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商务英语阅读教程(2)学生用书 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787544645850
  • 条形码:9787544645850 ; 978-7-5446-4585-0
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

商务英语阅读教程(2)学生用书 内容简介

  《商务英语阅读教程2学生用书(第2版)/新世纪商务英语专业本科系列教材》主要培养学生的阅读理解能力、语言观察能力、逻辑思维能力、跨文化沟通能力、通过阅读获取信息的能力等。本教程把提高学生的阅读技能、培养阅读兴趣、养成阅读习惯和扩大词汇量也作为预设目标。  《商务英语阅读教程2学生用书(第2版)/新世纪商务英语专业本科系列教材》为全国高等学校商务英语专业教学协作组重点推荐教材,由国内商务英语教学专家编写,可供二年级商务英语专业本科生、英语专业商贸方向学生、财经类院校本科生以及各类经管专业本科生使用,同时也可作为大学英语ESP课程以及各类企业培训和社会商务英语爱好者的学习参考书。

商务英语阅读教程(2)学生用书 目录

Unit 1 International Organizations
Part I Pre-readina Questions
Part II Extensive Reading
Text A Roles of Tnternational Organizations in the Global Economy
Text B Story of the International Chamber of Commerce
Part III Reading Skills:因果关系的理解
Part IV Supplementary Reading:What Is the World Trade Organization?
Part V Test Yourself

Unit 2 Telecommunications
Part I Pre-reading Questions
Part II Extensive Reading
Text A The Computer and the Poet
Text B Getting the Message,at Last
Part III Reading Skills:定语从句的理解
Part IV Supplementary Reading:What,No Phone?
Part V Test Yourself

Unit 3 InternationaI Trade
Part I Pre-reading Questions
Part II Extensive Reading
Text A Is Trade Good for America?
Text B The Farm Fight
Part III Reading Skills:”it”的多种用途
Part IV Supplementary Reading:The Great Trade Routes
Part V Test Yourself

Unit 4 Human Resources
Part I Pre-reading Ouestions
Part II Extensive Reading
Text A The World As I See It
Text B The Battle for Brainpower
Part III Reading Skills:主语从句的理解
Part IV Supplementary Reading:Masters of the Universe
Part V Test Yourself

Unit 5 Education
Part I Pre-reading Ouestions
Part II Extensive Reading
Text A Universities and Their Function
Text B GlobaI Degrees
Part III Reading Skills:过去分词的理解
Part IV Supplementary Reading:College Is a Bad Investment
Part V Test Yourself

Unit 6 Travel
Part I Pre-reading Ouestions
Part II Extensive Reading
Text A Enter(Again)the Golden Age of Travel
Text B Tourism and Peace
Part III Reading Skills:通过上下文猜测词义
Part IV Supplementary Reading:Longmen Grottoes(Dragon Gate G rottoes)
Part V Test Yourself

Unit 7 Management
Part I Pre-reading Questions
Part II Extensive Reading
Text A Managers Must Manage
Text B You Can’t Count on Your Employer
Part III Reading Skills:长句的理解
Part IV Supplementary Reading:Four Ways to Make Sure Your Employees Will Leave
Part V Test Yourself

Unit 8 Marketing(I)
Part I Pre—reading Questions
Part II Extensive Reading
Text A Wake—Up Time
Text B The Greatest Salesman in the World
Part III Reading Skills:倒装句型的理解(I)
Part IV Supplementary Reading:Death of a Salesman
Part V Test Yourself

Unit 9 Marketing㈣
Part I Pre-reading Questions
Part II Extensive Readinq
Text A The Secret to Smartphone Marketing Is Still Email
Text B Email Marketing Gets New Persona with AI
Part III Reading Skills:快速泛读、计时阅读、略读和寻读
Part IV Supplementary Reading:Email Subject Lines Can Really Suck and Here’s How to Make Yours Better
Part V Test Yourself

Unit 10 Hi-Tech Companies
Part I Pre-reading Questions
Part II Extensive Readinq
Text A How Far Can Amazon Go?
Text B Apple’s Future——Reluctant Reformation
Part III Reading Skills:猜词法、略读法、查读法和读懂言外之意法
Part IV Supplementary Reading:Telecom Networks—Two Companies
Part V Test Yourself

Unit 11 Logistics
Part I Pre-reading Ouestions
Part II Extensive Readinq
Text A Supply-Chaining
Text B 21st-Century Clippers
Part III Reading Skills:时间状语从句的理解
Part IV Supplementary Reading:Give Globalization a Hand
Part V Test Yourself

Unit 12 Banking
Part I Pre-reading Ouestions
Part II Extensive Readinq
Text A What Is a Bank Really For?
Text B Online Banking,Is It for You?
Part III Reading Skills:省略句的理解
Part IV Supplementary Reading:What Are Central Banks?
Part V Test Yourself

Unit 13 Opulence
Part I Pre—reading Questions
Part II Extensive Readinq
Text A Of the Natural Progress of Opulence
Text B Monetary Policy:A Long Low Note
Part III Reading Skills:英语阅读的一些技巧
Part IV Supplementary Reading:Free Exchange
Part V Test YOLIrself

Unit 14 Investment
Part I Pre—reading Questions
Part II Extensive Readinq
Text A Find What Type of Investment is Right forYou
Text B How Much Should People Pay for Investing in the Stock Market?
Part III Reading Skills:商务英语阅读的词汇特点和阅读模型
Part IV Supplementary Reading:European House Prices Are Finding It Harder to Defy Gravity
Part V Test Yourself

Unit 15 Stock Market
Part I Pre—reading Ouestions
Part II Extensive Readinq
Text A An Introduction to the Stock Market
Text B What Makes Stock Prices GO UD and Down?
Part III Reading Skills:倒装句型的理解(II)
Part IV Supplementary Reading:Warren Buffett:How He Does It
Part V Test Yourself

Unit 16 Insurance
Part I Pre—reading ouestions
Part II Extensive Readinq
Text A The Danger of Lying in Bed
Text B The Fine Print:Insurance
Part III Reading Skills:并列句的理解
Part IV Supplementary Reading:European Insurers Get Some Souped-Up New Regulations
Part V Test Yourself
Appendix:Key to Test Yourself