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生活英语情景口语100主题 版权信息

  • ISBN:711904838
  • 条形码:9787119048383 ; 978-7-119-04838-3
  • 装帧:简裝本
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

生活英语情景口语100主题 内容简介


本书越过了“生存口语”的层次,深入到社会生活的细微之处。与同类型的书相比,拥有更广泛的话题、更生动的表达、更浓厚趣味。作者Carol Rueckert是资深的英语教学专家,又深入英美社会生活多年。她用100个场景、200篇对话细致展现了当下英美的风土人情,以及英语国家普通百姓的沟通方式。本书将帮助你突破口语瓶颈,实现多话题、深层次的英语交流。


Students studying English today do so for a variety of reasons—to get a better job, to study abroad, to travel, to make friends with other English-speakers, or simply to learn something new. No matter what the reason is for learning English, most students want the same thing—materials with useful English. With this book, 100 Topics for Daily English Situations, students will not only have access to a wealth of vocabulary words organized by useful everyday topics, but they will also learn how these words can be used in “real English” dialogues.
This book includes 100 chapters. Each chapter is based on a useful topic for daily English and includes a list of important sentences, key words/phrases, and two dialogues. As the English that is used in today’s world is becoming increasingly mixed (ie. neither British English nor American English), there is a mix of both American English and British English phrases and words used throughout the book. Also, the names used in the book include some of the most popular names for 2006, so if students are looking for a new English name, this might be a useful resource!
In order to make use of this book, it is recommended that instead of working through the book in order, students find the topics that are of most interest to them to study first. After choosing a topic, it is advised that students first brainstorm what they know about the topic first by listing words, phrases, and ideas that they are already familiar with. Then, students can read through the key words and add the new words to a “vocabulary notebook” so that the words can be reviewed in an orderly fashion in the future in order for them to be moved from short-term memory to long-term memory. Students can then preview the dialogues by reading through the key phrases and reading through the main dialogues with a partner.
While students might find memorizing some of the key phrases useful, it should be noted that the goal of communicating in another language is to be able to deal with spontaneous speech and not to recite memorized pieces. Therefore, students should focus more on understanding how to use the words in a sentence than on memorizing the dialogues in full. In order to practice spontaneous speech, students might find it useful to come up with their own dialogues, using some of the key words and phrases from each chapter, by either writing new dialogues down on paper or, ideally, by orally producing their own dialogues with another English-speaking student or tutor.
Finally, this book can be used in a variety of ways. Independent learners might choose to use this book for self-study purposes. Those who have access to a “language exchange partner” or a private tutor might find it useful to practice the dialogues in their English sessions. Teachers might also find this book to be a useful core textbook, especially those teaching “Conversational English”. Whatever your goal in learning English, the more fun you have with the language, the more likely it is that you will be successful! Hopefully, this book will allow you to have fun-and at the same time, to achieve your English language learning goals.


生活英语情景口语100主题 目录

Let’s Get to Know You 个人特征
1. Stages of Life 人生的阶段
2. First Impressions **印象
3. Getting Personal个性特征
4. Every Part of Your Body can Speak! 身体的每个部分都会说话!
5. Mind Your Posture注意姿态
练习1 词汇与功能练习 (请求指点及其应答)

Sharing Your Life with … 至爱亲朋
6. Blood Band血浓于水
7. Huge Family大家族
8. Looking For Love恋爱
9. Marry a Soul Mate与心意相通的伴侣结婚
10. Getting along 和睦相处
练习2 词汇与功能练习 (提出建议)

Home, Sweet Home 家,甜蜜的家
11. Renting a House 租房
12. Live in a House 住宅
13. My Dream Home 我的梦想家园
14. Household Appliances 房屋设施
15. Around a House: Community 社区环境
练习3 词汇与功能练习 (提出邀请及其应答)

You Can Not Live without Them 日常生活
16. Shopping 购物
17. Clothes and Fashion 服饰与时尚
18. Money In Your Pocket 理财
19. At the Bank 在银行
20. At the Post Office 在邮局
21. Eating out 外出就餐
22. Insurance 购买保险
练习4 词汇与功能练习 (请求及其应答)

Taking Care of Yourself 关爱自己
23. Common Health Problems 常见健康问题
24. Illness and Disease 疾病
25. Healthy Food 健康食品
26. Beauty and Cosmetics 美容化妆
27. Shape and Fitness 健身塑形
28. Coping with Stress 缓解压力
练习5 词汇与功能练习 (请求许可)

Traveling Around 行走天下
29. City Sightseeing 城市观光
30. Business Trip 商务旅行
31. Holiday DIY 自助旅游
32. Going Abroad 境外游
33. Short Weekend Trip短途周末游
34. Theme Travel主题游
35. Souvenirs 纪念品
练习6 词汇与功能练习 (抱怨)

In the City 城市交通
36. Cycling 骑行
37. Driving Cars 驾车
38. Public Transportation 公共交通
39. Asking for Directions 问路
练习7 词汇与功能练习 (问路及指路)

