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环太平洋地区政治经济背景下的企业家作用 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787305133305
  • 条形码:9787305133305 ; 978-7-305-13330-5
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
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环太平洋地区政治经济背景下的企业家作用 本书特色


环太平洋地区政治经济背景下的企业家作用 内容简介


环太平洋地区政治经济背景下的企业家作用 目录

The Role of Entrepreneurship on the Political Economy in the Pacific Rim Joel Glassman, Masato Kimura and Shuming Zhao
Section One--The Education of Entrepreneurs
1. Contemporary Entrepreneurship Education and Training in the United States John Norton, University of Missouri--Kansas City
2. A Study of the Education and Training of Entrepreneurs in China : Challenges and Opportunities Shuming Zhao and Chunyan Jiang, Nanjing University
3. Economic Modernization and Diffusion of Business Education in Early-Modern Japan :Shibusawa Eiichi and Yokohama Senior Commercial School Ryutaro Yamafuji, Yokohama City University
4. The Education and Training of Entrepreneurs in South Korea : How to Improve the Current Courses in Universities? Park Hyun Chae, Chonnam National University
Section Two Entrepreneurs and Regional Economies
5. Japan's Network "Stickiness" Problem, Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Development, and Growth and Competition in Asia Kathryn Ibata-Arens, DePaul University
6. Regional Network Development and Entrepreneurship in Japanese Localities: A Study of Japan's Hirosaki District Emiko Shinozaki, Hitotsubashi University and Japan Finance CorporationIntroduction
The Role of Entrepreneurship on the Political Economy in the Pacific Rim Joel Glassman, Masato Kimura and Shuming Zhao
Section One--The Education of Entrepreneurs
1. Contemporary Entrepreneurship Education and Training in the United States John Norton, University of Missouri--Kansas City
2. A Study of the Education and Training of Entrepreneurs in China : Challenges and Opportunities Shuming Zhao and Chunyan Jiang, Nanjing University
3. Economic Modernization and Diffusion of Business Education in Early-Modern Japan :Shibusawa Eiichi and Yokohama Senior Commercial School Ryutaro Yamafuji, Yokohama City University
4. The Education and Training of Entrepreneurs in South Korea : How to Improve the Current Courses in Universities? Park Hyun Chae, Chonnam National University
Section Two Entrepreneurs and Regional Economies
5. Japan's Network "Stickiness" Problem, Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Development, and Growth and Competition in Asia Kathryn Ibata-Arens, DePaul University
6. Regional Network Development and Entrepreneurship in Japanese Localities: A Study of Japan's Hirosaki District Emiko Shinozaki, Hitotsubashi University and Japan Finance Corporation
7. High-Performance Work Systems, Corporate Entrepreneurship , and Firm Performance: The Moderating Role of Dysfunctional Competition An Empirical Study of Firms in Fifteen National High-Tech Development Zones in China Chunyan Jiang, Nanjing University; Yina Mao, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
8. Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development : Korean Perspective Sangmoon Park, Kangwon National University
Section Three--Socio-Eeonomie and Political Forces Shaping Pacific Rim Growth in the 21st Century
9. From the World Trade Organization to the Trans-Pacific Partnership: China's Rise, Globalization, and American Domestic Politics Hiroki Takeuchi, Southern Methodist University
10. The Social Entrepreneur: Tackling the World's Toughest Problems Through Innovation Sarah Smith Orr, Claremont McKenna College
Joel Glassman, Masato Kimura and Shuming Zhao

环太平洋地区政治经济背景下的企业家作用 作者简介

格拉斯曼,Joel Glassman,政治学博士,密苏里–圣路易斯大学学协理教务处长; Masato Kimura,日本Shibusawa Eiichi纪念基金高级研究主管; 赵曙明,南京大学商学院教授、博士生导师
