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热能与动力工程专业英语 版权信息

热能与动力工程专业英语 本书特色

本书包含了能源与动力工程专业的基础知识和专业知识,介绍了近年来该领域的新发展和新技术。书中正文和阅读材料来源广泛,涉及到的专业英语词汇量多,专业特点突出,内容丰富。全书共分九章,除*章为能源与动力工程专业的基础知 识外,其余八章分别介绍了锅炉、汽轮机、火力发电厂、热工自动化、发电厂集控运行、燃气轮机与联合循环、制冷与空调、环境工程等内容。各章后的阅读材料包括科技写作、专利申请、技术转让、技术规范、投标程序、国际行业标准与规范介绍、项目经营与管理、签证申请、国外大学研究生入学申请、专业人员简历、招聘、单位及转换及常用电力网址等。

热能与动力工程专业英语 内容简介


热能与动力工程专业英语 目录

Chapter 1 Introduction to Thermal Sciences 1.1 Fundamental of Engineering Thermodynamics1.2 Fundamental of Fluid Mechanics 1.3 Fundamental of Heat Transfer Exercises Reading Materials 1. Introductions of MIT’s Mechanical Engineering Department 2. Graduate Admissions and Records3. Letter of Authority of Know-How 4. Certificate for the Transfer of Know-How Words and Expressions Abbreviations Chapter 2 Boiler 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Fuel and Pulverizing System 2.3 Burners and Combustion Systems2.4 System Arrangement and Key Components2.5 On-load Cleaning of Boilers2.6 Energy Balance Exercises Reading Materials1. Steam-water Flow System in a Boiler2. Supercritical and Ultra-supercritical Power Generation Units 3. Spiral Wound UP Boiler for Pulverized Coal Words and Expressions Abbreviations Chapter 3 Steam Turbine 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Casing Construction 3.3 Turbine Blading3.4 Turbine Rotors3.5 Energy Losses and Efficiency 3.6 Reheat and Double-reheat Turbine 3.7 Turbine Application3.8 Design Consideration for Supercritical Cycles Exercises Reading Materials 1. Introduction to ISO 9000 Series of Standards 2. Turbine Monitoring Words and Expressions Abbreviations Chapter 4 Thermal Power Plant 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Modern Steam Power Plant 4.3 Main Systems and Key Components 4.4 Coal Gasification for Power Generation Exercises Reading Materials 1. The BOT Concept2. Units and Conversions3. What is Vision 21?4. Boiler Maintenance ProceduresWords and Expressions Abbreviations Chapter 5 Instrumentation and Process Control5.1 Introduction 5.2 Documentation and Symbols5.3 Essential Boiler Instrumentation and Controls5.4 Steam Turbine Control and Protection SystemExercisesReading Materials 1. Temperature Measurement 2. Types of Flowmeters Words and ExpressionsAbbreviations Chapter 6 Unit System Operation6.1 Introduction 6.2 Basic Control Functions 6.3 Plant Operation from the Control Room 6.4 Burners Operation 6.5 Pressure Operation 6.6 Startup Systems ExercisesReading Material 1 Application for a Temporary Resident Visa 2 How to Apply for a European Patent: A Step-by-step Guide to the Grant Procedure Words and ExpressionsAbbreviations Chapter 7 Gas Turbine and Combined Cycle Power Plant 7.1 Gas Turbine 7.2 Combined Cycle Power Plant ExercisesReading Materials 1 How to Write a SCI Paper 2 Guide for Authors of Energy Words and ExpressionsAbbreviationsChapter 8 Air Conditioning and Refrigeration8.1 Air Conditioning8.2 Refrigeration8.3 CryogenicsExercisesReading Materials1 Advanced Automatic Controls of HVAC&R2 IIR Commissions (www.iifiir.org)Words and ExpressionsAbbreviationsChapter 9 Environmental Control at Thermal Power Plant9.1 Introduction9.2 Reduction Techniques of Sulfur Oxides Emissions9.3 Techniques of Reducing Nitrogen Oxides Emissions9.4 Particulate Matter Abatement Techniques9.5 Dual BurnExercisesReading Materials1. Techniques to Reduce Carbon Dioxide Emissions 2. Heavy Metals from Fly Ash of Thermal Power Plant3. Solar Chimney Power Plant Words and Expressions Abbreviations Appendix: Vocabulary Index. 参考文献

热能与动力工程专业英语 作者简介

