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5?3随堂测(2020版)3年级英语(上)(人教PEP版RP)/5.3随堂测 版权信息

5?3随堂测(2020版)3年级英语(上)(人教PEP版RP)/5.3随堂测 本书特色


5?3随堂测(2020版)3年级英语(上)(人教PEP版RP)/5.3随堂测 内容简介

本书旨在训练提高小学生学科综合能力和应试能力。该书内容与课时同步,以新课标为指针,严格遵循课堂的教学规律和学生的认知规律,贴近“课时精练”的教学实际需求, 内容新颖,题目典型,题量适中,难度适宜,便于老师检测学生的听课质量,有效提升学科素质和应试能力。

5?3随堂测(2020版)3年级英语(上)(人教PEP版RP)/5.3随堂测 目录

Unit 1 Hello! Part A (1) Let's talk Let's play Part A (2) Let's learn Let's chant Part A (3) Let's sing Let's find out Part B (1) Let's talk Let's play Part B (2) Let's learn Let's do Part B (3) Start to read Let's singUnit 2 Colours Part A (1) Let's talk Draw and say Part A (2) Let's learn Let's do Part A (3) Letters and sounds Part B (1) Let's talk Let's play Part B (2) Let's learn Let's do Part B (3) Start to read Let's singUnit 3 Look at me! Part A (1) Let's talk Let's play Part A (2) Let's learn Let's do Part A (3) Letters and sounds Part B (1) Let's talk Let's play Part B (2) Let's learn Let's do Part B (3) Start to read Let's singUnit 4 We love animals Part A (1) Let's talk Let's play Part A (2) Let's learn Let's chant Part A (3) Letters and sounds Part B (1) Let's talk Let's play Part B (2) Let's learn Let's do Part B (3) Start to read Let's singUnit 5 Let's eat! Part A (1) Let's talk Let's play Part A (2) Let's learn Let's do Part A (3) Letters and sounds Part B (1) Let's talk Let's play Part B (2) Let's learn Let's do Part B (3) Start to read Let's singUnit 6 Happy birthday! Part A (1) Let's talk Count and say Part A (2) Let's learn Let's chant Part A (3) Letters and sounds Part B (1) Let's talk Let's play Part B (2) Let's learn Let's do Part B (3) Start to read Let's sing期末专项·字母期末专项·语音期末专项·词汇(一)期末专项·词汇(二)期末专项·句子(一)期末专项·句子(二)期末专项·情景交际期末专项·阅读理解参考答案