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我的多彩童年:英文 版权信息

我的多彩童年:英文 本书特色

《我的多彩童年》是儿童文学作家任大星的中短篇小说集,收录了其《菜园里的大枣树》《大钉靴奇闻》《三个铜板豆腐》《童年女友》等经典作品10篇。其中《三个铜板豆腐》曾荣获全国优秀少年儿童读物奖,讲述了一年夏天一位老外婆特意去买了三个铜板豆腐、款待随母探亲的两个小外孙的故事。多少年过去,这三个铜板豆腐却是两个小外孙心中*美味的记忆。作者用风趣的笔调,写出了老外婆对两个小外孙的爱。任大星的作品以自己的童年生活为题材,充满浓郁的乡土特色。通过阅读他的作品,小读者可以感受到那个年代的乡土之情,骨肉之情,以及小伙伴之间淳厚朴实的友爱之情。这些宝贵的人间真情,不会随着时代的变迁而消逝,历久弥新,将给一代又一代的小读者带来感动。《我的多彩童年》是儿童文学作家任大星的中短篇小说集,收录了其《菜园里的大枣树》《大钉靴奇闻》《三个铜板豆腐》《童年女友》等经典作品10篇。其中《三个铜板豆腐》曾荣获全国优秀少年儿童读物奖,讲述了一年夏天一位老外婆特意去买了三个铜板豆腐、款待随母探亲的两个小外孙的故事。多少年过去,这三个铜板豆腐却是两个小外孙心中*美味的记忆。作者用风趣的笔调,写出了老外婆对两个小外孙的爱。任大星的作品以自己的童年生活为题材,充满浓郁的乡土特色。通过阅读他的作品,小读者可以感受到那个年代的乡土之情,骨肉之情,以及小伙伴之间淳厚朴实的友爱之情。这些宝贵的人间真情,不会随着时代的变迁而消逝,历久弥新,将给一代又一代的小读者带来感动。 My Colorful Childhood is a collection of novellas written by children literature writer Ren Daxing, which includes his 10 representative works such as “The Legend of the Spiked Boot,” “Three Copper Coins’ Tofu,” and “The Big Jujube Tree in the Garden.” The “Three Copper Coins’ Tofu” has won the National Best Children Literature Award. It tells that, in one summer, an old Granny prepared three copper coins’ tofu specially for his two grandsons who followed their mother to visit her. Many years passed, the three copper coins’ tofu remained the most delicious food in the two grandsons’ memory. Spiced with humor, the author presents the old Granny’s deep love toward her two grandsons. Ren Daxing’s works are based on his lifetime moments in his childhood, full of local color. Via his book, children can appreciate the homeland feelings, kindred feelings, and the innocent, simple friendships in that era, which will not change with time passing by.

我的多彩童年:英文 内容简介


我的多彩童年:英文 目录

01 The Big Jujube Tree in the Garden
07 The Broken Prize
28 The Night When the Nine-headed Bird Flew Past
33 Encountering a Black-tailed Snake
38 A Swallow with a Color Thread
42 A Little Soul Which Was Squeezed into a Wicker Basket
47 Three Copper Coins’ Tofu
57 The Legend of the Spiked Boot
86 Brother Sticky
92 My Childhood Girlfriend


我的多彩童年:英文 节选

Outside our house there was a large vegetable garden that covered more than a half mu (mu: a Chinese unit of area equal to 666.7 square metres) of land, which was the only property passed on by our past ancestors. In the garden, vegetables as well as bamboos, trees, melons and fruits were grown. Nevertheless, no good harvest was expected from anything that was edible immediately after they were picked, such as cucumbers, turnips, peaches and tomatoes, since this garden was located next to a passageway between the front and back villages. To take a short cut, the villagers would always go straight through the garden. As the adults got used to doing so, the children also enjoyed going that way. Picking some melons or fruits while they passed by became a way of satisfying their cravings for food and drink. On many occasions my mom had thought of fixing a wooden door at the opening of the garden fence and placing a lock on it, yet she never really did so as she knew that the terrain of the passageway was indeed too low and was covered by a mud road all year round. If a gate was fixed there, it would be inconvenient for the villagers. She said, “At least your father has a place to teach now and we don’t have to rely on this garden to support our lives. Besides, the village children are already on good terms with you two. To help others is to help oneself, so let it be.” Not only did she not fix a gate and a lock for the garden, she still sowed turnip seeds after autumn and transplanted cucumber seedlings in early spring. She also fertilized the peach trees and tomatoes. What distressed my mother was that the fruits of these crops were nowhere to be found before they ripened. That was too bad! A special case in point was that big jujube tree at the back of the garden. The fruits it bore once a year had never had a chance to truly ripen. Almost all would have disappeared before they turned white.

我的多彩童年:英文 作者简介

任大星,1953年起历任上海少年儿童出版社编辑,《少年文艺》月刊编辑室副主任,编审,中国作家协会成员。儿童小说《吕小钢和他的妹妹》获全国少年儿童文艺创作评奖一等奖,《画眉鸟》获陈伯吹儿童文学奖,儿童小说集《小小男子汉》获全国优秀少年儿童读物奖等。有部分作品被译成英、俄、日等多种文字在国外发表或出版。 Ren Daxing was the editor of the Juvenile and Children’s Publishing House of Shanghai, Vice Manager of the monthly magazine Literature and Art for Juveniles and a member of the China Writers Association. His novel Lyu Xiaogang and His Little Sister won the first prize of the Creation of the Arts and Literature for Children; Song Thrush won the Chen Bochui Prize for Children’s Literature; the collection of children’s novels Little Man won the Best Books for Children Award. Some of his works have been translated into English, Russian, and Japanese, and have been published abroad.
