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国际商贸英语 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787305211041
  • 条形码:9787305211041 ; 978-7-305-21104-1
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

国际商贸英语 内容简介

  《国际商贸英语(第2版)/普通高等学校“十三五”规划教材》内容涉及商务谈判、贸易术语、商务单证、信用证、国际结算、各种单证、审单与偿付以及海运保险、国际物流及商务英语写作等。《国际商贸英语(第2版)/普通高等学校“十三五”规划教材》内容大多选自英文原版图书,部分摘自国内图书和资料。所选材料力求新鲜、有代表性,并能反映当代国际经济贸易的一些重大变化。  通过对《国际商贸英语(第2版)/普通高等学校“十三五”规划教材》的学习,读者能够熟悉专业商贸英语术语,读懂商贸英文文章,掌握国际贸易流程。《国际商贸英语(第2版)/普通高等学校“十三五”规划教材》的目的在于培养既懂国际商贸专业知识又能熟练运用英语的复合型人才,以适应当前全球化发展的趋势。  《国际商贸英语(第2版)/普通高等学校“十三五”规划教材》可用作各类英语院校的英语专业学生用书,也可以作为相关专业学生的英语学习用书。

国际商贸英语 目录

Chapter 1 Introduction to International Trade

Chapter 2 Business Negotiation and Establishment of Contract
2.1 Business Negotiation
2.2 General Procedure in Business Negotiation

Chapter 3 Trade Terms
3.1 The Roles of Trade Terms
3.2 The Interpretation of Incoterms 2010 Rules

Chapter 4 Establishing Business Relations
4.1 The Significance of Establishing Business Relations
4.2 The Channels of Establishing Business Relations
4.3 Information Collection of the Prospective Clients
4.4 Some Skills in Establishing Business Relations

Chapter 5 Bill of Exchange
5.1 Definition and Essentials
5.2 Acts of a Bill of Exchange

Chapter 6 Promissory Note and Cheque
6.1 Promissory Note
6.2 Cheque

Chapter 7 Remittance
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Application

Chapter 8 Collection
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Types of Collection and Procedures
8.3 Characteristics, Risks and Banks Liabilities
8.4 Finance under Documentary Collection

Chapter 9 Letter of Credit
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Types of L/C and Procedure

Chapter 10 Bond
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Types of Bonds and Procedures

Chapter 11 Transport Documents
11.1 Bill of Lading
11.2 Other Transport Documents

Chapter 12 Cargo Transportation Insurance
12.1 Perils and Losses
12.2 Marine Insurance Clauses
12.3 London Insurance Institute Cargo Clauses
12.4 Contents of the Insurance Document
12.5 Insurance Claim
12.6 Marine Insurance Business in China and Insurance Clause in the Contract.
12.7 Types of Insurance Document

Chapter 13 Logistics
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Elements Concerned
13.3 Process of Logistics
13.4 Freight Forwarders
13.5 Role of Logistics
13.6 Documentation Used in International Logistics Transport
13.7 Current Logistics Related Issues
13.8 Evolution of Modern Business Logistics

Chapter 14 Commodity Inspection and Customs Formalities
14.1 Introduction
14.2 Where and When Inspection Undergoes
14.3 Commodity Inspection Certificate
14.4 Customs Formalities for Exports and Imports
14.5 Customs Duties

Chapter 15 E-commerce and EDI
15.1 Basics of E-commerce
15.2 Traditional Commerce VS E-commerce
15.3 Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
15.4 Benefits and Disciplines of E-commerce and EDI

Chapter 16 International Business Correspondence
16.1 The Essence of Business Letters
16.2 Elements of Business Letters
16.3 Envelope Addressing
16.4 Business Letter Format and Outline
16.5 Basic Principles for Business Letters
附录A 国际贸易术语与词汇
附录B 国际商贸英语测试题
附录C 国际商贸英语测试题参考答案

国际商贸英语 作者简介

刘莉,西南财经大学天府学院讲师,西南财经大学天府学院数字化教学项目组组长。研究方向:商务英语、经贸英语。参编《新编商务英语视听说》。 邹勇,教授,四川大学锦城学院外国语学院硕士生导师。四川省翻译协会会员、中国人民银行金融英语证书考试专家组专家。四川大学锦城学院“一带一路”人才培养研究中心主任。
