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英语公共演讲 版权信息

英语公共演讲 本书特色


英语公共演讲 内容简介


英语公共演讲 目录

Chapter 1 Introduction to Public Speaking 1.1 The Importance of Public Speaking 1.2 The Power of Effective Public Speaking 1.3 Basics to Ensure Effective Public Speaking 1.3.1 Audience Awareness 1.3.2 Clear / Convincing Message 1.3.3 Full Preparation 1.3.4 Positive Delivery Chapter 2 Focusing the Speech 2.1 Selecting a Topic 2.1.1 Generate Possible Topics 2.1.2 Choose the Right Topic 2.1.3 Limit Your Topic 2.2 Determining the General Purpose 2.2.1 Speeches to Inform 2.2.2 Speeches to Persuade 2.3 Formulating the Specific Purpose 2.4 Wording Your Thesis Statement Chapter 3 Developing the Speech 3.1 The Body 3.1.1 Main Points 3.1.2 Supporting Materials 3.2 The Introduction 3.2.1 Objectives of the Introduction 3.2.2 Attention Grabbers in Introductions 3.2.3 Sample Introduction with Commentary 3.3 The Conclusion 3.3.1 Functions of the Conclusion 3.3.2 Types of Conclusion 3.3.3 Sample Conclusion with Commentary 3.4 Using Connectives 3.4.1 Transitions 3.4.2 Internal Previews 3.4.3 Internal Summaries 3.4.4 Signposts Chapter 4 Presenting the Speech 4.1 Presenting with Appropriate Voice 4.1.1 Speaking with Appropriate Volume 4.1.2 Speaking at a Rate Your Audience Can Follow 4.1.3 Speaking with Vocal Variety 4.1.4 Removing Distracting Habits of Your Vocal Delivery 4.2 Presenting with Good Manners 4.2.1 Being Conscious of Your Appearance 4.2.2 Keeping Eye-contact 4.2.3 Using Facial Expression 4.2.4 Using Gestures or Movement 4.3 Using Visual Aids 4.3.1 Media for Visual Aids 4.3.2 Types of Visual Aids 4.3.3 Tips for Using Visual Aids Chapter 5 Speeches to Inform 5.1 Descriptive Speeches 5.1.1 Speeches Describing People 5.1.2 Speeches Describing Objects 5.1.3 Speeches Describing Places 5.1.4 Speeches Describing Events 5.2 Expository Speeches 5.2.1 Speeches about Process 5.2.2 Speeches about Concepts 5.3 Demonstrative Speeches 5.4 Tips for Informative Speeches 5.4.1 Emphasize Your Purpose to Inform 5.4.2 Make Your Material Clear 5.4.3 Make Your Delivery Interesting 5.4.4 Be Objective 5.5 Sample Speech with Commentary Chapter 6 Speeches to Persuade 6.1 Speeches on Questions of Fact 6.1.1 About Speeches on Questions of Fact 6.1.2 Organizing Speeches on Questions of Fact 6.2 Speeches on Questions of Value 6.2.1 About Speeches on Questions of Value 6.2.2 Organizing Speeches on Questions of Value 6.3 Speeches on Questions of Poliey 6.3.1 About Speeches on Questions of Policy 6.3.2 Organizing Speeches on Questions Of Policy 6.4 Methods of Persuasion 6.4.1 Building Credibility 6.4.2 Using Evidence 6.4.3 Reasoning 6.4.4 Appealing to Emotions 6.5 Sample Speech with Commentary Chapter 7 Speeches in Competitions 7.1 Prepared Speech 7.2 Impromptu Speech 7.3 Question-and-Answer Session 7.4 Debate Appendix : Famous Speeches I Have a Dream / Martin Luther King, Jr. Cultural Programs and the 2008 Olympic Games / Yang Lan Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish / Steve Jobs Yes, We Can / Barack Obama Woman Can Be President of the United States / Miehelle Obama New Prime Minister of UK Theresa May's Inaugural Speech / Theresa May The Threat of Climate Change and the Mission of Universities / Drew Gilpin Faust The Spider's Bite / He Jiang You Are Here for a Reason / Natalie Portman I Was One of the Most Blessed Players on the Planet / Yao Ming Ensure the Safety of Women on Campus / Emma Watson Why Do We Go to School? / Barack Obama The Fringe Benefits of Failure, and the Importance of hnagination / J.K.Rowling Five Ways to Listen Better/Julian Treasure Teach Girls Bravery, Not Perfection / Reshma Saujani Outsmart; Outlast / Darren Tay I See Something/ Dananjaya Hettiarachchi When Socrates Meets Confucius -- An Open Course for Everyone /Chen Yah A Word That Has Changed the World / Peng Peigen Tiny Start, Bumper Harvest / Xu Jiru References

英语公共演讲 作者简介

