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纳尼亚传奇:最后的战役(全英文版) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787501594412
  • 条形码:9787501594412 ; 978-7-5015-9441-2
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

纳尼亚传奇:最后的战役(全英文版) 内容简介


纳尼亚传奇:最后的战役(全英文版) 目录

CHAPTER 1 ByCaldron Pool
CHAPTER 2 The Rashness oF the King
CHAPTER 3 The Ape in Its Glory
CHAPTER 4 What Happened That Night
CHAPTER 5 How Help Came to the King
CHAPTER 6 A Good Night's Work
CHAPTER 7 Mainly About DwarFs
CHAPTER 8 What News the Eagle Brought
CHAPTER 9 The Great Meeting on Stable Hill
CHAPTER 10 Who Will Golnto the Stable?
CHAPTER 11 The Pace Quickens
CHAPTER 12 Through the Stable Door
CHAPTER 13 How the DwarFs ReFused tO Be Taken in
CHAPTER 14 Night Falls on Narnia
CHAPTER 15 Further Up and Furtherln
CHAPTER 16 Farewell to Shadowlands
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纳尼亚传奇:最后的战役(全英文版) 节选

  《百词斩·阅读计划·纳尼亚传奇:*后的战役》:  "They are the most wonderful tidings ever heard in our days or our fathers' or our grandfathers' days, Sire," said Jewel, "if they are true."  "How can they choose but be true?" said the King. "It is more than a week ago that the first birds came flying over us saying, Aslan is here, Aslan has come to Narnia again. And after that it was the squirrels. They had not seen him, but they said it was certain he was in the woods. Then came the Stag. He said he had seen him with his own eyes, a great way off, by moonlight, in Lantern Waste. Then came that dark Man with the beard, the merchant from Calormen. The Calormenes care nothing for Aslan as we do; but the man spoke of it as a thing beyond doubt. And there was the Badger last night; he too had seen Aslan."  "Indeed, Sire," answered Jewel, "I believe it all. Ifl seem not to, it is only that my joy is too great to Jet my belief settle itself. It is almost too beautiful to believe."  "Yes," said the King with a great sigh, almost a shiver, of delight. "It is beyond all that I ever hoped for in all my life."  "Listen!" said Jewel, putting his head on one side and cocking his ears forward.  "What is it?" asked the King.  "Hoofs, Sire," said Jewel. "A galloping horse. A very heavy horse. It must be one of the Centaurs. And look, there he is."  A great, golden bearded Centaur, with man's sweat on his forehead and horse's sweat on his chestnut flanks, dashed up to the King, stopped, and bowed low. "Hail, King:' it cried in a voice as deep as a bull's.  "Ho, there!" said the King, looking over his shoulder toward the door of the hunting lodge. "A bowl of wine for the noble Centaur. Welcome, Roonwit. When you have found your breath you shall tell us your errand."  A page came out of the house carrying a great wooden bowl, curiously carved, and handed it to the Centaur. The Centaur raised the bowl and said,  "I drink first to Aslan and truth, Sire, and secondly to your Majesty."  He finished the wine (enough for six strong men) at one draft and handed the empty bowl back to the page.  "Now, Roonwit," said the King. "Do you bring us more news of Aslan?"  ……
