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职场英语读写教程-4 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787040420906
  • 条形码:9787040420906 ; 978-7-04-042090-6
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

职场英语读写教程-4 本书特色

课文选材广泛、短小精悍、体裁多样,材料新颖,非常具有时代感、知识性、实用性和趣味性,兼顾人文、社会、科普、文化、技能、应用等多种多样的内容体系,以达到独立学院、高职高专的通用性。教学内容丰富多彩,练习形式简洁实用,为教师根据实际需要选择教学内容、制定个性化的教学方案提供方便。本教程集语言和文化、知识和技能于一体,语言规范、循序渐进,方便教学,有利于学生打下较为扎实的英语语言基础、培养综合的英语语言运用能力。每一单元选有同一话题的text a、b、c三篇文章,text a和b可作为精读课文,text c可作为泛读课文和该单元所介绍的阅读技巧的练习材料。三篇同一话题的文章可以帮助学生反复记忆,加深、巩固和掌握该话题的知识。

职场英语读写教程-4 内容简介

  《职场英语读写教程(4)》共8个单元。每单元有:  (1)围绕同一话题的3篇课文,TextA、TextB和TextC,学生通过阅读这些文章,能对一个话题从不同的角度理解,从而扩大知识面;  (2)阅读技巧讲座(Reading Skills),介绍一种阅读技巧,讲座简明扼要,重点突出,例题与讲解相结合,学与练相结合;  (3)实用写作,介绍一种应用文的写作要求和方法;  (4)练习,包括词汇、语法练习、阅读理解练习、英汉互译练习、阅读技巧练习和实用写作练习,用于检测理解能力,巩固学习成果。

职场英语读写教程-4 目录

Unit 1 Cross-cultural Perspectives of Business Abroad
Text A Is Your Business International?
Text B How to Give a Presentation in the Local Language
Text C Your Secret Weapon in Business: Culture

Unit 2 Marketing Strategy
Text A Market Strategies
Text B DeVelop a Marketing Strategy
Text C How to Let Web Design Drive Your Marketing Strategy

Unit 3 Consumer Behavior
Text A Nine Needs That Shape Consumer Behavior
Text B Six Emotions That Make Customers Buy
Text C How One Brand Builds Customer Loyalty in Ten Feet and Ten Seconds

Unit 4 Insurance and Banking
Text A Four Banking Tips for New Small Businesses
Text B The Importance of Business Insurance
Text C How to Choose a Bank Account: Ten Things to Look for

Unit 5 Contract
Text A How to Write a Business Contract
Text B Should You Sign an Employment Contract?
Text C Importance of Written Business Contracts: Laws and Negotiations

Unit 6 Success
Text A The Top 5 Actions That Promote Career Success
Text B Eight Proactive Principles for Achieving Success
Text C Five Ways to Sell Yourself and Your Business Without Feeling Slimy

Unit 7 Job Hunting
Text A A Year-By-Year Guide to Job Hunting During College
Text B Best Job Hunting Tips
Text C Job Hunting? Avoid This 60-Second Mistake

Unit 8 Interview
Text A Job Interview Etiquette
Text B Stand Out in Your Interview
Text C Ten Job Interview Questions You Should Ask

Appendix I Background, Language Points and Translation
Appendix II Keys to the Exercises
Appendix III Glossary