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基于共享经济的能源市场建模分析和机制设计(英文版) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787030754462
  • 条形码:9787030754462 ; 978-7-03-075446-2
  • 装帧:平装胶订
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
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基于共享经济的能源市场建模分析和机制设计(英文版) 本书特色


基于共享经济的能源市场建模分析和机制设计(英文版) 内容简介


基于共享经济的能源市场建模分析和机制设计(英文版) 目录

Contents 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Background and Motivation 1 1.2 Bibliometric Analysis 2 1.3 Conceptof Energy Sharing 5 1.3.1Historyand Development 5 1.3.2Characteristics 6 1.3.3 Taxonomy 6 1.4 Sharing Economy in Wholsesale Markets 8 1.4.1 Electricity Spot Markets 8 1.4.2 Multi-area Electricity Markets 9 1.4.3 Integrated Energy Markets 10 1.5 Sharing Economy in Retail Markets 11 1.5.1 Agent-Based Energy Sharing 11 1.5.2 Peer-To-Peer Energy Sharing 12 1.5.3 Integrationof Distributed Energy Resources in to Wholesale Markets 13 1.6 Enabling Technology and Business Models 14 1.6.1 Energy-Related Technology 14 1.6.2 Information-Related Techno logy 17 1.7 Conclusions 19 References 21 2 Mechanism Design for Sharing Economy .27 2.1 Introduction 27 2.2 Problem Description 28 2.2.1 Wholesale Market 28 2.2.2 Retail Market 29 2.3 Pro.t Sharing Mechanism 30 2.3.1 Social Welfare Maximation 31 2.3.2 Individual Rationality 31 2.3.3 Incentive Compatibility 32 2.3.4 Budget Balance 32 2.4 Pro.t Sharing Mechanism in Wholesale Markets 33 2.4.1 WholesaleMarketStage 33 2.4.2 Suf.cientN .1Power GenerationCapacity 34 2.4.3 Proofof the Mechanism Property 35 2.4.4 Insuf.cientN.1Power Generation Capacity 37 2.4.5 Major Challengesof VCGinElectricity Markets 39 2.4.6CaseStudies 40 2.5 Pro.t Sharing Mechanismin Retail Markets 41 2.5.1 Retail MarketModel 42 2.5.2 Mechanism Design 43 2.5.3 Closed Form of Pro.t Sharing Mechanism 45 2.5.4 Proofof the Mechanism Property 45 2.5.5CaseStudies 48 2.6 Conclusion 51 References 51 3 Sharing Economy in Electricity Spot Markets 53 3.1 Introduction 53 3.2 Electricity Spot Market Model 54 3.2.1 Mathematical Model 54 3.2.2 Settlement Mechanism 55 3.3 Revenue InadequacyAllocation 58 3.3.1 Theoretical Analysis on Budget Imbalance 59 3.3.2 Revenue Inadequacy Allocation Strategy 62 3.4 SolutionAlgorithm 64 3.4.1 Non-congested Case 64 3.4.2 Congested Case 65 3.5 CaseStudies 67 3.5.1 IEEE30-Bus System 67 3.5.2 IEEE 118-Bus System 72 3.5.3 Polish 2383-Bus System 75 3.6 Conclusion 76 References 77 4 Sharing Economy in Multi-area Electricity Markets 79 4.1 Introduction 79 4.2 System Model 81 4.2.1 VSC-HVDC Model 81 4.2.2 Multi-area Economic Dispatch Model 83 4.3 Incentive Mechanism 85 4.3.1 Marginal-Pricing Mechanism 86 4.3.2 Incentive-Compatible Mechanism 86 4.3.3 Revenue Inadequacy Allocation 87 4.3.4Toy Example 89 4.4Solution Algorithm 91 4.4.1Framework 92 4.4.2 Decomposed Regional Sub-problem 92 4.4.3 Improved Lagrangian Multiplier 94 4.5CaseStudies 96 4.5.1 Impacts of Strategic Bids 97 4.5.2 Performanceof theProposed Mechanism 97 4.5.3 ImpactsofInter-areaTransmission Capacity 99 4.5.4 Impactsof Thermal Generation Flexibility 100 4.5.5 3-Area 354-Bus Power System 101 4.6 Conclusion 102 References 104 5 Sharing Economy for Renewable Energy Aggregation .107 5.1 Introduction 107 5.2 Aggregationof Wind Farms and Concentrating Solar Power 108 5.2.1ProblemDescription 108 5.2.2 Offering StrategyModel 110 5.2.3 Pro.t Sharing Mechanism 113 5.3 Aggregation of Distributed Energy Resources in Energy Markets 117 5.3.1 Energy Sharing Scheme 117 5.3.2 System Model 119 5.3.3 Pro.t Sharing Mechanism 122 5.3.4Solution Algorithm 125 5.4 Aggregation of Distributed Energy Resources in Energy and Capacity Markets 126 5.4.1 Energy Sharing Scheme 126 5.4.2 SystemModel 129 5.4.3 Pro.t SharingMechanism 131 5.5CaseStudies 133 5.5.1 AggregationofWindFarms and Concentrating Solar Power 133 5.5.2 Aggregation of DERs in Energy Markets 135 5.5.3 Aggregation ofDERs in Energy and Capacity Markets 137 5.6 Conclusion 140 References 142 6 Sharing Economy in Energy Systems Integration 143 6.1 Introduction 143 6.2 Integrated Energy Sharing Market 144 6.2.1 Status and Challenge 144 6.2.2 MarketOperationPractice 146 6.2.3 Equilibrium-Based Integrated Energy Market 147 6.2.4 Arbitrage Models for Integrated Energy Markets 149 6.3 SharingEconomyinJoint Electricity-Heat Markets 150 6.3.1 Framework 151 6.3.2 Solar-Powered Heat PumpPlanning Model 152 6.3.3 Pricing Model 154 6.3.4 Solution Algorithm 156 6.4 Sharing EconomyinJoint Electricity-Gas Markets 158 6.4.1 Framework 159 6.4.2 Modeling for Power-To-Gas 160 6.4.3 System Model 163 6.5 Sharing Economyin Transportation-Energy Systems 167 6.5.1 Framework 168 6.5.2 Modelof Fuel-Cell Hybrid ElectricVehicle 169 6.5.3 Optimal Scheduling Model for Trans-Energy Systems 173 6.5.4 Shortest Path Search Algorithm 177 6.6 Integrated Demand Response 177 6.6.1 Basic Concept 178 6.6.2 Value Analysis .181 6.6.3 Techo-Economic Analysis 182 6.6.4 KeyIssues and Potential Researchof IDR 183 6.7CaseStudies 187 6.7.1 SharingEconomyinJoint Electricity-Heat Markets 187 6.7.2 SharingEconomyinJoint Electricity-Gas Markets 189 6.7.3 Sharing Economy in Transportation-Energy Systems 190 6.8 Conclusion 192 References 192 7 Sharing Demand Side Resources for Regional Market Bidding 195 7.1 Introduction