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读家记忆·大运河诗丛:彼岸千年(汉英对照)(精装) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787551166539
  • 条形码:9787551166539 ; 978-7-5511-6653-9
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

读家记忆·大运河诗丛:彼岸千年(汉英对照)(精装) 内容简介


读家记忆·大运河诗丛:彼岸千年(汉英对照)(精装) 目录

**卷 花非花 Vol 1: Flowers Are not Flowers 002 河水谣 Ballad of the Canal 004 运河边 By the Canal 006 一瓢湖水 A Gourd Ladle of Lake Water 008 水泽 The Lake 010 春天里 In the Spring 012 常在河边走 Walking by the Canal 014 胡枝子的花季 Blossoming Season of Lespedeza 016 水势坚硬 The Hard Water Potential 018 夏至 Summer Solstice 020 仲夏 Midsummer 022 陌上桑 Mulberry by the Road 024 夏夜行 Tour in a Summer Night 026 小满 Lesser Fullness of Grain 028 桑葚,暗红的气息 Mulberry, Dark Red Breath 030 五月 May 032 立夏 Beginning of Summer 034 谷雨 Grain Rain 036 上山 Going up the Hill 040 又见运河 See the Canal Again 042 出水记 A Record of Sailing 044 斑驳 Mottled 048 在田畈 In the Field 050 春雨 Spring Drizzle 052 大地 The Great Earth 054 春水照耀我们 The Spring Water Shinning on Us 第二卷 雾非雾 Vol 2: Fog Is not Fog 058 在田野 In the Field 060 九月的乡野 The Countryside in September 062 望秋 Watching the Autumn 064 桑林之霭 Haze Around the Mulberry Forest 066 秋水 The Autumn Water 068 偏信一条大鱼 Partially Believing in a Big Fish 070 竹梢上的春天 The Spring on Bamboo Tips 072 水泽边 By the Canal 074 蜡梅花开 Blossom of Wintersweet Flower 076 中秋之夜 Mid-autumn Night 078 等待春天 Waiting for the Spring 080 逆水之鱼 The Fish Against the Flow 082 四月的心境 The April Mood 084 鹤舞之光 The Light of a Dancing Crane 086 江南的雨 Rain of the South of Yangtze River 088 水乡 The Water Land 090 江南的雪 Snow of the South of Yangtze 092 春日 A Spring Day 094 逝水 The Passing Water 096 早春二月 February in the Spring 098 池塘的天鹅绒色 The Velvet Pond 100 在水一方 Another Side of the Canal 102 泛活的古桥 The Vigorous Ancient Bridge 104 浮光 Floating Light 106 水至清 The Extremely Clear Water 第三卷 夜半来 Vol 3: It's Midnight 110 舱外弦月 Crescent Outside the Cabin 112 长夜,我不再孤独 I'm No Longer Lonely in the Long Night 114 春梦时分 Hours of Spring Dream 116 春归 Return of the Spring 118 秩序 Order 120 提灯的人 The Man Holding a Lantern 122 元宵 The Lantern Festival 124 北风 The North Gale 126 磷火 Corpse Light 128 漂流 Floating 130 雨季 The Rainy Season 132 触动秋天 Touching the Autumn 134 大约在冬日 About in Winter 136 飞驰的平原 The Flying Plain 138 冬季 The Winter 140 冬之门 The Gate of Winter 142 倒影 The Inverted Image 144 冬天怀念一株秋菊 Miss an Autumn Chrysanthemum in Winter 146 北渡南归 Go to the North and Return to the South 148 春的进行时 The Progressive Tense of Spring 150 怀念 Cherishing the Memory 152 潜行 Sneaking 154 想象之花 Flowers of Imagination 156 感恩 Feeling Grateful 158 仁者乐水 The Virtuous Man Enjoys Water 160 田畈 Field 第四卷 天明去 Vo.4: Setting out at Daybreak 164 不如归去 Better to Return 166 过日旸桥 Across the Riyang Bridge 168 清明节帖 Letter on the Tomb-sweeping Day 170 冬读:范蠡湖梳妆台 Winter Reading: Dresser by the Fan Li Lake 172 题伍相祠照壁 Lines on the Screen Wall of Wuxiang Memorial Temple 174 南湖雨林 Rainforest by the South Lake 176 城门外 Outside the City Gate 178 冬至——沉默的语言 Winter Solstice—Silent Words 180 读朱彝尊《桂殿秋》 On Reading Zhu Yizun's Autumn of the Laurel Palace 182 读柳如是《踏莎行》 On Reading the Song Poem Walking on Sands by Liu Rushi 184 望吴桥头 At the Wangwu Bridge 186 祭祖帖 Letter for Offering Sacrifices to Ancestors 190 槐树头 The Head of Locust Tree 192 勺园 The Spoon Garden 194 吴中的秋天 Autumn of Wuzhong 196 盘门 The Panmen Gate 198 江南丝竹 Stringed and Woodwind Instruments 206 陆家庄水库 The Reservoir of Lujiazhuang 208 梅里有梅 Plums in Meili Town 210 船过王江泾 Boating by Wangjiangjing Town 212 古镇的云朵 Clouds over the Ancient Town 214 乌镇:一个人的南方 Wuzhen Town: A Person's South 216 在相湖边 By the Xianghu Lake 218 放鹤洲旧事 An Old Story of the Isle of Freeing Cranes

读家记忆·大运河诗丛:彼岸千年(汉英对照)(精装) 作者简介

