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心灵的回归:北京的未来在你我手中-(英文版) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787510426346
  • 条形码:9787510426346 ; 978-7-5104-2634-6
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

心灵的回归:北京的未来在你我手中-(英文版) 本书特色

这是一部有关城市可持续发展和环保题材的口述实录。作者通过采访生活在中国(尤其是首都北京)的普通人的所思所想、所作所为,以外国人的视角观察、反思当下的中国社会。作者笔下的这些人虽然没有口吐莲花的口才,也未必有轰轰烈烈的事迹,但他们却是让这个国家发生深刻变革的实干家和亲历者 – 正是这千千万万的普通人每天辛勤而又创造性的劳作,才让所有的美好梦想有可能变成现实。这本书真实反映了一个复杂而变革的发展中大国在追求低碳、环保、健康、可持续的生活方式所付出的种种不懈努力。

心灵的回归:北京的未来在你我手中-(英文版) 内容简介


心灵的回归:北京的未来在你我手中-(英文版) 目录

Introduction Navigating East/West Dialogue: China and the U.S. Acknowledgements Mac Fan, the Everyman Little Donkey Farm, Creating Farm to Fork, Step by Step Yang Ke, A Platform for Public Dialogue Jim Spear, Sustainable Tourism, Building Design and the 21st Century Village Professor He Huili, the Rice Professor from China Agriculture University Wang Zhiqin, Taiji Rouliqiu Teacher, Connecting to Nature, Naturally Therese Zhang Zhimin, Human Beings and Nature, and the Art of Agriculture Yang Jing, Kites and Culture, Balancing the Traditional and the Fresh Betsy Damon, Visionary for a Living Water Sustainable Future Beijing as a Sustainable Society Resources Glossary Notes Credits for Illustrations

心灵的回归:北京的未来在你我手中-(英文版) 作者简介

谭思婷(Stephanie B. Tansey),地球社区网(Earth Charter Communities Network)理事长。地球社区网(ECCN)是一家在美国注册的社会企业,致力于帮助社区与大自然展开合作。ECCN秉承关于可持续发展的国际原则,挖掘深层文化价值观,培养个人的对话技巧,以培育善于构建可持续社区的世界公民。为了给下一代可持续城市提供力量和智慧,ECCN目前正在美国和中国为学校、非政府组织和公立机构设计合作性自然教育项目与课程。 谭思婷1949年生于东京。她在关西地区生活多年,她的房子由弗兰克·劳埃德·莱特(Frank Lloyd Wright)的弟子所建,非常别致,体现了居家与自然的完美结合。父母和学校教育向谭思婷展示了跨文化尊严的价值。她曾就读于多所大学,寻求各种途径将自己的亚洲文化体验与美国文化气质结合起来,随后她师从一位主班教师,学习如何在教育的现有社会基础上实现变革,借此她将二者熔为一炉。1992年,谭思婷和丈夫鲍勃(当时是一位美国外交官)以及两个孩子开始在国外生活。自此,跨文明对话与教育成了她终生的事业。1994,谭思婷在北京创办了一所双语国际学校,培养有志于成为世界公民的学生,该校名为“合作学习新校”,一直办到2004年。2003年的伊拉克战争使她意识到,世界确实需要更善于对话。为此,她设计了对话技巧课程,内容包括自制、世界公民、与自然对话以及在土库曼斯坦、以色列和尼日利亚构建社区。事实证明这些课程非常高效。谭思婷2010年回到中国,她坚信,开展个人和社区教育,提高其意识和技能,将会创造一个可持续发展的全球社会。 Stephanie B. Tansey is the director of Earth Charter Communities Network (ECCN), a new social enterprise registered in the U.S., dedicated to helping communities collaborate with nature. ECCN uses international principles on sustainability, deep cultural values, and the cultivation of personal dialogue skills to nurture global citizens who are adept at building sustainable communities. To generate the energy and wisdom for the next generation of sustainable cities, ECCN is designing collaborative nature education projects and programs in the U.S. and China for schools, NGOs and the public sector. Born in Tokyo in 1949, Stephanie lived in the Kansai area for many years in a wonderful house built by a disciple of Frank Lloyd Wright that beautifully integrated home and nature. Her parents and schooling were instrumental in showing her the value of intercultural dignity. She attended universities to find ways now to integrate her cultural experiences in Asia with her American cultural ethos and then ways to create change in existing social foundations of education. In 1992 she and her husband Bob, then an American diplomat, and their two children, began a life abroad. Intercivilizational dialogue and education became her life's work. Stephanie founded an international bilingual school in Beijing, the New School of Collaborative Learning (1994-2004), whose mission was to nurture students who want to be global citizens. Because of the Iraq War in 2003 she realized the world really needed to become better at dialogue. She developed highly effective and tested dialogue skills curricula nested in self-mastery, global citizenship, dialogue with nature and community building in Turkmenistan, Israel, and Nigeria. Back in China since 2010, Stephanie believes that empowerment of individuals and communities will create a sustainable global society.
