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机电专业英语 版权信息

机电专业英语 内容简介


机电专业英语 目录

unit 1
text mechanical drawing expressions of typical parts
translation skills 科技英语翻译概述
reading material component tolerances
relative terminology of mechanical drawings
unit 2
text common engineering metals and their properties
translation skills 科技文章的特点
reading material kinds of steel
relative terminology of common engineering metals
unit 3
text common mechanisms and mechanical transmission
translation skills 科技应用文的译法
reading material gear manufacturing
relative terminology of mechanisms and mechanical transmission

机电专业英语 节选


机电专业英语 相关资料

插图:1 The article introduces engineering drawing concept and provides the knowledgeand skills of interpreting and producing basic engineering drawings relevant to typicalparts.2 Engineering drawings mean that the objects are expressed in drawings accord-ing to some projection method and technical requirements so that the shape, size, mate-rial and relative location of the project object are expressed exactly in the project techn-ology. Engineering drawings are classified as mechanical drawings, construction draw-ings, electronic drawings and chemical drawings. Mechanical drawings are widely used.Mechanical drawings are the channel for designers to express theoretical analysis, designconcept, and requirements of the object. They are also the primary basis of manufactur-ing parts, inspecting parts, improving equipments, repairing equipments and productassembly. In addition they are the tool of exchanging information and technology, sothey are called the language of engineering. Common mechanical drawings are partpatterns and assembly patterns. The part pattern can express the shape, size, technicalrequirements and others of the parts. The assembly pattern can express working princi-ples, assembly relations, the shape of main parts, and the name and number of eachpart in the assembly.3 The part pattern consists of a title bar, a group of view, all sizes and technical requirements. The title bar includes the name, material, scale, and pattern code of the part, which can help us understand the use, processing method, and size of the part. A group of view can express part structure and shape exactly. All sizes can show size rela- tion of each part of the body and their relative location. Technical requirements may be expressed in code, letter, and text which must be met in the manufacturing, inspection, and assembly.
