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新编实用视听说教程 上 学生用书

新编实用视听说教程 上 学生用书

开本: 16开 页数: 112
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新编实用视听说教程 上 学生用书 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787544677400
  • 条形码:9787544677400 ; 978-7-5446-7740-0
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

新编实用视听说教程 上 学生用书 内容简介

“新标准高职公共英语系列教材”全面落实立德树人根本任务,寓价值观塑造于知识传授和能力培养之中。教材参照《高等职业教育专科英语课程标准(2021年版)》,坚持思想性、职业性、基础性、够用性、前瞻性和科学性,打造新时代职业教育教材精品。 国内著名高校和职业院校外语教育专家联袂打造,充分体现“职业教育以服务为宗旨、以就业为导向”的原则,致力于培养德智体美劳全面发展的高素质劳动者和技术技能人才。 加强语言综合应用能力、职场涉外沟通能力、多元文化交流能力的培养,注重语言思维提升;提供分级、分类、多元的教学资源,满足差异化教学需求。 在纸质媒介的基础上,深度融合数字教学资源和手段,助力实施“课堂+多媒体/网络”的教学模式,打造课堂内外、线上线下融合的新时代职业教育智慧教学产品。

新编实用视听说教程 上 学生用书 目录

Unit 1 Introduction and Greeting Part One:Starting Out Part Two:In-class Activities Section A:Introducing Oneself and One's Family Section B:Talking about Oneself and One's Major Section C:Greeting and Farewell Part Three:Watch and Learn Part Four:After-class Activities Unit 2 Asking for Directions Part One:Starting Out Part Two:In-class Activities Section A:Asking for and Giving Directions on Campus Section B:Asking for and Giving Directions on the Street Section C:Asking for and Giving Directions in Other Places Part Three:Watch and Learn Part Four:After-class Activities Unit 3 Making a Phone Call Part One:Starting Out Part Two:In-class Activities Section A:Calling to Cancel an Appointment Section B:Leaving a Message Section C:A Wrong Telephone Number Part Three:Watch and Learn Part Four:After-cfass Activities Unit 4 Asking for and Offering Information Part One:Starting Out Part Two:In-class Activities Section A:Inquiring about a Lost Bag and Looking for a Tutor Section B:Checking into a Hotel and Inquiring about a Restroom Section C:Inquiring about Which Teacher to Choose Part Three:Watch and Learn Part Four:After-class Activities Unit 5 Agreeing and Disagreeing Part One:Starting Out Part Two:In-class Activities Section A:Commenting on News Reports and a Car Accident Section B:Discussing Environmental Protection and Company Dress Code Section C:Commenting on a Travel Plan and the Role of Exams Part Three:Watch and Learn Part Four:After-class Activities Unit 6 Parting and Leave Taking Part One:Starting Out Part Two:In-class Activities Section A:Parting after Dinner Section B:Farewell to a Host and a Professor Section C:Seeing Somebody Off at an Airport Part Three:Watch and Learn Part Four:After-class Activities Unit 7 Congratulating and Complimenting Part One:Starting Out Part Two:In-class Activities Section A:Congratulating Somebody on Her Admission to University Section B:Praising Somebody's New Dress/Speech Section C:Congratulating Somebody on His Good Luck Part Three:Watch and Learn Part Four:After-class Activities Unit 8 Apologizing Part One:Starting Out Part Two:In-class Activities Section A:Apologizing for Being Late Section B:Apologizing for Offending Somebody Section C:Apologizing for Having Done or Said Something Wrong Part Three:Watch and Learn Part Four:After-class Activities Appendix:Glossary