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2015中国农业发展报告 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787109215856
  • 条形码:9787109215856 ; 978-7-109-21585-6
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

2015中国农业发展报告 本书特色

2015年是“五个第十二年”的结束战役,其中农 业 发展面临国内外深刻变化。虽然 工业已实现稳定的 生产和粮食产量的增加,连续几年,风险 和结构性矛 盾的聚集,包括有限的农业资源, 生态环境的恶化, 带来的挑战,农村的变化 农业生产结构、农业生产结 构失衡、农业生产结构不平衡 国内外农产品价格倒置 的比较与分析?br/> 由中华人民共和国农业部主编的《2015中国农业 发展报告(英文版)》介绍了2014年中国农业发展状况 ,农业和农业政策,及农业发展与国民经济、农业发 展趋势?br/>

2015中国农业发展报告 内容简介

2015年是“五个第十二年”的结束战役,其中农业发展面临国内外深刻变化。虽然工业已实现稳定的生产和粮食产量的增加,连续几年,风险和结构性矛盾的聚集,包括有限的农业资源,生态环境的恶化,带来的挑战,农村的变化农业生产结构、农业生产结构失衡、农业生产结构不平衡国内外农产品价格倒置的比较与分析。 由中华人民共和国农业部主编的《2015中国农业发展报告(英文版)》介绍了2014年中国农业发展状况,农业和农业政策,及农业发展与国民经济、农业发展趋势。

