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以云南本土文化为中心的跨文化沟通 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787519291341
  • 条形码:9787519291341 ; 978-7-5192-9134-1
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

以云南本土文化为中心的跨文化沟通 内容简介


以云南本土文化为中心的跨文化沟通 目录

Part I Chapter 1 Culture and Communication Text A What Is Culture Case Study Text B Elements of Communication Chapter 2 Cultural Differences Text A Different Lands, Different Friendships Case Study Text B Cultural Information: American Friendship Text C Comparing and Contrasting Cultures Chapter 3 Verbal Communication and Nonverbal Communication Text A Translation Problem Text B Understanding Language Case Study Text C Significance of Nonverbal Communication Text D Characteristics of Nonverbal Codes Case Study Chapter 4 Time and Space in Communication Text A The Silent Language Text B So Time: The Heartbeat of Culture Case Study Text C Personal Space Chapter 5 Managing Intercultural Conflicts Text A Understanding Intercultural Conflicts Text B Effective Management of Intercultural Conflicts Case Study Chapter 6 Intercultural Team Building Text A Team Building Text B Constructing So Environment for Teamwork Case Study Part Ⅱ Chapter 1 The Chinese Language Text A The Chinese Language Text B Some Distinctive Features of the Chinese Language Text C The National Language Text D Complex Chinese Characters and Simplified Ones Text E Language Variety in China Text F Dialects in Yunnan Chapter 2 Chinese Philosophy and Religion Text A Chinese Religion Text B Mozi and His Philosophy Text C Taoism Text D Religions of the Major Minority Ethnic Groups in Yunnan Province Chapter 3 Chinese Festivals and Folk Customs Text A Chinese Festivals Text B Chinese Folklore Text C Exchange of Gifts Text D Festivals and Folk Customs in Yunnan Chapter 4 Chinese Food and Tea Culture Text A Chinese Dietary Culture Text B Chinese Tea Culture Text C The Elegance of Tea Drinking Text D Chinese Drinking Game Text E Yunnan Cuisine and Local Snack Food Text F Unique Tea Culture of Yunnan Chapter 5 Chinese Clothing Culture Text A Chinese Clothing Text B The Silk Kingdom Text C Dress Code in China Text D Distinctive Clothing of Yunnan Ethnic Minorities References

以云南本土文化为中心的跨文化沟通 作者简介

刘代容,博士, 云南财经大学靠前语言文化学院副教授。公开发表文章20余篇,内参资讯11篇,出版专著3部,出版译著1部。主持在研国家社科项目一项,参与省部级和重量科研项目多项。 赵丽梅,博士, 云南财经大学靠前语言文化学院副教授。公开发表论文40多篇(核心期刊12篇);出版专著1部;编写教材2部;主持完成1项省哲学社会科学规划项目,厅级课题1项,校级课题2项(重点1项)等。 彭妍玲,硕士,云南财经大学靠前语言文化学院讲师。 吴蓓,硕士,云南财经大学靠前语言文化学院讲师。 何柱, 硕士, 云南财经大学靠前语言文化学院讲师 。
