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英语学术论文写作 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787562430384
  • 条形码:9787562430384 ; 978-7-5624-3038-4
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

英语学术论文写作 内容简介


英语学术论文写作 目录

第1章 撰写研究论文的准备工作
 1.1 引言
 1.2 缩小研究课题
 1.3 提出研究问题
 1.4 做出研究假设
 1.5 确定研究路向
 1.6 确定与研究路向相关的研究方法
 1.7 选择论文格式
 1.8 小结
第2章 研究论文的摘要部分
 2.1 引言
 2.2 摘要的结构
 2.3 有关摘要的问题分析
 2.4 摘要的结构要素
 2.5 摘要的语言
 2.6 摘要的信息内容
 2.7 摘要的信息提炼及其语法特点
 2.8 小结
第3章 研究论文的引言部分
 3.1 引言
 3.2 引言的结构要素
 3.3 讨论前人研究的不足
 3.4 提出新的研究方法
 3.5 引言的语言
 3.6 小结
第4章 研究论文的方法部分
 4.1 引言
 4.2 材料
 4.3 设计
 4.4 分析
 4.5 步骤
 4.6 方法部分的语言
 4.7 小结
第5章 研究论文的结果部分
 5.1 引言
 5.2 表格、图表和图解
 5.3 统计学的应用
 5.4 结果部分的语言
 5.5 小结
第6章 研究论文的讨论部分
 6.1 引言
 6.2 讨论部分的内容
 6.3 讨论部分的语言
 6.4 小结
第7章 研究论文的结论部分
 7.1 引言
 7.2 结论的内容
 7.3 结论的结构
 7.4 结论的语言
 7.5 小结
第8章 研究论文的爹考文献部分
 8.1 引言
 8.2 参考文献的几种格式
 8.3 美国心理学协会格式
 8.4 论文附录
附录1 一篇供分析的研究论文
附录2 几家学术杂志的参考文献格式
附录3 中山大学外国语学院英语专业学生学位论文注释及参考文献格式要求
附录4 各章练习参考答案

英语学术论文写作 节选

《英语学术论文写作》介绍了学术论文的语言特点和语篇结构。它不同于以往大多数同类著作的是,《英语学术论文写作》阐明了这样一个观点:学术语篇语域是由一组宏观结构要素(macro-elements of structure)构成的,而每一种宏观成分又是由一组微观要素(micro-elements)组成的。《英语学术论文写作》通过援引新近在国内外学术刊物上发表的论文作为实例,讨论并解释了不同宏观和微观要素的基本理论基础、功能和相关的语言特征。

英语学术论文写作 相关资料

As an example of advanced writing, written academic discourse can be defined as thetype of writing used in an academic environment for a number of special purposesincluding doing research, writing reports, preparing term papers, reviewing books andarticles, and completing theses and dissertations. Among the varieties of academicdiscourse, the research paper/article has gained prestige as it best shows the verbal andintellectual qualities most sought after in an academic environment.Because of its importance, academic discourse has been widely researched and there is alarge number of books and pamphlets for the students taking higher courses in universitiesand colleges. This book is based on the experiences of the present authors who have beenteaching English and especially advanced writing to some university students in China.The ainl of the book is to add to the vast source of knowledge on academic discourse ashort publication to help senior and postgraduate students, both in China and elsewhere, tolearn the skills necessary for producing an academic research paper.Both the special language and discourse structure of an academic research paper areaddressed in this presentation. Unlike in most other publications on academic discourse, itis assumed here that this register has a set of macro-elements of structure with eachhaving a set of micro-elements. The book discusses and explains the rationale for differentmacro- and micro-elements, functions, and relevant linguistic features, by using genuineexamples from recent international and local journals.The organization of the book is based on the number of macro-elements of structurediscussed in this book. Although there ks disagreement among the academic community asto the number of elements, we believe that the present structure is appropriate for mostsituations in which the preparation and completion of an academic research paper is arequirement of the course.

英语学术论文写作 作者简介

Huang Guowen, Professor of English and Linguistics at Sun Yatsen University. He received his PhD degrees from the University of Edinburgh and the University of Wales, Cardiff. He publishes extensively both in China and abroad, His research interests include systemic functional linguistics, discourse analysis, applied linguistics and translation studies.