2015中国农业发展报告 目录

ForewordExecutive SummaryAgricultural Development in 2014 General Situation Crop Production Animal Husbandry Veterinary Services Fishery Land Reclamation Agricultural Mechanization Crop Seed Industry Agro-product Prices and Market Agro-product Imports and Exports Rural Residents' Income and Consumption State Funds for Agriculture Agricultural Comprehensive Development Poverty Alleviation and Development Feed Industry Grassland Protection and Construction Protection of Aquatic Life Resources Industrialized Operations of Agriculture Agro-processing Leisure Agriculture Crop Disease and Pest Prevention and Control Development of Agricultural Product Market System Agricultural Informatization Agro-product Quality and Safety Control Development of National Modem Agriculture Demonstration Areas Agro-science Research, Popularization and Education Development of Agriculture and Rural Talents Development of Agricultural Administrative Capacity Agricultural Disasters Sustainable Development of Agriculture International Agricultural Cooperation and ExchangesAgriculture and Rural Policy in 2014 General Evaluation State Financial Support for Agriculture Rural Land Contract Management Rights Verification and Registration Rural Collective Assets and Financial Management Reducing Farmers' Burdens Development of moderate scale management Promoting Rural Comprehensive Reform Development of Rural Reform Pilot Zones Reform of Rural Collective Property Rights System Promoting Development of Farmers' Cooperatives Deepening Systemic Reform of the Seed Industry Deepening Rural Financial Reform Agricultura! Products Market Regulation Reform and Construction of Grassroots-level Agricultural Technology Popularization System Transfer of Rural Labor Force Agricultural LegislationAgricultural Development and National Economy in 2014 General Evaluation Contribution of Agricultural to National Economy Agriculture and Distribution of National Income Proportional relationship between Industrial and Agricultural Development Income Gap between Urban and Rural Residents Consumption Disparity between Urban and Rural Residents Differences in Regional Economic DevelopmentTrend of Agricultural Development in 2014 Development Goals and Tasks Conditions for Agricultural Development Projection of Agricultural Development TrendFigures Figure 1 Acreages of Different Crops in 2000 and 2014 Figure 2 Total Output of Grain from 1998 to 2014 Figure 3 Total Output of Cotton from 1998 to 2014 Figure 4 Total Output of Oil-bearing Crops from 1998 to 2014 Figure 5 Total Output of Sugar-bearing Crops from 1998 to 2014 Figure 6 Total Output of Fruits from 1998 to 2014 Figure 7 Total Output of Meat from 1998 to 2014 Figure 8 Total Output of Aquatic Products from 1998 to 2014 Figure 9 Monthly Wholesale Prices of Pork, Silver Carp and Vegetables in 2014 Figure 10 Producer Price Indices of Farm Products and Price Indices of Means of Agricultural Production from 1998 to 2014 Figure 11 Usage and Price Indices of Chemical Fertilizers from 1998 to 2014 Figure 12 Monthly Retail Prices of Urea in 2014 Figure 13 Usage and Retail Price Indices of Pesticides from 1998 to 2014 Figure 14 Output and Imports of Chemical Fertilizers from 1998 to 2014 Figure 15 Urban and Rural Consumer Price Indices from 1998 to 2014 Figure 16 Agro-product Exports in Proportion to National Total from 1998 to 2014 Figure 17 Agro-product Imports in Proportion to National Total from 1998 to 2014 Figure 18 Imports and Exports of Grain (excluding soybeans) from 1998 to 2014 Figure 19 Average Per Capita Living Expenses of Rural Residents from 1998 to 2014 Figure 20 The Number of Enterprises Engaged in Processing Agricultural Products in 2013 and 2014 Figure 21 The Profits of Enterprises Engaged in Processing Agricultural Products in 2013 and 2014 Figure 22 Acreages of Disaster-hit Farmland (10 percent loss or more)from 1998 to 2014 Figure 23 Acreages of Disaster-hit Farmland (30 percent loss or more)from 1998 to 2014 Figure 24 Agricultural Values Added in Proportion to GDP from 1998 to 2014 Figure 25 Values of Rural Retail Sales of Consumer Goods in Proportion to National Total from 1998 to 2014 Figure 26 Income of Urban and Rural Residents from 1998 to 2014 157 Figure 27 Average Per Capita Net Income of Rural Residents in 2014 (by Provinces,Autonomous Regions and Municipalities)Columns Column 1 Regional Arrangement Plan for Agricultural Products with Characteristics(2013 to 2020) Column 2 Create High output and output-increasing models Column 3 Accomplishment of Soil Fertility Investigation of Cultivated Land and Quality Assessment Column 4 Clear up Fishing Nets with Tiny Mesh Column 5 Promote Reform on Enterprises, Develop Global Grain Dealer Column 6 The Law on the Promotion of Agricultural Mechanization has came into effect for ten years with remarkable effects Column 7 Election of China's Top Ten Heroes in Seed Industry Column 8 Carry out Improvement of Staple Food Processing Industry Column 9 Protection and Management of Globally Important Agricultural Cultural Heritage Column 10 Demonstration and Construction Activity of Leisure Agriculture Column 11 The Communication Meeting of Urban Modem Agriculture and "Vegetable Basket"Project Held in 2014 Column 12 Information enters villages, gains popularity among farmers Column 13 The Funding Project of National Top 10 Farmers Column 14 Agricultural Product Target Price Reform Pilot ProgramAppendix Table 1 Status of Rural Economy in National Economy Table 2 Output Values of Crop Plantation, Forestry, Husbandry and Fishery(in current-year prices) Table 3 Material Conditions for Agricultural Production Table 4 Crop Acreage Table 5 Natural Disasters Table 6 Output of Major Farm Produce Table 7 Livestock, Poultry and Aquatic Farming Table 8 Major Economic Indicators of Agricultural Products Processing Industry Table 9 Supply, Demand and Prices of Rice Table 10 Supply, Demand and Prices of Wheat Table 11 Supply, Demand and Prices of Corn Table 12 Supply, Demand and Prices of Soybeans Table l3 Output, Imports and Exports of Grain and Edible Vegetable Oil Table 14 Output, Import and Export of Cotton and Sugar Table 15 Production, Consumption, Import and Export of Pork Table 16 Production, Imports and Prices of Chemical Fertilizers and Pesticides Table 17 Per Capita Income of Urban and Rural Residents Table 18 Per Capita Spending of Urban and Rural Residents Table 19 Price Indices Table 20 Producer Price Indices of Farm Products Table 21 Classified Retail Price Indices in Urban and Rural Areas Table 22 Wholesale Prices of "Vegetable Basket" Products Table 23 State Revenue and Expenditure Table 24 Production and Management of Contracted Rural Land Table 25 Household Size and the labor situation in Rural Areas in 2014 (each rural house holds) Table 26 Enterprises, Labor Force and Farmland per Village in 2014Postscript