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江涛英语--60天攻克六级710分新题型(阅读分册) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787502171117
  • 条形码:9787502171117 ; 978-7-5021-7111-7
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

江涛英语--60天攻克六级710分新题型(阅读分册) 本书特色

《60天攻克六级710分新题型阅读分册》是由石油工业出版社出版的。收获的不仅仅是六级高分,而听说读写的全方位新突破!一书在手,突破六级写作可望可即!Conquer CETp6 in 60 days卓成教育星辉远程全国指定教材一线名师倾心力作,多年教学心血之作60天科学复习,轻松突破英语六级

江涛英语--60天攻克六级710分新题型(阅读分册) 内容简介

简介   《60天攻克六级710分新题型阅读分册》是由石油工业出版社出版的。  收获的不仅仅是六级高分,而听说读写的全方位新突破!  一书在手,突破六级写作可望可即!  conquer cetp6 in 60 days  卓成教育星辉远程全国指定教材  一线名师倾心力作,多年教学心血之作  60天科学复习,轻松突破英语六级

江涛英语--60天攻克六级710分新题型(阅读分册) 目录

**章 快速阅读Day1~3 快速阅读理解的题型介绍和答题步骤及技巧Day4~5 快速阅读技巧Day6~7 关键信息词定位技巧Day8~9 出题规律揭密之词汇转换篇Day10~11 出题规律揭密之句子转换篇Day12~13 出题规律揭密之逻辑条理篇Day14~15 对YES题型的分析Day16~17 对NO题型的分析Day18~19 对NG题型的分析Day20~21 对句子填充题的分析第二章 简单题Day22~23 简答题题型分析Day24~25 简答题解题步骤Day26~27 简答题题型——填空题Day28~29 简答题题型——问答题Day30~31 答案为原词句Day32~33 答案需要对原文词句进行加工Day34~35 答案在原文中找不到原词第三章 选词填空Day36~37 选词填空题型分析Day38~39 选词填空的四种词性分析及四种逻辑关系第四章 常规阅读理解Day40~41 风雨前的一抹阳光——科学阅读方法介绍以及阅读技巧Day42~44 典型英语文章的结构脉络和答题步骤Day45~46 题型之应对策略一(主旨大意题)Day47~48 题型之应对策略二(推理判断题)Day49~50 题型之应对策略三(观点态度题)Day51~52 题型之应对策略四(语义理解题)Day53~54 题型之应对策略五(事实细节题)Day55~56 复杂长难句分析之三大从句篇Day57~58 复杂长难句分析之十大语法结构篇Day59~60 常规阅读理解干扰选项分析

江涛英语--60天攻克六级710分新题型(阅读分册) 节选


江涛英语--60天攻克六级710分新题型(阅读分册) 相关资料

插图:Many plant species reach the top of the forest by climbing the tall trees. It is much easier to ascend this way, because the plant doesn't have to form its own supporting structure.Some plant species, called epiphytes grow directly on the surface of the giant trees. These plants, which include a variety of orchids and ferns, make up much of the understory, the layer of the rainforest right below the canopy. Epiphytes are close enough to the top to receive adequate light, and the runoff from the canopy layer provides all the water and nutrients (养分) they need, which is important since they don't have access to the nutrients in the ground.Stranglers and ButtressesSome epiphytes eventually develop into stranglers. They grow long, thick roots that extend down the tree trunk into the ground. As they continue to grow, the roots form a sort of web structure all around the tree. At the same time, the strangler plant's branches extend upward, spreading out into the canopy. Eventually, the strangler may block so much light from above, and absorb such a high percentage of nutrients from the ground below, that the host tree dies.Competition over nutrients is almost as intense as competition for light. The excessive rainfall rapidly dissolves nutrients in the soil, making it relatively infertile except at the top layers, For this reason, rainforest tree roots grow outward to cover a wider area, rather than downward to lower levels. This makes rainforest trees somewhat unstable, since they don't have very strong anchors in the ground. Some trees compensate for this by growing natural buttresses. These buttresses are basically tree trunks that extend out from the side of the tree and down to the ground, giving the tree additional support.Rainforest trees are dependent on bacteria that are continually producing nutrients in the ground. Rainforest bacteria and trees have a very close symbiotic (

江涛英语--60天攻克六级710分新题型(阅读分册) 作者简介

