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像美国人一样讲话:地道美语 800句

像美国人一样讲话:地道美语 800句

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像美国人一样讲话:地道美语 800句 版权信息

像美国人一样讲话:地道美语 800句 内容简介

本书包括了在美国常见,也常用的800句习惯用语表达,其中还包括了少量常用俚语表达,所有的表达都配有中,英双语解释,以及场景例句支撑。 并且,本书还配有文字和视频的双向讲解,读者不仅可以通过文字来更好地记忆,还可以根据视频讲解来更好地进行模仿练习。无论是文字,还是视频讲解都会让读者更加深刻地理解表达的含义,以至于在将来更贴切,熟练地使用出来。 本书也许是本既提供知识内容,又直观地提供记忆方法的一本实用外语书籍。

像美国人一样讲话:地道美语 800句 目录

本书目录索引较长,故节选部分 前言2目录索引4**部分 第1-50句501.above board – means to be legitimate, legal. 光明正大地;诚实地502.across the board – including everyone or everything. 全面地;包括一切地503.air one's dirty laundry in public – discuss personal problems openly. 公众讨论某人的私人问题514.all along – all the time. 自始至终,一直515.all ears – eager to listen. 洗耳恭听516.all thumbs – clumsy, unable to fix things. 笨手笨脚,笨拙517.an arm and a leg – a large amount of money. 一大笔钱;超级贵528.ants in one's pants =get butterflies in one's stomach – nervous, anxious. 紧张不安529.apple doesn't fall far from the tree – being similar to a parent or family member. 有其父必有其子5210.apple of one's eye – someone special, usually a son or daughter.5211.at fault – responsible for making errors. 有责任,对...负责任5312.at odds – in disagreement. 争执(不一致)5313.at one's beck and call – always ready to do what is ordered. 随时待命,有求必应。5314.at one's wit's end – anxious, frantic. 智穷才尽,江郎才尽,不知所措5315.at the end of one's rope – desperate, with nowhere to turn. 没有其他办法5416.back on one's feet – financially or physically be healthy again. 经受打击后重新站起来,重振旗鼓5417.back out of – withdraw, end an obligation or promise. 收回诺言,食言,背信5418.back to the drawing board – rethink an idea, need to start over. 重新开始;失败后另起炉灶;重来一次5419.backbone – courage. 勇气5520.backseat driver – passenger who tells you how to drive. 指手划脚的人5521.bail someone out – help. 帮助某人摆脱困境5522.ballpark figure – approximate amount. 粗略估计数5623.bang for the buck – value for the money spent. 物有所值5624.bank on it – be sure of, count on. 寄希望于, 依赖于5625.banker's hours – short work hours. 短暂的工作时间5626.bark up the wrong tree – make a wrong choice or a false assumption. 弄错(或攻错)了目标;用错精力,精力花在不该花的地方;认错了人,找错了地方;错怪了人5727.bat a thousand – have a perfect record. 很有成就,大获全胜。5728.bat an eyelash – show emotion. 喜形于色,眨眼睛。5729.bawl out – reprimand. 痛斥,训骂,指责5730.be beside one's self – be very upset. 极度伤心5831.beat around the bush – avoid giving a clear answer. 说话绕圈子5832.beat someone to the punch – do something before someone else can.先发制人,抢占先机,捷足先登5833.beat the rap – escape punishment. 摆脱困境;免受指责;逃脱刑事责任(或刑罚、责罚)5834.behind the 8-ball – in trouble. 处于困境,有麻烦,凶多吉少5935.bend over backwards – try very hard. 竭尽全力5936.bide one's time – wait patiently for the right opportunity. 等待(*恰当的)时机5937.big shot –an important person. 大亨,大人物。6038.big stink – an angry and loud complaint. 大吵大闹,没完没了的抱怨6039.birds and bees - facts about sex and birth. 有关两性的基本常识(尤指对未成年儿童讲)6040.bit off more than one can chew – trying to do more than one can physically and mentally handle. 贪多嚼不烂,不自量力,心有余而力不足。6041.bite one's tongue – keep oneself from speaking. 保持沉默,忍住不说6042.bite the dust – die, disappear. 死亡,淘汰,消失6143.blab – talk too much. 胡扯,八卦6144.blabbermouth – person who talks too much and tells secrets. 长舌者,多嘴驴6145.black sheep – a family member with a bad reputation. 有辱门楣的人,败家子。6146.blind date – a date arranged for two people who don't know each other. 由别人安排与一个从未谋面者的)男女初次会面,相亲6147.blow it – lose a chance, make a mistake. 搞砸了6248.blow over – end, pass. 平息;被淡忘;消散;停止6249.blow the whistle – expose, betray. 告发,揭发6250.boil down – make shorter, condense. 使变简洁,浓缩,蒸煮62

像美国人一样讲话:地道美语 800句 作者简介

马方旭, Alex Ma 通用国际拼音创始人 多语言音标数据库专利持有者(专利号:ZL 2014 1 0535621. X ) 英语流利说全国演讲比赛特约嘉宾 两岸四地魔术大会特聘翻译 现有课程:《美语发音教程--洋腔洋调的秘诀》《词汇解码教程--To be 万词王》《语法终结者》《地道美语课程》《口语听力特训营》《撕掉字幕看美剧--绝望的主妇S1》《初级商务英语教程》《月读英文原著》 微博:马小帅Alex地道美语 微信公众号:Alex地道美语 个人微信号:alexi4200