Enjoy the Food and Drinks 吃吃喝喝
40. Try Cooking 烹饪
41. Special Sauces and Herbs特殊酱汁与香料
42. Chinese Food 中餐
43. Drinks 饮料
44. Local Snacks 风味小吃
练习8 词汇与功能练习 (表示赞同)

Fun and Relaxation 享受闲暇
45. How about a Game? 做游戏吧?
46. Pets will Never Leave You宠物永远不会离开你
47. Watching the Olympics 观看奥运会
48. Track and Field Events 田径比赛
49. Ball Sports 球赛
50. Extreme Sports 极限运动
51. Annual Festivals 年度节日
52. Special Occasions 特殊场合
练习9 词汇与功能练习 (表示不赞同)

Lifelong Learning 终生学习
53. Entering School 入学
54. Happy University 快乐的大学生活
55. Headache Exams and Teachers 令人头疼的考试和老师
56. Attractive Overseas Study 充满诱惑的出国留学
57. Further Study 继续教育
练习10 词汇与功能练习 (表示感谢及其应答)

Planning Your Career 职业规划
58. Ideal Jobs 理想职业
59. Teamwork 团队合作
60. The Working Day 工作日
61. Doing Business 做生意
62. The Career ladder 晋升阶梯
练习11 词汇与功能练习 (道歉及接受道歉)

Office Talk 办公话题
63. Making an Interview 面试
64. Keeping Time 守时
65. Coffee Talk喝杯咖啡,聊聊天
66. Saying Good-bye 辞职
67. Pay and Welfare 薪资与福利
68. Office Facilities 办公设备
练习12 词汇与功能练习 (征求意见及其应答)

Connecting People 通讯往来
69. Using the Phone 打电话
70. Chatting Online 网上聊天
71. Mobile phone and Messages 手机与短信
72. The Virtual and Digital World 虚拟与数码世界
73. Past Fashion: Letter and Cards逝去的时尚:书信与贺卡
练习13 词汇与功能练习 (提供物品及帮助)

How to Be a Social King/Queen 社交高手
74. Breaking the Ice 打破坚冰
75. Getting into a Conversation--Likes and Dislikes 深入对话:喜好
76. Feelings 情绪
77. Party Animals 派对动物
78. Closing a conversation/Saying goodbye 告别
练习14 词汇与功能练习 (谈话的开场及插入)

Spiritual Adventure 精神生活
79. A Good Read 读一本好书
80. Go to a Theatre 去剧院
81. Beethoven and Jay Chou 贝多芬与周杰伦
82. Talk about a Picture 赏一幅好画
83. The Moment You Shoot –Photography 拍照的刹那
84. Religion 宗教
练习15 词汇与功能练习 (表达是否感兴趣)

What do You Enjoy Doing? 大众娱乐
85. Let’s See a Movie 看电影去
86. Television Programs 电视节目
87. Show Biz 演艺圈
88. Fans and Their Idols 粉丝与偶像
89. Advertising 广告
90. Today’s News新闻
91. Favorite Magazines *爱的杂志
练习16 词汇与功能练习 (表达偏好)

Society Problems 社会问题
92. Drug Abuse滥用药品
93. Traffic Jams 交通拥堵
94. A Terrorism Attack 恐怖袭击
95. Crime and Punishment 罪与罚
96. Other Issues 其他社会问题
练习17 词汇与功能练习 (表示同情或无动于衷)

What Happened to Nature? 环境问题
97. Threats to Our Environment 环境面临的威胁
98. Disasters 自然灾害
99. Weather 天气
100. Is There Any Other Life Out There? 外星生物存在吗?
练习18 词汇与功能练习 (表达好奇与惊讶)

生活英语情景口语100主题 节选

A: I’ve been feeling pretty lonely lately.
H: But you have so many friends! How could you be lonely?
A: You know what they say: a friend to all is a friend to none. I don’t feel like I really know any of my friends. In fact, I should probably call them acquaintances, not friends.
H: What about me? I’m your friend.
A: I know you are, but you’re my girlfriend. I wish I had a guy friend to hang out with sometimes.

A: How about some lipstick? Every woman needs a nice tube of red lipstick.
J: She doesn’t usually wear lipstick. She thinks it makes her nose look too big.
A: How about some mascara? That will make her eyes look bigger.
J: No thank you. She has big enough eyes as it is.
A: I know what she would like- some whitening cream.
J: No thanks. Western women usually try to make their skin darker, not lighter.

J: I went sky-diving!
P: You’re kidding me! That sounds really scary!
J: It was scary, but it felt great, too.
P: So have you cured your fear of heights?
J: I think so. After I jumped out of the plane, I realized that I should just enjoy life. Worrying about it or not doing things out of fear is just plain silly.

B: Can you believe it? They’ve decided that Pluto is not a planet anymore!
L: Nice try. I wasn’t born yesterday, you know.
B: I’m dead serious. They’ve decided that it’s too small to be a planet
L: That sounds crazy. They can’t just change their mind about things like that.
B: Yes, they can. If you remember correctly, people used to believe that the world was flat.
