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零基础学句型:学英语一定要上的72堂句型课 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787553786872
  • 条形码:9787553786872 ; 978-7-5537-8687-2
  • 装帧:一般轻型纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

零基础学句型:学英语一定要上的72堂句型课 本书特色


零基础学句型:学英语一定要上的72堂句型课 内容简介

《零基础学句型:学英语一定要上的72堂句型课》编辑推荐: ◆句型结构详细解析:用浅显的文字解析英文关键句型结构,不论是基础架构还是复杂时态均有详细说明,阅读长难句一看就懂! ◆精辟讲解实用会话:精心设置72种实用情境,通过真实情境再现让你熟悉每种句型的使用方式,中英对照强化学习成效,更能在现实生活中灵活运用! ◆奠定扎实语法基础:收录基础语法核心观念,从语法的角度深入剖析所学句型,夯实英语语法基础,零基础也能写出高分作文!

零基础学句型:学英语一定要上的72堂句型课 目录

目录 使用说明 4 Level 1不敢不学的基础句型 01 There be (not) ... 7 02 主语 look/sound/smell/taste/feel(like) ...10 03 What is / does... (look) like? 13 04 Would you like...? 16 05 How about / What about...? 20 06 How long / soon / often...? 23 07 too... (for sb / sth) to... 26 08 (not)... enough (...) to do sth 30 09 Let's / Let us... 33 10 Not both / all / every... 37 11 get V-ed... 40 12 Once... 43 13 What's the matter (with)...? 46 14 It doesn't matter (if / whether)... 50 15 (It is) no wonder (that)... 54 16 It takes (sb) 时间段 to V... 57 17 Why not...? 61 18 What do you think of / about...? 64 19 Will / Would you (please)...? 67 20 as... as possible 70 21 ...as soon as... 74 22 so 助动词 主语 77 23 It be 时间段 before... 80 24 It be not long before... 84 25 及物动词 人 / 物 名词 87 26 及物动词 人 / 物 形容词 90 过关测验 93 语法重点 101 Level 2不敢不学的**句型 27 unless... 106 28 whether... or... 109 29 Isn't / Don't / Can't / Won't... sb ...?113 30 What / How...! 116 31 Do / Would you mind...? 120 32 not only... but also... 124 33 It adj of / for sb to V.... 127 34 I don't think / suppose / believe that...131 35 It's time (for sb) to do sth ... 134 36 It is the 序数词 time that 从句 137 37 by the time... 140 38 so that... 144 39 I wish... 147 40 or / otherwise... 150 41 more than... 154 42 比较级 than... 157 43 the 比较级, the 比较级 160 44 I'm afraid (that)... 164 45 It is / was... that / who... 167 46 It is obvious / clear that... 170 47 It is a pity / shame / surprise that...173 48 How / What / When... to do...? 177 49 There is no 名词 (in) doing... 180 50 sb 情态动词 have 过去分词... 183 过关测验 188 语法重点 195 Level 3 不敢不学的提升句型 51 so / such... that... 201 52 On the one hand..., on the other hand...204 53 both... and... 208 54 prefer to... rather than... 211 55 The reason why... is / was that... 215 56 You had better (not)... 218 57 even if / though... 221 58 have... do / doing / done 225 59 It is / was said / reported / hoped that...228 60 How... getting along / on...? 232 61 be to 动词 235 62 It is / has been ... since 239 63 be (not) supposed to... 242 64 Suppose / Supposing (that)... 246 65 It seems / seemed that / as if... 249 66 It's (high / about) time that... 253 67 do nothing but do... 256 68 no matter 特殊疑问句... 259 69 Not until... 263 70 Hardly / Scarcely... when / before... 266 71 What if...? 270 72 If only... 273 过关测验 277 语法重点 285

零基础学句型:学英语一定要上的72堂句型课 作者简介

曾韦婕 英语名师,具有十多年的英语教学和英语图书编写经验。自创“口诀记忆法”,帮助了许多英语学习者,深受学生喜爱。
