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双解实用机械英语 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787802439979
  • 条形码:9787802439979 ; 978-7-80243-997-9
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

双解实用机械英语 本书特色

     姜鹤编著的《双解实用机械英语》中每个单元由四个部分(section)组成,分别是机械英语对话演练、机械短文双解、语法精讲和全文综合练习部分。藉此令专业英语学习循序深入,令词汇、语法、术语巧妙结合,丰富多彩。 机械短文在一个版面中进行英、汉两种文字排版,译文、分析与课文并行相随,专业词汇与音标附在课文后部。英语基础佳者可以直接畅读左侧英文;弱者可以边读左侧英文边看右侧解析,依照点拨徐徐前行。 本教材专业图片量多质好,并配以双语说明,为理论性的诠释提供了生动立体实例,展现了所叙设备的实况或操作方法。

双解实用机械英语 内容简介

     姜鹤编著的《双解实用机械英语》是职业教育国家规划教材,严格依据劳动部提出的“职业教育的英语教学要为专业课服务” 的宗旨并结合广大职教生英语实际状况,由长期教学工作在东北老工业基地职教城一线的教师亲笔编撰而成。 《双解实用机械英语》的主要内容包括:车床、铣床的结构及使用方法、工业材料的选择与加工、机械元件的类型与制造、测量技术与台面工具的使用、数控技术的编程和应用等。全书共设16个单元,每个单元包括机械对话篇、阅读理解篇、语法精讲篇和扩展训练篇等部分,其*大优势是考虑了职校学生英语基础薄弱的特点,为每篇课文进行了双解(解析译文,解析语法),使其成为一本无障碍读物。本教材既可作为中、高等职业学校机械类专业的英语教材:亦可成为相关行业的岗位培训手册或自学用书。

双解实用机械英语 目录

unit 1 世界机械工程史 section one dialogue i'm fond of my major section two reading history of mechanical engineering in the world section three grammar 定语从句 (一) section four exercisesunit 2机械工程制图 section one dialogue do you like engifleering drawing c1ass? section two reading mectlanical engineering drawing section three grammar 定语从句(二) section four exercisesunit 3初加工工艺 section one dialogue i want to visit a steelwoeks section two reading primary processes section three grammar 定语从句(三) section four exercisesunit 4精加工工艺 section one dialogue would yoll mind moving on to amother job? section two reading secondary processes section three grammar 被动语态(一) section four exercisesunit 5金属材料的类型 section one dialogue where are all metals found section tw0 reading types of metal materials section three grammar 被动语态(二) section four exercisesunit 6机器元件 section one dialogue lubricants belong to machine elements section two reading machine elemenlts section three grammar 被动语态(三) section four exercisesunit 7 切螺纹 section one dialogue cherish your screws and bolts! section two reading metal threading section three grammar 被动语态(四) section four exercisesunit 8 金属加工 section one dialogue tell me what's metalworking section tw0 reading metalworkiⅱg section three grammar 被动语态(五) section four exercisesunit 9 车床 section one dialogue this lathe picture is too old to see clearly! section two reading lathe section three grammar 被动语态(六) sectl0n four exercisesunit 10 铣床 section one dialogue may i have a refund on the milling machine? section two reading milling machine section three grammar 被动语态(七) section four exercisesunit 11 切割工具 section one dialogue he's making power saws section two reading cut-off tools section three grammar 分词(一) section four exercisesunit 12 热处理工艺 section one dialogue it's has gone through the heat treatment section two reading heat treatment processes section three gr ammar 分词(二) section four exercisesunit 13 测量 section one dialogue i want something plainer section two reading measurement section three grammar 分词(三) section four exercisesunit 14数控机床概述 section one dialogue you are so coiderate! section two reading numerjcal control machine section three grammar 分词(四) section four exercisesunit 15数控车床的结构 section one dialogue i'm afraid they couldn't section two readrng the structure of a cnc lathe section three grammar 分词(五) section four exercisesunit 16数控车床的操作 section one dialogue why halven't i figured out? section two reading cnc lathe operacion(1) section three grammar 分词(六) section four exercises各单元练习题(section four)答案参考文献