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爱语音 美语发音精讲精练-含光盘一张

爱语音 美语发音精讲精练-含光盘一张

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爱语音 美语发音精讲精练-含光盘一张 版权信息

爱语音 美语发音精讲精练-含光盘一张 本书特色

《爱语音·美语发音精讲精练》:数十万学员评语速成效果,用正确 方法塑完美美音。新东方主音组老师十年教学经验结晶。

爱语音 美语发音精讲精练-含光盘一张 内容简介


爱语音 美语发音精讲精练-含光盘一张 目录

lesson 1 i can say my abc
lesson 2 元音
lesson 3 元音
lesson 4 比较
lesson 5 元音
lesson 6 比较
lesson 7 元音
lesson 8 比较
lesson 9 元音
lesson 10 比较
lesson 11 元音
lesson 12 元音
lesson 13 元音
lesson 14 比较
lesson 15 元音
lesson 16 元音
lesson 17 元音
lesson 18 比较
lesson 19 元音
lesson 20 元音
lesson 21 元音
lesson 22 比较
lesson 23 元音
lesson 24 前面的元音
lesson 25 辅音
lesson 26 辅音
lesson 27 辅音
lesson 28 辅音
lesson 29 辅音
lesson 30 辅音
lesson 31 辅音
lesson 32 辅音
lesson 33 辅音
lesson 34 辅音
lesson 35 辅音
lesson 36 辅音
lesson 37 辅音
lesson 38 辅音
lesson 39 辅音
lesson 40 辅音
lesson 41 辅音
lesson 42 辅音
lesson 43 冠词的读法
lesson 44 名词复数与动词第三人称单数
lesson 45 动词+ed
lesson 46 重读
lesson 47 连读
lesson 48 基本语调
lesson 49 弱读与缩读
lesson 50 voa慢速英语文章选读

爱语音 美语发音精讲精练-含光盘一张 节选


爱语音 美语发音精讲精练-含光盘一张 相关资料

插图:Broadcast: May 5, 2003This is the VOA Special English Development Report.Each year more than two-million people die from diseases caused by drinking dirtywater. That is the estimate of the World Health Organization. Dirty water is a leading killer indeveloping countries. Most of the victims are children.Diarrhea, cholera, typhoid, and infectious hepatitis are all spread through unclean water bybacteria or viruses. Malaria, river blindness and dengue fever are spread by insects that lay theireggs in drinking water or live around water resources.There are systems designed to make dirty water safe to drink. A group called Pottersfor Peace has developed a low-cost system for use by families. Potters for Peace is a non-governmental organization based in the United States and active in Central America. The systemthis group developed is called the Ceramic Water Purifier.The purifier is a round container with a filter inside made of porous clay. Clay is hardearth. A process called firing strengthens it with intense heatl Porous means it still lets waterflow through. But the clay acts as a filter. It traps harmful organisms. Also, the clay filter ispainted with a substance called colloidal silver. Colloidal silver kills bacteria. It is used in waterpurification systems in many aircraft.The purifier sits inside a larger container that catches and stores water as it flows throughthe filter. This larger container also protects the purifier from damage. The filter is supposedto be cleaned about once a month to make sure water is still able to flow through. Potters forPeace suggests that users replace the filter after a year. Ceramic water purifiers are being used indeveloping countries around the world. They first became popular in Ecuador and Guatemala.Today they are being used throughout Central and South America, and in parts of Africa and Asia.Ceramic water purifiers can help communities meet their water needs. But Potters for Peacesays they can also help communities earn money. With a little training, local artists can produceand sell the containers that hold the purifier.You can find out more about the Ceramic Water Purifier at the Potters for Peace Web site.That address is w-w-w-dot-p-o-t-p-a-z-dot-o-r-g. Again, p-o-t-p-a-z-dot-o-r-g. This VOA Special English Development Report was written by Jill Moss.

爱语音 美语发音精讲精练-含光盘一张 作者简介

李莘,现任新东方听力口语部主任。于2006年带领团队创立了“iEnglish”英语学习品牌。精通英语、西班牙语等四种语言。曾任中国国际广播电台西班牙语播音员。拉美最大美语培训中心Cerltro Cclombo Americano的美语老师。曾去过哥伦比亚、委内瑞拉、巴拿马、沙特阿拉伯、阿联酋、埃及、苏丹、肯尼亚、巴林、美国、德国、英国、挪威、捷克、奥地利等国家进行工作和交流。ASOCOPI(Asociacion Colornbiaila del Profesordel Ingles)成员。赵东坡,1999年毕业于北京新东方学校实用英语学院,并就业于北京新东方学校基础英语部听力口语项目组至今。主讲电影听说、语音、美国口语、英语900句、听说速成听力、TSE、托福基础听力、托福听力强化等课程。先后担任语音、听说速成等项目负责人,参与编写了“4+1”英语学习法系列教材。2002年12月出版《4+1语音》一书。2002、2003、2004年连续三年被评为北京新东方学校优秀教师。2003年主持编写了听说读写项目初级班语音教材。2006年荣获新东方教育集团优秀教师称号。
