— A Fairy Land under HeavenPart Ⅰ. Listening and Practice / 141Part Ⅱ. Passage Reading / 144Part Ⅲ. Culture Background / 148Part Ⅳ. Practical Writing / 150Unit Thirteen Shanghai —— Oriental PearlPart Ⅰ. Listening and Practice / 153Part Ⅱ. Passage Reading / 156Part Ⅲ. Culture Background / 160Part Ⅳ. Practical Writing / 163Unit Fourteen Suzhou and Hangzhou —— The Paradise on EarthPart Ⅰ. Listening and Practice / 166Part Ⅱ. Passage Reading / 169Part Ⅲ. Culture Background / 173Part Ⅳ. Practical Writing / 175Unit Fifteen Hong Kong —— An Invigorating MetropolisPart Ⅰ. Listening and Practice / 178Part Ⅱ. Passage Reading / 182Part Ⅲ. Culture Background / 186Part Ⅳ. Practical Writing / 189Unit Sixteen Taiwan —— The Treasured IslandPart Ⅰ. Listening and Practice / 191Part Ⅱ. Passage Reading / 194Part Ⅲ. Culture Background / 197Part Ⅳ. Practical Writing / 201Appendix / 2o3Reference / 249

旅游英语-含光盘 节选


旅游英语-含光盘 相关资料

插图:Sichuan cuisine is one of the most famous Chinese cuisines in the world.Characterized by its spicy and pungent flavor, Sichuan cuisine, prolific of tastes,emphasizes on the use of chili. Pepper also never fails to accompany, producingtypical exciting tastes. Besides, garlic, ginger and fermented soybean are alsoused in the cooking process. Wild vegetables and animals are usually chosen asingredients, while frying, frying without oil, pickling and braising are appliedas basic cooking techniques. It cannot be said that one who does not experienceSichuan food ever reaches China. Cantonese CuisineCantonese food originates from Guangdong, the southernmost province inChina. The majority of overseas Chinese people are from Gnangdong (Canton)so Cantonese is perhaps the most widely available Chinese regional cuisineoutside of China. Tasting clear, light, crisp and fresh, Cantonese cuisine,familiar to Westerners, usually chooses raptors and beasts to produce originativedishes. Its basic cooking techniques include roasting, stir-frying, sauteing, deep-frying, braising, stewing and steaming. Among them steaming and stir-fryingare more commonly applied to preserve the natural flavor. Gnangdong chefs alsopay much attention to the artistic presentation of dishes.
